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An amazing video of rare giant squid filmed in Gulf of Mexico has captivated viewers across the internet as the video goes viral.
Biologists have described as "the most amazing video you've ever seen."
NOAA expedition scientists said they spotted the giant cephalopod about 100 miles southeast of New Orleans, La.
NOAA (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration) researchers estimated the juvenile giant squid to be around 10 to 12 feet long. An expert with NOAA National Marine Fisheries Services confirmed it to be a giant squid species.
The NOAA research team used a stealth camera system named the Medusa used for deep sea exploration. Researchers describe the system to be unobtrusive.
This was the fifth deployment of this research machine. It uses red lights that are invisible to most creatures that live in the deep ocean. Its also a quiet research machine. This machine was baited with an electronic jellyfish imitating the deep sea Atolla wyvillei jellyfish.
This is not the "monster" giant squid that everyone talks about. At around 12 feet in length it is a juvenile of this giant species of squid.
More on this amazing discovery & video
click on the source link below.
Here Be Monsters: We Filmed a Giant Squid in America's Backyard