Showing posts with label Indiana Bigfoot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indiana Bigfoot. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Frozen in fear watching a big, wide, dark brown Sasquatch in the woods near our Indiana farm


Artist Rendition
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"The Bigfoot was huge,
had no neck with a big wide back"

Frozen in fear watching a big, wide,
dark brown Sasquatch in the woods near our Indiana farm

Phil writes RMSO
 I just watched one of your videos and saw a reply from someone mocking the person being interviewed for saying they seemed to have been able to describe a great deal for being paralyzed with fear.  

 I saw one 60 years ago and was definitely frozen in fear, but can still recall the experience like it was yesterday. There were no shows on tv back then showing these creatures, but it was there in the woods behind my house.  

 When it came over a hill and saw me, it just stood there looking at me and me at it. I could see the flesh around its face but everywhere else on its body was covered in dark brown fur. It was huge and had no neck. It just turned and walked back down the hill and all I saw was a big wide back with no neck as it walked away. 

My parents didn't believe me and I just clammed up after that, but it was real.

RMSO responds
Hi Phil, where and what state did this happen in 60 years ago when you had your experience?

Phil continues
 I lived in a small town south of Indianapolis, IN,  Our property/yard had farms and quarry's for miles behind us.  

 I was just inside the wood line and it came up the hill and stopped about 50 ft. from me. The amazing thing was it wasn't aggressive and it seemed to be thinking about what it was seeing in me.  

 There were no bears in that apart of the country and a bear would have been aggressive and wild acting, but this wasn't a bear anyway.  It stood upright the whole time and walked back down the hill crunching branches and debris as it walked away.

More Bigfoot Below

Indiana Bigfoot Captured on Camera
 near Michigan Border

Ginormous Sasquatch Encountered SE Indiana & 
Enormous Bigfoot Tracks Documented

Bigfoot captured on camera
 from close range watching Les Stroud

Indiana Bigfoot Captured on Camera
 near Hoosier National Forest

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Coal Bluff Sasquatch Frequents Indiana Family Farm


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"Something big & dark colored 8 to 10 feet tall, wide shoulders
 standing at the edge of the trees, it didn't look human"

Coal Bluff Sasquatch Frequents Indiana Family Farm

Russell M. writes RMSO
 I was probably only 11 maybe a little younger but we were heading to church my grandfather (who is now deceased) was driving, we got to the end of our driveway to turn right to go towards town. I happened to look out across the fresh cut corn field and saw something big and dark colored standing at the edge of the trees and had one arm up holding onto a tree branch. It was probably 100 to 150 yards away. At the time I was to young I think to realize what I was seeing I thought it was probably a bear but we don't have bears here. There were a few bigfoot sightings in Rockville Indiana a few years ago I saw on a TV show. Rockville is only 10 min through the country from where I live. The small area I live in is called Coal Bluff just a few miles from Fontanet where the powder mill blew up over a hundred years ago. There are a lot of densely wooded areas around here and we have seen a lot of weird things.

 My father had a weird experience before I was born just through the woods from our house when him and a group were raccoon hunting at night. They sent the dogs out and they ran around for a few min and came running back tails between their legs scared. They heard weird noises and could feel a presence in the woods circling them they never saw anything but they all felt very uneasy as the dogs were older hunting dogs and they all hunt regularly and this had never happened before. They packed up and left. 

 Just a few months ago me and my father both had 2 different things happen in the same place in the back yard of our house. 
He was working on the chicken coop at night as he got burned by a truck fire in April of 1999 so he just works better In the dark. Anyway he felt he was being watched from the woods but he didn't pay much attention to it and it just got worse so he went to the garage to work for awhile to let the feeling wear off. Then he went back out and started working again and got the same feeling once more. So he went to the garage again and the third time he came back he said it was just overwhelmed by the feeling someone or something was watching him so he turned to the woods and said "Your not running me off I just have to go inside now and eat" or something to that effect. Never saw anything I don't think just a weird feeling.

 But I was in the same spot splitting fire wood to have a fire outside one night and as I'm sitting there I got a weird feeling but that's nothing new I have anxiety and the dark is a weird place for me. But I heard some weird noises over the ridge behind me I didn't really pay attention untill I heard something big move in the woods so I stood up and when I did I heard a tree branch snap but it was loud it wasn't raining or windy it was a perfect warm night. I went out the next day to check in the woods but I didn't see anything it was just a very weird experience.

 Sorry to write you so much I just wanted to get these stories out to you I know they sound crazy because I still think I'm crazy. I don't know if it was a bigfoot that I was when I was younger but I do vividly remember that experience and seeing whatever that was standing there it might have been facing the other way but still I saw something.

RMSO asks
 Back when you were 11 and saw the big dark colored thing holding onto a tree branch.
Can you recall enough to give a height or width estimate. And did the arms look natural to you like a human might?
Any other details of the creature's description you can recall would be great. Did you all drive away with it standing there or did it move off before you finished going to church?

Russell continues
We drove away with it still standing there. I had a little four-wheeler at the time and when we got back I rode out there to the tree to see if I could find anything. I don't remember seeing footprints but the branch it seemed to be holding was well over my head. I was about 5 feet back then. If i had to estimate it was probably 8-10 feet tall. And it had wide shoulders it was big enough for me to see it and see arms legs and a head. It didn't look to be a human when I saw it and after I rode out and saw how tall it had to be I know it wasn't a person or someone in a suit because it was just to big and tall. I know it was a far sighting but I will never forget it. It seemed to have thick dark hair. I could see it's head and other arm down by its side it was just looking out over the field towards the train tracks standing there holding the tree branch. It's weird but the legs just weren't well defined or kind of like the upper body was taller than the legs if that makes sense. I appreciate you taking the time and replying to me. I know it all must sound made up or attention seeking but I'm not looking for anything but to just tell what happened and there wasn't much to tell. Thank you for listening to me though hope it helps. Have a great day.

More Bigfoot Near Indiana

8 Feet Tall 
Shakamak Sasquatch Looked Sad

Bigfoot Vocalizations Heard after 
Fireman's Bigfoot Sighting in Freedom Indiana

Three Giant Gorilla-Men 
Like Creatures Raid Wisconsin Farm

Indiana Bigfoot Captured on Camera 
near Michigan Border

Hoosier Sasquatch 
Captured on Camera in Indiana

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Alerted by Terrified Horses an Indiana Hunter is Confronted by a Very Large "Ape-man" Creature

Artist Rendition
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"We made eye contact, it was huge & slowly swayed side to side"

Alerted by Terrified Horses an Indiana Hunter is 
Confronted by a Very Large "Ape-man" Creature

Jeff Adams writes RMSO
My encounter started at 8am back in 1983. We lived about 500yds from two sets of woods owned by 3 different land owners.

 One set of woods was about 400yds long by 400yds wide. A female neighbor owned these woods. In the middle of these woods was a pasture/field that she kept 4 horses in.

 In 1983 I was 17yo. I loved hunting & exploring, on this occasion I was out squirrel hunting. I was in the woods for about 10 minutes when I saw the 1st squirrel. I stalked it & finally treed it. Got it with a single shot 16ga...  When I went over to collect the squirrel that's when I heard a loud scream. I thought I had shot the land owner. But how could I hit the land owner when I shot up into the air at the squirrel? I always make sure of my target & background area. 

 I looked around for about 30min & everything went back to normal. I saw another Squirrel & began to stalk it. Soon I  had a clear shot & checked the background, then took a 2nd shot. The squirrel fell from the tree. When I went to collect the squirrel, I heard the scream again. Allot closer this time. After collecting the squirrel I decided to try & locate the source of the screams. I headed to the fenced-in field, that held the four horses.
When I got to the field the horses were all huddled together. Approx. 10ft to my right, their ear's were standing up, like they were alerted to something. To my far left in the tree line about 300yds on the far side of the field/pasture. The horses were sniffing the air, stamping & pawing the ground. They would look at me & then look at the far tree line, over & over again. Me then the tree line. Their eye's showed true terror. Then that scream again & a tree started to shake back & fourth.

 I decided to back out of the area. Then I basically circled around the field & used the creek to mask my movement sound to try & get behind whatever or whoever was on the far side of the field. After 30min of slowly stalking I got out to look around.
 I made it to a "T" Junction where two creeks met forming a "T". At this point I am holding two squirrels in my left hand & have my 16ga across my left forearm. I'm looking around & start to hear this Thump, Thump, Thump sound coming down the hill in front of me. About 20ft away  (at this time in 1983 I did not know what a bigfoot was. I thought a very large "Ape-man" had Escaped from a zoo).

 We made eye contact, it was huge & slowly swayed side to side. It was a dark, rusted brown in color & very huge. No neck & wore no clothing, it was a male. It would slowly open & close it's hands, I looked to the right down the creek & saw nothing, then to the left down the creek from where I came from & saw nothing. I knew a rock wall was behind me, I was boxed In...  

 When I looked at it again it was copying what I had just done. Looking back and fourth...
We stared at each other for a solid 5 minutes & for some reason I thought it looked hungry, so I dropped one squirrel to the ground & tossed the other squirrel towards the Bigfoot.
 It squatted down never taking it's eye's off me. It picked up the squirrel & began to sniff & lick it. It then put the squirrel in it's left hand, looked to its left & stepped over a 5ft wide creek & began to walk away. Stupid me began to follow it, I had to walk into the creek & then up the other side.

 We kept watching each other while we walking parallel (side by side, 20ft separating us). Four of my steps equaled one of his. There was no stinky smell either.  After around 10 minutes of walking we came to a large harvested cornfield. It's about 600yds long by 300yds wide.
 When we made it to the tree line we looked at each other & it walked into the field. I decided to keep following it to see where it was headed. It turned & got very angry toward me. I started to slowly back away. It turned & walking away & looking around. I went back & picked up the other squirrel & headed towards my grandparents house.

 They were at their picnic table eating watermelon, I told them about the "Hairy Ape-man" I saw...  My grandmother laughed at me. But my grandfather had a blank look on his face, He asked my grandmother to invite (Call) the land owner over for some watermelon & a family meeting.

 30 minutes later, The land owner showed up & my grandfather asked me to tell "Mr.X" (The Land Owner) What had happened. When I finished, "Mr.X" asked my grandfather
to join him in private. They walked around the yard for a bit just talking. Mr.X said he did not mind me hunting his property but he didn't ever want to go back where that thing was. That told me they knew it was back there.

 This happened In 1983 then in 1984 our family moved around 15 miles away. I graduated In 1986.
I still drive past those woods monthly to this very day, I guess I am still drawn to them.

 The woods are around 5 miles in diameter very big & thick.
In 2019 my cousin got chased out while deer hunting by "something".  
He never saw it, but heard it.. 
He's an ex-army ranger & he fear's nothing & no one.

 Looking back on the 1983 event I was under the impression that it was probably hunting those horses. That's why I gave it one of those squirrels, I should've gave it BOTH of them.
 I might have ruined it's hunt.

RMSO responds & asks
That bigfoot you saw probably has a territory of 50 to 250 square miles and comes into that 5 mile diameter set of private land woods when its traveling from point A to point B. Because its private there is hardly any people ever there and it also has resources it needs for a short stay before it moves to where it spends most its time
A creature as large as bigfoot needs a large territory and in my experience it rarely stays in one location longer than 6 months
However they may come back the next year or the year after to a prime location
How long ago or when did you document both those amazing tracks?

Recent Giant Bigfoot Tracks
Documented by Jeff in Indiana

Jeff continues
2019 & it was on a Wednesday, while I was coming back from a doctors appointment...
I had to take a leak & saw them... 
Yes, I agree, I think he just passes thru the area...

RMSO asks
Were the tracks in the 5 miles of woods you had your sighting back in 83?

Jeff responds
We have plenty of food & water sources in that area.
I saw it in 1983 & my cousin had his "Weird" encounter in 2019.
Yes, the tracks were on the outside edge of the woods about 1/2 a mile from my encounter location.
Where I took those pics, is now a big cornfield.

More Bigfoot In & Around Indiana

Hoosier Sasquatch 
Captured on Camera in Indiana

Michigan Bigfoot Captured on 
Video near Cave & Waterfall

Ohio Bigfoot Captured on Camera & 
Minerva Sasquatch Taking Chickens

Indiana Bigfoot 
Captured on Camera near Michigan Border

Sasquatch on Video Crossing Michigan River
 Carrying Infant Bigfoot

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Ginormous Sasquatch Tracked in Southeast Indiana


Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Jeff Adams 
"The BF In Question Is a Male About 8ft, 3inches Tall
 (I Measured a Tree Branch That It Walked Under)"

Ginormous Sasquatch Tracked in Southeast Indiana

Jeff writes RMSO on the following blog article post:
19 Inch Bigfoot Tracks near Unusual Log Structure
Bigfoot Eats Log Rot Just As Gorilla Do

Jeff Adams posts the following photo

RMSO asks
Hi Jeff, where did you find this track. Were there more?

Jeff continues
S.E Indiana, I've Been Studying
This BF Since 1983...
I Found This Trackway In 2019, A Total Of 6 Track's, They Measured: 18 Inches Long x 6 Inches Wide x 4 Inches Deep...
The Stride Distance Between Track's Were 70 Inches...
The BF In Question Is A Male About 8ft, 3inches Tall (I Measured A Tree Branch That It Walked Under) & Its Weight Is About 800-900 Lbs...
My Research Area (Very Thick Wooded Area) Is About 5miles In Diameter... A Total Of 5 People Have Seen This BF & 3 Of The 5 Are Now Deceased...

RMSO responds
Wow, five people have seen them that you know of. Is there any other bigfoot aside from this one in the area. Is the other footprint photo from the same individual bigfoot?
Did you measure the length and width of this one?

Jeff writes
18L x 6W x 4D...
Yes, All Of My Pic's Are From The Same Research Area...

How long ago or when did you document both those amazing tracks?

Jeff continues
2019 & it was on a Wednesday, while I was coming back from a doctors appointment...
I had to take a leak & saw them... 

Jeff''s Bigfoot encounter
 in same area many years prior

Alerted by Terrified Horses an Indiana Hunter is 
Confronted by a Very Large "Ape-man" Creature

More Bigfoot In & Around Indiana

Indiana Bigfoot Captured on Camera
 near Michigan Border

Hoosier Sasquatch
 Captured on Camera in Indiana

Ohio Bigfoot Captured on Camera
 & Minerva Sasquatch Taking Chickens

Sasquatch on Video Crossing Michigan River
 Carrying Infant Bigfoot

Michigan Bigfoot Captured on Video 
near Cave & Waterfall

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Three Bigfoot Encountered in Indiana | Cornfield Creature, Dog-Snatcher & 'Cartoon Monkey'


Cover from next video below
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A String of Bigfoot Occurrences Plague a Section of Indiana

From Bob Gymlan YouTube
Three Bigfoot Encountered in Indiana
Cornfield Creature, Dog-Snatcher & 'Cartoon Monkey'

More Indiana Bigfoot

Hoosier Sasquatch Captured on Camera in Indiana

Indiana Bigfoot Captured on Camera 10 Miles from Michigan

Michigan Sasquatch Captured on Video

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Mill Race Bigfoot Captured on Camera in Indiana During Bizarre Day for Hiker


More photos of this Bigfoot in article below the video
Email your Bigfoot sighting to

Indiana Bigfoot Captured on Camera 
10 Miles from Michigan Border

Mill Race Bigfoot Captured on Camera
in Indiana During Bizarre Day for Hiker

Randall Dillon posts
Taken in the woods in Indiana, had a weird day hiking. Felt bizarre all day.

RMSO responds
Hi Randall. Thanks for posting. Did you see this creature and then take the photo or did you notice it in the photo after? Is this a zoomed version of the original photo?

Randall continues
Thanks for looking I heard woops for about an hour before this photo was taken. There was also some really bizarre wind happening only where I walked. I have a video from the same day with a pretty weird anomaly as well. I pointed the camera towards some movement and shot the picture. It's zoomed just for centering purposes.

RMSO asks
Right on, can I have a look at the original photo before it was zoomed.. On this thread or you can email me at
Of course I will email it to you.

RMSO comments
Did not take long to find it in your original photo.. Thank you for sending it.. Any estimate on how tall the subject is?

Randall states
The area downslopes where the subject was standing so my estimate when I went back there to look was 7 and a half to 8 feet.

RMSO asks
What part of Indiana?

Randall continues
About a 10 minute drive from the Michigan border on some hiking trails, next to a big row of powerlines in northern Indiana. Its off Mill Race.
The mill race in the marshy areas of Goshen by Bristol
I heard woops for about an hour before. There was some bizarre wind things going on and I heard something and snapped the picture.

More Bigfoot Around Indiana

Enormous Sasquatch Encountered in Indiana &
Ginormous Bigfoot Tracks Documented

Weird Bigfoot Like Creature
Captured on Camera in Wisconsin

Marquette Bigfoot Captured on Camera

Michigan Sasquatch Crossing Cass River

Michigan Bigfoot Captured on Video
near Caves & Waterfalls

Saturday, February 12, 2022

8 Feet Tall Shakamak Sasquatch Looked Sad


Cover photo link
Email your Bigfoot sighting to

"He had reddish brown hair & 
was 8 feet tall when he stood up"

8 Feet Tall Shakamak Sasquatch Looked Sad

Brenda writes RMSO
 I used to live in Morristown and Dover I've seen one too. Makes ya freeze.

 It was in Jasonville Indiana. I lived across the street from Shakamak State Park.  I was doing dishes and thought I saw something. I got my binoculars and looked and at first I didn't see anything but then He came up from behind a tree. I watched Him walk the fence line and disappeared. That was it. But I have always wanted to see another one.

RMSO responds
Hi Brenda.. Appreciate hearing from you. How long ago did this happen? Any way to estimate creatures height.. Could you tell what color it was or any other description when you saw it with the binoculars?

Brenda continues
Ok it was only 8 feet or so when he stood up. He had reddish brown hair. What got me the most was his eyes. They looked so sad. I was frozen with fear in the house.

This happened in 2012 in Jasonville Indiana

More Bigfoot Near Same Area

Ginormous Sasquatch Encountered SE Indiana 
& Enormous Bigfoot Tracks Documented

Indiana Bigfoot Captured on Camera
 near Michigan Border

Hoosier Sasquatch Indiana

Monday, October 25, 2021

Hoosier Sasquatch Taken by Patrick Walsh

Cover from image & video below
Email your Bigfoot sighting to

Indiana Bigfoot Captured on Camera 
near Hoosier National Forest

Hoosier Sasquatch Taken by Patrick Walsh

This amazing photo of Bigfoot was taken by Patrick Walsh
 in Hoosier National Forest of Indiana on 10/09/21
Source Link:

More Indiana Bigfoot Below

Ginormous Sasquatch Encountered SE Indiana & 
Enormous Bigfoot Tracks Documented

Indiana Bigfoot Captured on Camera
 near Michigan Border

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Slimy Face Indiana Sasquatch Attacks Three Women in Car


Screen shot from video below

Email your Bigfoot sighting to

Indiana Bigfoot Encounter "We thought we were going to die"

More Aggressive Bigfoot Below

Deadly Bauman Bigfoot Encounter

Hiker Faints as Bigfoot Reaches to Him

Deadwood Bigfoot Raids Logging Camp

Monday, August 2, 2021

Indiana Ridge Sasquatch Video


Cover from next video below
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Bigfoot Captured on Camera Walking Indiana Ridge Line

Bigfoot - Believers Only - Indiana ridge footage
Indiana Ridge Sasquatch Video

More Indiana Bigfoot Below

Freedom Indiana Bigfoot Vocalizations

A String of Bigfoot Occurrences Plague a Section of Indiana

Hoosier Sasquatch Captured on Camera in Indiana

Indiana Bigfoot Captured on Camera 
10 Miles From Michigan Border

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Bigfoot Vocalizations Heard after Fireman's Bigfoot Sighting in Freedom Indiana

Artist Rendition
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A fireman spotted a Bigfoot
running out of burning woods in Monroe county

Bigfoot Vocalizations Heard after
Fireman's Bigfoot Sighting in Freedom Indiana

Priscilla writes RMSO
Dear Sirs,
 My husband and I went to Indiana to visit our daughter for 2 weeks. She didn't have enough room for us in her small house, so we decided to camp in our tent. It being October, we had to run our heater every night. Every night, about 10 o'clock, we would get in our bed. We would always hear a big pack of coyote start hollering. We also noticed something else would start hollering with them. First it would howl like a person mimicking a wolf, then it would whoop, then came screams that were gut wrenching and lasted longer than anything I ever heard.

 My daughter lives in Freedom, Indiana. Her house is in a deeply forested area. My husband and I are from Indiana also and have spent most of our married life, (40years) camping and hiking trails, etc.. but we have never heard anything like that anywhere. I personally have lived by the Rogue river in Merlin, Oregon. I never even heard anything like that there. It never occurred to me to record it.

The last night we heard it, it was right outside my daughter's front yard. That thing sure had a set of lungs. The only thing we could figure was, it was Bigfoot!

There was an abundance of deer and it was hunting season. I just wonder if our tent was upsetting it thinking we were hunters taking it's food supply.

You may call us if you'd like.  We now live in Arizona.

Hi Priscilla
 Thank you for informing us of your experience. Very interesting. I have included a link to a Ohio vocalization that the witness believes may be a bigfoot. He claims that when this creature vocalizes it gets all the coyotes in the area going also. So your report reminded me of this one. When you get a chance to listen to it. Let me know if it is similar or different. And what are the similarities or differences of what you heard?
Appreciate hearing from you

Vocalizations from Wolfgang at his parents house in Ohio

I listened to the link. It sounded like the whoops we heard. The screams were very long, at least a minute to a minute & 1/2 long. That's what I meant by a set of lungs, If you can imagine a man screaming that long. I am a Registered Nurse, so I know to be a person to listen to detail.

Sincerely we left Indiana, my daughter says a deputy sheriff bought the property across the road for hunting. I think the animal hunts it's game on. It will be interesting to hear what happens now. Will it scare the tar out of him or will he be an ___ and try to kill it?
This one runs with the  coyotes. 

 There was a fireman that spotted a Bigfoot running out of some burning woods in Monroe county also, right before we got there.  My 25 year old grandson says that thing has been there ever since they moved there over 2 years ago. 
More Indiana Bigfoot Below

Indiana Bigfoot Captured on Camera near Michigan Border

Hoosier Bigfoot Captured on Camera in Indiana