Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Bigfoot Eats Log Rot Just As Gorilla Do

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19 inch long Bigfoot shaped tracks near ripped & torn rotted logs.
Video below the creature propped the log up on a stout branch.
Perhaps to get at the insects or to consume rotted log material.

19 Inch Bigfoot Tracks Near 
Unusual Log Structure

Video of 19 Inch Bigfoot Tracks
Near Unusual Log Structure

Bigfoot may be eating the grubs, insects & possibly the rotted log material like gorilla do according to the Cornell University report below.
The researchers observed 15 gorillas of different ages and gender as they engaged in wood-eating activities. After the animals were gone, the researchers collected wood samples from stumps and logs that the animals consumed as well as those they avoided. They also collected samples of other things the gorillas ate.
Full Cornell University report.

The following video is a Bigfoot ripping into a rotted cypress tree in the swamps of Mississippi.
This may be the best evidence of Bigfoot using rotted log material to locate a meal of insects and may be eating the rotted log material as gorillas do.

Mississippi Bigfoot Video


  1. you always provide such great information...really appreciate what you do for the bigfoot community...heres wishing you a very productive year and im looking forward to all future content! thank you!
