Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Remarkable Events Sasquatch Canyon

Epic Bigfoot Expedition in context. 
The month leading up to this expedition ,our findings on return expeditions.

1st video is Epic Bigfoot Expedition. 
The team agrees is best day Bigfooting
80 minute video.

Month leading up to Epic Expedition.

Brody & Kelly find the largest footprint found to date.

Weeks after the Epic Bigfoot Expedition 
Mike & Kelly hear something walking around them, 
smell rank body odor & capture its eye shine on a IR night vision camera.

Couple months later 
Jenny & Kelly find Bigfoot track snow.

Full length expedition, find tracks in the snow, 
hear conversations on ice & snow covered cliffs. 
Something runs up mountain, hides from them.

Breakdown of creature ran & hid from team near 
bigfoot shaped footprints in the snow.

Week later come back with Brody to 
check the mountain side where this creature ran & hid

Two weeks later another follow up with Derek, Jenny & Kelly
Find 19 inch tracks in the snow.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Large Footprints in Snow Sasquatch Canyon Creature Runs From Researchers

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Huge Bigfoot Tracked in Sasquatch Canyon

Large Footprints in Snow Sasquatch Canyon 
Creature Runs from Researchers

Sasquatch Canyon Bigfoot Tracks in Snow Video

 Creature Running Up Mountain & Hiding Near Track-way in Snow

Full Track-way Discovery Expedition Video

Follow-up Expedition Week After Track-way Discovery
 More Footprints & Ground Nest Discovered

Large Hand-print Another Track-way in Snow
 Two Week Follow-up Expedition 

Special Newsweek Edition


Order now 9.99

Friday, November 13, 2015

Scientific Study Bigfoot Skeleton

Cover from next video below
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Sasquatch Science & Study of the 
Elusive Giant Known as Bigfoot

 Dr Jeff Meldrum's team enlarges a Neanderthal skeleton then 3-D prints it. Creating an 8 foot tall Bigfoot size skeleton.
This project may answer some questions about Bigfoot & certainly will create more.

Bigfoot Captured 3-D Printing a Bigfoot Skeleton (History)

More Bigfoot Below

Bigfoot Captured on Camera near Winter Road Ontario

Bigfoot Characteristics of 
Ontario Sasquatch Captured on Video

Adygea Sasquatch Captured on Video

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Vocalizations Sasquatch Canyon

Artist Rendition Cover Photo
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Vocalizations on Video & Bigfoot Sightings in Sasquatch Canyon

Video of Sasquatch Canyon Vocalization
Vocalizations Sasquatch Canyon

Campers Stalked by Bigfoot Sasquatch Canyon

Structure at Bigfoot Sighting Location

Derek's 1st look of Structure at 77 Bigfoot sighting location

Eye shine video near structure during night investigation

Eye shine video a couple of miles away from 77 Bigfoot sighting

Bigfoot track way in snow near eye shine incident

Breakdown of Creature Hiding from us Near Footprints found Above

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Artist Recreation of Deadwood Sasquatch
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Aggressive Sasquatch in Ghost Town on Border of River of No Return

 After reading the three Bigfoot sighting reports by 5 witnesses in 24 hours we had to go to Deadwood.
Because of the Bigfoot sightings surrounding this location we already knew it was a Bigfoot sighting hotspot. It is surrounded by The River of no return wilderness, Challis National Forest & Salmon National Forest. Twice the size of Yellowstone National Park. Over 4.5 million acres of untouched primitive forest for a Bigfoot to live un-molested by man kind.
Prolog on location of the Bigfoot sightings.
Helicopter Log Crew Harassed by Sasquatch
1st Bigfoot sighting
2nd Bigfoot sighting
Location of 3rd Bigfoot sighting
Full Bigfoot expedition to Deadwood October
Next 3 videos full Bigfoot expeditions to Deadwood
Hike to Logging Boss Bigfoot sighting
Bigfoot Investigation of Deadwood at Night
Drive to Deadwood
Search for Bigfoot in Deadwood from the air
Drive from Cascade to Deadwood

Friday, October 23, 2015

Aggressive Sasquatch Like Creature Hunting People in South Montana

Cover is an artist rendition
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  For over a century an aggressive Wild-man creature has been stalking the woods of South Montana. Descriptions of the creature most would consider to be Bigfoot.
 Reports of it attacking & occasional killing people have been passed around by Native Americans & early settlers.

 Recent missing persons & deaths under mysterious circumstances brings up the question. 
 (Is a deadly descendant of a Wild-man or Bigfoot stalking the remote Montana wilderness?)

Bauman's Deadly Bigfoot Encounter in the Bitterroots

Sasquatch Tracks & Structure at Deadly Bauman Bigfoot Location

Chief Joseph Bigfoot near Famous Bauman Sasquatch Location

Bear Mouth Montana Wild-man Attack

Bigfoot Takes Food from Montana Cabin

Modern day Baumann report

Search for South Montana man, found dead of unusual circumstances.

Late President Teddy Roosevelt's report of close friends deadly encounter with a Wildman.

Expedition & discovery of Bauman's deadly Bigfoot location

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Gamecams Relocated to Recent Bigfoot Encounter

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After a recent Bigfoot sighting by an archery hunter RMSO collects game cameras in the area & move them closer to the new Bigfoot sighting location.
Cameras collected at night in order to get them moved to the newest sighting ASAP.

Collecting Game Cameras at Night to Move
To Recent Bigfoot Sighting

Here is a small example of what RMSO finds & experiences in this Bigfoot sighting hot spot.
Local ranchers have told RMSO they believe these canyons are haunted.

Sasquatch Canyon 17 by 7 inch Bigfoot shape foot prints in snow

Eyeshine October Sasquatch Canyon Expedition

In the same general area RMSO filmed the foot prints in the snow, something runs up the mountain & hides from RMSO investigators. Derek points out the subject in the video below.

Sasquatch Canyon Suspect Bigfoot Break Down of Video

Two Sets of Bigfoot Trackways Sasquatch Canyon

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sasquatch Canyon Bigfoot Expedition with Conner Shaw

40 minute Bigfoot expedition video in to one of RMSO most productive research locations. We service game cameras & take a good look around Sasquatch Canyon.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Wild Dolphin asks Divers for Help - Video Included

We are surrounded by many very intelligent creatures with empathy & understanding here on our planet. No reason to speculate about intelligent life forms on other planets. They already live with us  here on planet Earth.

Wild Dolphin asks Divers for Help

Unexplained Creatures Below

Sasquatch, Strange Creature &
Lake Monster Captured on Camera

Many Different Sasquatch Like Creatures on Camera
in Several Bigfoot Sighting Hotspots

Amazing Opeepeesway Lake Bigfoot Video

It looks like Chewbacca!

The young boy exclaims it looks like Chewbacca!

Bigfoot sighting report from the East gate of Yellowstone.


Saturday, October 3, 2015

Eyes of Creature Stalking RMSO Sasquatch Canyon

We Smell & Hear Something Walking Around Us in Sasquatch Canyon

 It was disturbing when we returned home from this Bigfoot expedition to find eye-shine very close to us at the same time we could smell & hear something walking around us.

Half Speed Highlight Clip of Creatures Eyes Stalking RMSO

Full length Bigfoot expedition of creatures eyes stalking us

Derek's breakdown video of the eye-shine

Friday, October 2, 2015

Plans for two supercolliders, China could be the collider capital of the world.

The 27-kilometre Large Hadron Collider at CERN could soon be overtaken as the world's largest particle smasher by a proposed Chinese machine. 

For decades, Europe and the United States have led the way when it comes high-energy particle colliders. But a proposal by China that is quietly gathering momentum has raised the possibility that the country could soon position itself at the forefront of particle physics

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Farmer Uncovers Wooly Mammoth Bones near Chelsea Michigan

Michigan Has a Lot of Bigfoot activity & Used to Be Home to Mammoths

A farmer near Chelsea made a startling discovery Monday night:
Bones of a woolly mammoth possibly butchered by 
early human hunters thousands of years ago.

Full story

Bigfoot Activity in Michigan

Indiana Bigfoot Captured on Camera 
10 Miles From Michigan Border

Michigan Bigfoot Captured on Video near Cave & Waterfall

Sasquatch on Video Crossing Michigan River
Carrying Infant Bigfoot

Teddy Roosevelt & Bauman's Deadly Bigfoot Encounter Bitterroot

The Teddy Roosevelt Bigfoot Story

 One of the most famous Bigfoot encounters in history.
President Teddy Roosevelt writes about his friend Bauman & his deadly Bigfoot encounter in the Bitterroot Forest along the boarder of Montana & Idaho.

It took several expeditions over several years for RMSO to find the stretch of canyon Bauman was trapping, when his partner was killed by what many today believe is Bigfoot.

On location of Bauman's encounter.
Bauman's Deadly Bigfoot Encounter on Location

More on Roosevelt & the Bauman/Bigfoot incident.

Expedition to Bauman's Deadly Bigfoot Encounter Location

Sasquatch Tracks & Structure at
Deadly Bauman Bigfoot Location

Chief Joseph Bigfoot
 #MontanaBigfoot #IdahoSasquatch
People like ourselves have existed on earth for vast periods of time, going back many millions of years.
Over the past two centuries, archaeologists have found bones, footprints, and artifacts showing that people like ourselves have existed on earth for vast periods of time, going back many millions of years. But many scientists have forgotten or ignored these remarkable discoveries. Primarily because they contradict the now dominant views about human origins and antiquity.
Michael Cremo is interviewed about his archeological discoveries and the cover up of the scientific community. Cremo gives several examples of archeological evidence that has been suppressed by the establishment in the name of “scientific conformity”.
Michael A. Cremo is researcher in the history of archeology. He is a member of the World Archaeological Congress and the European Association of Archaeologists. Cremo is the principal author of the book Forbidden Archaeology, a comprehensive historical survey of archaeological anomalies.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Messages Sent To Outer Space With Directions To Our Planet Could Spell Doom For The Human Race

Some Experts Warn Against Letting 
Advanced Civilizations Know that "We" are Here

Messages Sent To Outer Space With Directions To Our Planet 
Could Spell Doom For The Human Race

 Stephen Hawking
"To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational. The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."

 The only example of advanced civilizations & technology is the human race. We try to control every resource we find. Our race may be a resource to extraterrestrials. They may try to destroy the human race for our planet & what it has to offer to an Alien civilization.

Sending random messages into outer space with directions to our water rich habitable planet, full of resources could spell doom to the human race for a more advanced alien civilization in need of this planets resources.

Unexplained Creatures Below

Weird Bigfoot Like Creature Captured on Camera in Wisconsin

Creepy Weird Creature on Camper Captured on Video

Strange Creature Captured on Gamecam in Flatwoods of Kentucky

Upright Creature at Moose Lake on Gamecam

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Hominid Bigfoot Like Creature at Moose Lake 
Captured on Camera
Upright Creature at Moose Lake on Gamecam

More Bigfoot Below
Kennedy Lake Bigfoot Captured with Gamecam on 
Vancouver Island BC

North Ontario Fly-In Community
Capture Bigfoot on Camera

North Ontario Sasquatch Video

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Celebrating 10,000 YouTube Subscribers & 2.6 Million Views. Come join the fastest growing Bigfoot research channel at RMSO Bigfoot YouTube
One of our personal favorite Bigfoot expeditions to the Ghost Town of Deadwood.
Expeditions like these are what keeps our team motivated in the search for Bigfoot.
Epic Bigfoot expedition is our most watched & liked video on RMSO Bigfoot YouTube

Unknown Creature or Plant-life on Mars?
With the recent announcement by NASA of water on Mars, every photo or video will be seriously looked at for signs of life. The thought of life on Mars is no longer just a tabloid newspaper gig. We all know there has to be a living alien on that planet, even if its just a one cell organism. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Lake Shasta Bigfoot

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Sasquatch at the Caverns of Lake Shasta
Lake Shasta Bigfoot

More California Bigfoot Below

Two Bigfoot Orick Coastal Pond

Bald Hills Bigfoot

Klamath Bigfoot in California

Bigfoot Runs From Train Video

Screen shot from video below

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Bigfoot runs from train! Enhanced photo! Massive Sasquatch
Who took this photo? When was it taken? Are there more photos? These questions and more are asked in under 3 mins as Michael examines the Bigfoot running from the train in Colorado.. 
Michael does a great job, I agree if anyone has any more information contact him or us here at RMSO Bigfoot. #Bigfoot

More Bigfoot Videos

Bigfoot in National News

The Sinks Sasquatch Video

Lone Peak Bigfoot Video
Has Bluff Creek been compromised for credible Bigfoot research? 
RMSO Round Table
With: Derek Wright, Jenny Higley & Kelly Shaw
RMSO Round Table discussion about Bluff Creek. Bigfooting in Oregon, California & the Ghost Town of Deadwood.

Bronze Age road in Midlands turned into potting compost
The National Monuments Service established that it was no mere trackway, measuring up to 6m in width, and dating to 1200-820 BC – a 1,000 years older than Corlea.

In Longford, the Iron Age road unearthed at Corlea Bog has become the county’s prime tourism attraction, with massive oak planks wide enough for two chariots to pass side by side. In 2005, the discovery of a grander and far longer oak road at Mayne Bog in Coole, Co Westmeath, was a cause of great excitement.

NASA confirms there is water on Mars. Very exciting news for those in search of life forms on other planets & moons.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Searching for Sasquatch Flight Over Deadwood

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Derek Pilots Drone over Triple Bigfoot Sighting Location in 
Deadwood Ghost Town
Amazing View
Drone View Bigfoot Investigation Deadwood
Searching for Sasquatch Flight Over Deadwood

Play List of RMSO Drone Investigations

Famous Deadwood Logging Crew 
Sasquatch Encounter Below
Bigfoot Raids Ghost Town of Deadwood

Bigfoot Expedition to Deadwood

Night Investigation Deadwood

RMSO Returns to 
Famous Bigfoot Sighting Hot Spot!

RMSO Tracking Lost Creek Sasquatch Right After Class A Bigfoot Sighting

Cover from next video below
Deer Vocalizations Attract Curious Bigfoot Captured on Camera
RMSO Tracking Lost Creek Sasquatch Right After Class A Bigfoot Sighting

RMSO team show up to Lost Creek with Bigfoot sighting witnesses "Curtis" three days after he had the sighting along with two BFRO investigators. 
Both teams investigate the area on foot & from the air using drone technology looking for clues or evidence to back up the witnesses Bigfoot sighting. 
Our team locates a track way of about a dozen suspect Bigfoot footprints along with a couple of large possible Bigfoot hand prints.
We spot this dark black Bigfoot shaped anomaly in the trees across the draw & zoom in on it with our camera. After several dozen seconds of it not moving we dis-regard it as possible shadows or maybe a burnt stump.
  Our team has not been able to locate this anomaly Bigfoot shape after several follow up Bigfoot expeditions. Wasn't a burnt stump, we have not been able to re-create what we filmed that day. Perhaps a missing burnt stump, or mid-day shadows, we just don't know.

Breakdown video slowed & stabilized.

Breakdown video filters, slowed & stabilized          

Full Bigfoot expedition of Curtis's recent Bigfoot sighting location including air footage & full interview with the witness.

Winter follow up investigation of Curtis's Bigfoot sighting location.    
Winter quad copter follow up investigation of Curtis's Bigfoot sighting location.                                                                    
Spring investigation 1 year after Curtis's Bigfoot sighting.
Expedition to locate & investigate cave spotted on previous Bigfoot expedition at Curtis's sighting location.
6 or 7 expeditions since this video was taken, we still haven't found anything there that could create this illusion of a upper body & head bigfoot shape. We have ruled out a dead tree or burned stump & even during the same time of day we could not create a shadow image from the same vantage point. Nothing conclusive either way, we just know whatever was there that day is gone.
 I personally don't see why these 5 Bigfoot sightings are any more credible than dozens of other reports, but thought I would post this video since World 5 List used one of my YouTube photos from one of our Curtis Bigfoot sighting investigation videos at Lost Creek.

One of our videos they used a photo or screen shot from.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

 #Bigfoot Deadwood Bigfoot Expedition at Night.

 Derek, Jenny & I sneak up to 3 separate deer as we hike the famous Bigfoot sighting location of Deadwood at night using infrared cameras.

 We record eye shine of animals we were not able to identify. Bats zip around our heads' as we explore the suspect nesting spot of a Bigfoot spotted three times by 5 witnesses in the mining ghost town of Deadwood.

 All of the Bigfoot sightings reported the day after the discovery & removal of  suspect Bigfoot bedding material in one of the ghost house basements.
I am excited about this new discovery of 15 partial skeletons of a human like species that date back around 2.8 million years old. Found in a cave, possibly placed there by the tribe or loved ones. Showing ritualistic behavior, possibly spiritual like behavior of one of the oldest hominids found.

 Homo naledi

Loggers Chased by Bigfoot near Goldmine

Model of Deadwood before abandoned in mid 1940s
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Hike onto Deadwood Mine where 
Angry Bigfoot Chases Logging Boss & Two Sons
Back to Camp

Loggers Chased by Bigfoot near Goldmine

More Deadwood Bigfoot
Bigfoot Raids Mining Ghost Town of Deadwood

Loggers Harassed by Bigfoot Deadwood

Drone over Deadwood Mine & Bigfoot Sighting

Friday, September 25, 2015

#Bigfoot RMSO returns to the famous Bigfoot sighting hotspot of Deadwood.

Kelly Shaw's pick for #1 Bigfoot video to date.

Kelly Shaw's pick for #2 Bigfoot video to date.
Kelly Shaw's pick for #3 top Bigfoot video to date. The Mississippi Bigfoot.
#Bigfoot RMSO travels to the location of yet another aggressive Bigfoot encounter in the remote Mountains of Montana.
#Bigfoot RMSO travels to Montana looking for signs of Bigfoot after a string of missing people in an area where there is a history of aggressive Bigfoot sighting reports. Including a famous report Teddy Roosevelt writes about. A trapper possibly killed by a Wildman.