Thursday, August 24, 2023

Alerted by Terrified Horses an Indiana Hunter is Confronted by a Very Large "Ape-man" Creature

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"We made eye contact, it was huge & slowly swayed side to side"

Alerted by Terrified Horses an Indiana Hunter is 
Confronted by a Very Large "Ape-man" Creature

Jeff Adams writes RMSO
My encounter started at 8am back in 1983. We lived about 500yds from two sets of woods owned by 3 different land owners.

 One set of woods was about 400yds long by 400yds wide. A female neighbor owned these woods. In the middle of these woods was a pasture/field that she kept 4 horses in.

 In 1983 I was 17yo. I loved hunting & exploring, on this occasion I was out squirrel hunting. I was in the woods for about 10 minutes when I saw the 1st squirrel. I stalked it & finally treed it. Got it with a single shot 16ga...  When I went over to collect the squirrel that's when I heard a loud scream. I thought I had shot the land owner. But how could I hit the land owner when I shot up into the air at the squirrel? I always make sure of my target & background area. 

 I looked around for about 30min & everything went back to normal. I saw another Squirrel & began to stalk it. Soon I  had a clear shot & checked the background, then took a 2nd shot. The squirrel fell from the tree. When I went to collect the squirrel, I heard the scream again. Allot closer this time. After collecting the squirrel I decided to try & locate the source of the screams. I headed to the fenced-in field, that held the four horses.
When I got to the field the horses were all huddled together. Approx. 10ft to my right, their ear's were standing up, like they were alerted to something. To my far left in the tree line about 300yds on the far side of the field/pasture. The horses were sniffing the air, stamping & pawing the ground. They would look at me & then look at the far tree line, over & over again. Me then the tree line. Their eye's showed true terror. Then that scream again & a tree started to shake back & fourth.

 I decided to back out of the area. Then I basically circled around the field & used the creek to mask my movement sound to try & get behind whatever or whoever was on the far side of the field. After 30min of slowly stalking I got out to look around.
 I made it to a "T" Junction where two creeks met forming a "T". At this point I am holding two squirrels in my left hand & have my 16ga across my left forearm. I'm looking around & start to hear this Thump, Thump, Thump sound coming down the hill in front of me. About 20ft away  (at this time in 1983 I did not know what a bigfoot was. I thought a very large "Ape-man" had Escaped from a zoo).

 We made eye contact, it was huge & slowly swayed side to side. It was a dark, rusted brown in color & very huge. No neck & wore no clothing, it was a male. It would slowly open & close it's hands, I looked to the right down the creek & saw nothing, then to the left down the creek from where I came from & saw nothing. I knew a rock wall was behind me, I was boxed In...  

 When I looked at it again it was copying what I had just done. Looking back and fourth...
We stared at each other for a solid 5 minutes & for some reason I thought it looked hungry, so I dropped one squirrel to the ground & tossed the other squirrel towards the Bigfoot.
 It squatted down never taking it's eye's off me. It picked up the squirrel & began to sniff & lick it. It then put the squirrel in it's left hand, looked to its left & stepped over a 5ft wide creek & began to walk away. Stupid me began to follow it, I had to walk into the creek & then up the other side.

 We kept watching each other while we walking parallel (side by side, 20ft separating us). Four of my steps equaled one of his. There was no stinky smell either.  After around 10 minutes of walking we came to a large harvested cornfield. It's about 600yds long by 300yds wide.
 When we made it to the tree line we looked at each other & it walked into the field. I decided to keep following it to see where it was headed. It turned & got very angry toward me. I started to slowly back away. It turned & walking away & looking around. I went back & picked up the other squirrel & headed towards my grandparents house.

 They were at their picnic table eating watermelon, I told them about the "Hairy Ape-man" I saw...  My grandmother laughed at me. But my grandfather had a blank look on his face, He asked my grandmother to invite (Call) the land owner over for some watermelon & a family meeting.

 30 minutes later, The land owner showed up & my grandfather asked me to tell "Mr.X" (The Land Owner) What had happened. When I finished, "Mr.X" asked my grandfather
to join him in private. They walked around the yard for a bit just talking. Mr.X said he did not mind me hunting his property but he didn't ever want to go back where that thing was. That told me they knew it was back there.

 This happened In 1983 then in 1984 our family moved around 15 miles away. I graduated In 1986.
I still drive past those woods monthly to this very day, I guess I am still drawn to them.

 The woods are around 5 miles in diameter very big & thick.
In 2019 my cousin got chased out while deer hunting by "something".  
He never saw it, but heard it.. 
He's an ex-army ranger & he fear's nothing & no one.

 Looking back on the 1983 event I was under the impression that it was probably hunting those horses. That's why I gave it one of those squirrels, I should've gave it BOTH of them.
 I might have ruined it's hunt.

RMSO responds & asks
That bigfoot you saw probably has a territory of 50 to 250 square miles and comes into that 5 mile diameter set of private land woods when its traveling from point A to point B. Because its private there is hardly any people ever there and it also has resources it needs for a short stay before it moves to where it spends most its time
A creature as large as bigfoot needs a large territory and in my experience it rarely stays in one location longer than 6 months
However they may come back the next year or the year after to a prime location
How long ago or when did you document both those amazing tracks?

Recent Giant Bigfoot Tracks
Documented by Jeff in Indiana

Jeff continues
2019 & it was on a Wednesday, while I was coming back from a doctors appointment...
I had to take a leak & saw them... 
Yes, I agree, I think he just passes thru the area...

RMSO asks
Were the tracks in the 5 miles of woods you had your sighting back in 83?

Jeff responds
We have plenty of food & water sources in that area.
I saw it in 1983 & my cousin had his "Weird" encounter in 2019.
Yes, the tracks were on the outside edge of the woods about 1/2 a mile from my encounter location.
Where I took those pics, is now a big cornfield.

More Bigfoot In & Around Indiana

Hoosier Sasquatch 
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Michigan Bigfoot Captured on 
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Ohio Bigfoot Captured on Camera & 
Minerva Sasquatch Taking Chickens

Indiana Bigfoot 
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Sasquatch on Video Crossing Michigan River
 Carrying Infant Bigfoot

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