Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Coal Bluff Sasquatch Frequents Indiana Family Farm


Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com
"Something big & dark colored 8 to 10 feet tall, wide shoulders
 standing at the edge of the trees, it didn't look human"

Coal Bluff Sasquatch Frequents Indiana Family Farm

Russell M. writes RMSO
 I was probably only 11 maybe a little younger but we were heading to church my grandfather (who is now deceased) was driving, we got to the end of our driveway to turn right to go towards town. I happened to look out across the fresh cut corn field and saw something big and dark colored standing at the edge of the trees and had one arm up holding onto a tree branch. It was probably 100 to 150 yards away. At the time I was to young I think to realize what I was seeing I thought it was probably a bear but we don't have bears here. There were a few bigfoot sightings in Rockville Indiana a few years ago I saw on a TV show. Rockville is only 10 min through the country from where I live. The small area I live in is called Coal Bluff just a few miles from Fontanet where the powder mill blew up over a hundred years ago. There are a lot of densely wooded areas around here and we have seen a lot of weird things.

 My father had a weird experience before I was born just through the woods from our house when him and a group were raccoon hunting at night. They sent the dogs out and they ran around for a few min and came running back tails between their legs scared. They heard weird noises and could feel a presence in the woods circling them they never saw anything but they all felt very uneasy as the dogs were older hunting dogs and they all hunt regularly and this had never happened before. They packed up and left. 

 Just a few months ago me and my father both had 2 different things happen in the same place in the back yard of our house. 
He was working on the chicken coop at night as he got burned by a truck fire in April of 1999 so he just works better In the dark. Anyway he felt he was being watched from the woods but he didn't pay much attention to it and it just got worse so he went to the garage to work for awhile to let the feeling wear off. Then he went back out and started working again and got the same feeling once more. So he went to the garage again and the third time he came back he said it was just overwhelmed by the feeling someone or something was watching him so he turned to the woods and said "Your not running me off I just have to go inside now and eat" or something to that effect. Never saw anything I don't think just a weird feeling.

 But I was in the same spot splitting fire wood to have a fire outside one night and as I'm sitting there I got a weird feeling but that's nothing new I have anxiety and the dark is a weird place for me. But I heard some weird noises over the ridge behind me I didn't really pay attention untill I heard something big move in the woods so I stood up and when I did I heard a tree branch snap but it was loud it wasn't raining or windy it was a perfect warm night. I went out the next day to check in the woods but I didn't see anything it was just a very weird experience.

 Sorry to write you so much I just wanted to get these stories out to you I know they sound crazy because I still think I'm crazy. I don't know if it was a bigfoot that I was when I was younger but I do vividly remember that experience and seeing whatever that was standing there it might have been facing the other way but still I saw something.

RMSO asks
 Back when you were 11 and saw the big dark colored thing holding onto a tree branch.
Can you recall enough to give a height or width estimate. And did the arms look natural to you like a human might?
Any other details of the creature's description you can recall would be great. Did you all drive away with it standing there or did it move off before you finished going to church?

Russell continues
We drove away with it still standing there. I had a little four-wheeler at the time and when we got back I rode out there to the tree to see if I could find anything. I don't remember seeing footprints but the branch it seemed to be holding was well over my head. I was about 5 feet back then. If i had to estimate it was probably 8-10 feet tall. And it had wide shoulders it was big enough for me to see it and see arms legs and a head. It didn't look to be a human when I saw it and after I rode out and saw how tall it had to be I know it wasn't a person or someone in a suit because it was just to big and tall. I know it was a far sighting but I will never forget it. It seemed to have thick dark hair. I could see it's head and other arm down by its side it was just looking out over the field towards the train tracks standing there holding the tree branch. It's weird but the legs just weren't well defined or kind of like the upper body was taller than the legs if that makes sense. I appreciate you taking the time and replying to me. I know it all must sound made up or attention seeking but I'm not looking for anything but to just tell what happened and there wasn't much to tell. Thank you for listening to me though hope it helps. Have a great day.

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