Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Kountze Sasquatch Hits Hunter With Yaupon Bush


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Angry Texas Bigfoot targets frustration at hunter

Kountze Sasquatch Hits Hunter With Yaupon Bush

Phillip Z. writes RMSO
 My sighting took place in 1990 I was 17 then. my brother,19 younger uncle 18 and I went hunting on a piece of property a older uncle and his friend had leased for hunting in kountze tx.  they had 3 stand locations on the property of 350 acres one box stand at one end of property that had alot of old hardwoods one ladder tree stand located pretty close in the center of the property that had a large thick yaupon thicket on the east side of stand. 

 This location you could only hunt the road, to thick to see into the woods. the other stand was on other end of property it was a ground box stand it set on a small hill surrounding this stand was swampy type land. 

 We went in for a evening hunt. I set at the tree stand my brother went to the box stand in the hard woods and my uncle went to the swampy box stand. I remember these woods where silent of birds squirrels really any life. I also notice the corn had just piled below feeder nothing eating it. same situation at the other stands. 

 It was 1hr are so from sunset when I heard a crashing noise come from the yaupon thicket it was close 50yrds. I ready my rifle 270 and figured I had some pigs coming towards me. then I heard a low growl which spooked me I then knew it was not a hog. a few minutes went by without any sound and i heard brush crashing again except this time a large piece of a yaupon Bush came flying out it bounced off the ladder on the stand that really spooked me. 

 Then a yell so loud i could feel it. It was like part elk, part women terrible sound and another larger piece of yaupon came flying out and struck me in my legs.  I was no longer spooked but scared shitless at this point. still couldnt see a thing in the yaupon thicket so I slung my rifle and slid down the ladder hauling ass towards my uncle in the swampy box stand. 

 When I arrived he was clearly spooked by the yells he could hear them. we had no idea what made those noises. we knew a big cat could make some hair raising sounds, no way near what we heard. its getting dark now and we are wanting to head to the truck as we stepped out of the box stand we heard something large running through the water.

 100% sure it was bipedal sounded like dropping boulders in the water, very large. my uncle fired a shot into a tree about 50yrds away in the direction of the sound. we left those woods when we made it to the truck, my brother was already there. we started telling what had happened all he said was I know just get out of here now.

 I personally never went back to those woods, my younger uncle and brother did and something basically chased them out. I question my older uncle why he stopped hunting the property after spending all that money on the lease stands feeders. he laughed and told me what I heard, he saw while setting on box blind in the hardwood. he said it was very dark haired and over 8ft tall. 

He and his friend never went back left everything in those woods. I've hunting all over several states now I'm 48 and I have never encountered or heard anything like I did that day.

RMSO responds
Hi Phillip
Thank you for sending us your experience.
Did your brother see the creature the same day you heard it?
How far was it from him and did he see any other details, face, eyes, width or weight estimate.

Example of deer feeder in southeast Texas 
(Bigfoot sighting location) Source Link:

my brother heard but says he never seen it. my older uncle willie did see it walking away from him  he said it was as tall as his deer feeder on pipe legs and 55 gallon drum so some where's around 8 ft+ large animal dark blackish hair 

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