Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com
Sasquatch Ducks Head as Creature Disappears Into Oak Brush
Truck Driver Spots Bigfoot Trapper's Loop
its been maybe 9 years i was driving a 10 wheel dump truck thru mt.green over to eden using trappers loop making 5 to 6 trips there and back, one trip i seen big foot only for a second he quickly ran into the trees, semis your up a little higher so you see more then you would from a car, i know what i saw, believe or don't .
RMSO responds
Wow that is cool. I know of other folks that have saw bigfoot in that area. Did you get a height on him? Did you see his color or see any details of the creature even though the sighting was only for a second or so?
How long ago did this happen? Time of day & time of year?
he had to duck his head or it would of been above the scrub oak,
it was around the fall, and after noon, Im thinking about 9 years ago, I seen a moose and its calf in the same area but it wasnt them i seen people tried to tell me it was, I looked it up about sightings in Utah and back then right there was the highest sightings in Utah
and i can tell you that the Paterson film must be real cuz same posture
Thanks for the additional details. I know people personally that have saw bigfoot near the same area as you did.
More Utah Bigfoot
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Trappers Loop Sasquatch Spotted by Trucker