Showing posts with label Manitoba Bigfoot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manitoba Bigfoot. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Bigfoot Captured on Camera near North End of Seven Creeks


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Seven Creeks Sasquatch Captured on Video

Bigfoot Captured on Camera 
near North End of Seven Creeks

More Manitoba & Canada Bigfoot

Manitoba Sasquatch at Limestone Lake Bigfoot on Camera

Giant Aggressive Bigfoot Charges Family in Nova Scotia

Ontario Sasquatch Captured on Video near Lake Shore

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Manitoba Bigfoot Video on Peguis Back Road


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Peguis Bigfoot Captured on Video in Manitoba

Manitoba Bigfoot Video on Peguis Back Road

More Canada Bigfoot

Fisherman Tracks Bigfoot Along Canadian Border

Manitoba Bigfoot on Camera at Limestone Lake

Sasquatch Vocalizing in Grove of Trees
near Woman's Home in British Columbia

Jasper Sasquatch Captured on Video

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Famous Manitoba Sasquatch Video


Cover from next video below
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Manitoba Bigfoot Captured on Camera

From DCD23ME YouTube
Manitoba Bigfoot
Famous Manitoba Sasquatch Video

More Canada Bigfoot Below

Manitoba Sasquatch Photos Lime Lake

Amazing Sasquatch Vocalizations 
Recorded in British Columbia

Sasquatch Captured on Video 
near North Ontario Lake

Alberta Sasquatch on Video in Jasper Canada

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Limestone Lake Bigfoot

Zoom & Crop

Sasquatch Captured on Camera
 by Boaters at Little Limestone Lake
Malcolm Writes RMSO
What do you think that is behind my friend, picture was taken at Little Limestone Lake Manitoba.

RMSO responds
Looking at the original photo & then the zoomed in. Is rather creepy.

Yup Creepy
They got on a canoe right after this picture.

That creature looks like something out of the walking dead more so than I would expect a Bigfoot to look like.

Yeah my buddy was freaking out about it, when I showed him.

The guy in the picture?

That's him and his wife.

How long ago? Or when was the date this happened?

This month on August 12th (2018)

Thanks for the info.
Were you the 1st to spot this in their photo?

I've seen 4 bigfoot in my 36 years, they are amazing species.

My location I've seen bigfoot.

So awesome
So my question.. Does the creature in your friends photo look like a Bigfoot to you or similar to any of the four Bigfoot you have saw in your life? Is this Little Limestone Lake near any of your sighting locations?

The red pin is the lake.
I'm the blue dot.

Thank you for spending the time familiarizing me with all of this.
Is the creature in the photo similar to any of the Bigfoot you saw?

I've seen 1 females 2 males and 1 was too far to know the gender
3 black hair and 1 Auburn color hair.
The one in the picture looks old and having skin problem. I'm thinking? Bc it has less hair on his head but you can see hair from the neck down.

Appreciate your opinion on this photo.

More Canada Bigfoot Below

Baskatong Lake Bigfoot

Alexis Creek Bigfoot 
Pacing Under Cabin Window

Kennedy Lake Bigfoot

Sasquatch Communicating with 
Another Bigfoot Captured on Video

Four Bigfoot Moves at Once 
Including Midtarsal Flex on Video

Jasper Bigfoot Filmed in Canada

Original Manitoba Bigfoot Blog Post

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Manitoba Bigfoot

Email your Bigfoot sighting to

Sasquatch Observing Canoers near Little Limestone Lake

Zoomed & Cut
Original Edges Cut 

Malcolm writes RMSO
What do you think that is behind my friend, picture was taken at Little Limestone Lake Manitoba

Looking at the original photo & then the zoomed in. Is rather creepy.

Yup creepy
They got on a canoe right after this picture

That creature looks like something out of the walking dead more so than I would expect a Bigfoot to look like.

Yeah my buddy was freaked out about it ,when I showed him

The guy in the picture?

That's him and his wife

How long ago? Or when was the date this happened?

This month on August 12th

Thanks for the info.
Were you the 1st to spot this in their photo?

I've seen 4 bigfoot it my 36 years, they are amazing species

My location I've seen bigfoot

So awesome
So my question...Does the creature in your friends photo look like a Bigfoot to you or similar to any of the four Bigfoot you have saw in your life? Is this Little Limestone Lake near any of your sighting locations?

The red pin is the lake
I'm the blue dot

Thank you for spending the time familiarizing me with all of this
Is the creature in the photo similar to any of the Bigfoot you saw?

I've seen 1 female 2 males and 1 was too far to know the gender
3 black hair and 1 Auburn color hair
The one in the picture looks old and having a skin problem, I'm thinking? Bc it has less hair on his head but you can see hair from the neck down

Appreciate your opinion on this photo

More Canada Bigfoot Below

Baskatong Lake Bigfoot

Alexis Creek Bigfoot Pacing Under Cabin Window

Kennedy Lake Bigfoot