Showing posts with label Virginia Bigfoot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virginia Bigfoot. Show all posts

Friday, January 24, 2025

Sasquatch Saves Hiker from Bear Attack in VA Woods


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“The Bigfoot saved my life”

From: Bob Gymlan YouTube
Sasquatch Saves Hiker from Bear Attack in VA Woods

Bear Hunters Encounter Large Dreadlock Sasquatch in the Bitterroot

Wasatch & Bear River Range Sasquatch Likely Same Bigfoot Tribe

Hat Creek Sasquatch Circles Bear Hunter

Interview with Challis Bear Hunter Circled by Bigfoot

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Troutdale Sasquatch Looking at Occupant Through Virginia Cabin Kitchen Window


Artist Rendition
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"The thing was massive. It's eyes glowed sort like fire coals"

Troutdale Sasquatch Looking at Occupant
 Through Virginia Cabin Kitchen Window

Andy writes RMSO
 I was living in the little town of Troutdale VA. The home is back up on side of mountain bordered by national forest on 3 side. The AT. runs very close by and there are 3 wilderness areas near by. I was only about 4 when this happened but I remember like yesterday.

 It was late at night and I got up to go pee. We had no bathroom or outhouse so going to relieve one self required heading to the nearest tree or in my case the front door lol.
As I was walking by the kitchen window I noticed I couldn't see out it. Something blocked the view. 

 I pause trying to figure out what was going on when it bent down and look right at me.
The thing was massive. It's eyes glowed sort like fire coals.
I was shocked to say the least. I forgot about needing to pee. And ran back to bed screaming that there was a gorilla outside.

 Of course I woke most of the house up with that.
The adults looked around outside and saw nothing. Said I was dreaming, but I wasn't.
The moon that night was behind the house and the creature was in its shadow so the eye glow wasn't a reflection of moon light. They glowed on their own.

 Later I saw the same thing down in a deep hollar. This time several of my cousin saw it too. The same red eyes and massive body. It walked like a man but it stepped across our fence with horses.
We noticed it watching us, after we stop playing and it knew we was watching it, it walk away into the darkness.
I'm not sure if it was trying to enter or just curious about what was in there.

More Virginia Bigfoot Below

Virginia Bigfoot Screams 
more Eerie & Haunting after Expert Analysis

Gum Hill Bigfoot Video

Haunting Sasquatch Vocalizations
 from Virginia

Grand Cavern Bigfoot Group
 Captured on Camera in Virginia

West Virginia Bigfoot Howls

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Virginia Bigfoot Screams more Eerie & Haunting after Expert Analysis


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Amazing Sasquatch Screams Audio Fingerprint 
is Consistent with Many Compelling Bigfoot Vocalizations

Lee sends RMSO some amazing Bigfoot screams & vocalizations he recorded in Virginia.
ThinkerThunker analysis the footage & discovers the audio fingerprint is consistent with other Sasquatch vocalizations deemed to be credible by most experts.
He also compares the Bigfoot audio to other North America animal vocalizations.

From ThinkerThunker YouTube
Eerie Haunting Sasquatch Vocalizations
[AUDIO ANALYSIS by ThinkerThunker]

(Original Virginia Bigfoot Screams)
Virginia Bigfoot Screams more Eerie & Haunting after Expert Analysis

More Amazing Bigfoot Vocalizations Below

Vocalizations Recorded During Bigfoot Search Twin Sisters Mountains

Sasquatch Vocalizations at Three Different Bigfoot Hotspots

Ohio Bigfoot Sighting Witness Records Sasquatch Vocalizations

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Park Ranger Said "OMG! That's not a bear!" Virginia Bigfoot Tracks & Sasquatch Sightings


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Constantine writes RMSO
Hi, here are the Bigfoot Track photos  my wife found in VA

We were at the Peaks of Otter Lodge on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Bedford, VA about 5 years ago. My wife is a non-bigfoot believer and yet she  found the 3 Bigfoot prints across from the freshly stocked Lake Abbott opposite of the main lodge. She pointed them out to me while walking on the newer blacktop trail around the lake. See photos below.

The park ranger looked at them and said, “OMG! That’s not a bear!” 

The 3 tracks started from the lake and over the asphalt trail, then up a rocky hill.

 I personally have heard wood knocks in the distance during the day 5 miles away from the Peaks. I go there twice a year for 35 years looking for the Beale Treasure , off trail mostly. 

 I reported this to a field rep for the BFRO. After that he related an incident that a recent transplant NY lady, who saw a mom Bigfoot holding  a baby BF next to a mailbox at dusk about 2 miles away, on route #43, on the way up the mountain to the Peaks of Otter Lodge.

 I have a friend, Gary D. he's now 42, who lived near there since he was little, and he saw a "small hairy man," near his home off of Rte #698, back when he was 11, in Montvale.

 Also, there are more sightings near the Peaks of Otter and the Sharp Top bus cabin.

BFRO investigator said, “There was one recent sighting on the top of Sharp Top Mountain on May 11th 2017.

I have the report but haven’t had time to dig into it yet. I was there last year and had some strange things happen near the campground. The report that you are referring to can be found here.”

BFRO Report# 49746 (Class A)
Motorist observes an adult Bigfoot with baby
 cross the road at night North of Bedford

RMSO responds
Hi Constantine,
 Appreciate you sending photos and the related reports in the area.

More Bigfoot Near Virginia

Red Eyes 7 Feet Tall West Virginia Bigfoot

Virginia Lick Fork 
Bigfoot Encounter Captured on Camera

West Virginia Bigfoot Howls

Virginia Grand Cavern 
Sasquatch Group On Camera

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Gum Hill Bigfoot Video

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Gum Hill Virginia
BEAST OF GUM HILL Woodbooger (Bigfoot video)
Gum Hill Bigfoot Video

More Bigfoot Below

Sasquatch Captured on Gamecam in Georgia

Bigfoot Stealing Livestock Georgia

Bigfoot Walking Country Road NW Georgia

Georgia Bigfoot on Game Camera

Nose to Nose Bigfoot & Frog Hunter Georgia
