Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Wishkah Sasquatch Scares Away Family Staying in Camp Trailer


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"Massive, tall & stank like a dead animal. 
A giant hairy man, I couldn't move or even say a word"

Wishkah Sasquatch 
Scares Away Family Staying in Camp Trailer

Travis writes RMSO
 My step Father got a job building a post office or something like that I cant remember I was 10 at the time in Aberdeen Washington in 1978 so that summer the whole family went up to Aberdeen and we stayed with other families in a make shift trailer park deep in the woods near a creek.  The kids in our group much older than me and my little sister built a tree house about ¼ mile up the creek in the deep thick woods away from the camp/trailer park. My step father gave me my first knife, a fold up old timer brand pocket knife and gave me the speech about being safe and how to use it safely etc...
 One day we were all playing at the tree fort and it was getting close to dark so we all ran back as fast as we could because none of us had flash lights and its pretty spooky up there in the dark. I got back to the trailer and realized I lost my pocket knife so in a panic I ran back towards the tree fort all alone looking for the knife, it was getting pretty dark but I had to find it!

 I ran up the creek jumping from side to side as you have to do to get to the tree fort. When I seen standing in the creek the giant harry man! I was frozen! I couldn’t move or even say a word. He looked right at me then turned away and walked off into the woods. He was massive and tall and stank like a dead animal. I got the courage up and ran back at light speed just a blur of little skinny legs flying hahaha. I ran inside the trailer and told my older brother and he just laughed at me and then handed me my lost knife, he said he found it right outside of the trailer on the ground.

 That night around 2 am we all heard loud noises outside the trailer, it woke up everyone. My mom and stepdad said stay inside its probably a bear. There were bears all over the place where we lived I seen them daily. All of a sudden the whole trailer started rocking to the point, I thought it may flip over! The trailer was 35 feet long and still on its wheels from moving it there.

 I got my feet under me and looked out the window where the noise was and there he was again. I could only see his chest through the window, he was tall and I mean real tall maybe 9 foot... Well it only lasted a minute and everyone in the camp was outside standing around due to the noise, but I was the only one who seen anything AGAIN! I didn’t say anything to anyone I didn’t want to be embarrassed.

 I never went to the tree fort again not even in day light and that summer ended and we headed home to Eureka CA. Never seen another Bigfoot again and happy if I never do again. Thanks again for all your hard work

RMSO asks
Were you able to tell if the one you saw out the window was the same one you saw in the creek?
Just wondering because these creatures seem to live and travel in pairs or more.

Travis continues
 That was forever ago 40 years plus. I was so scared I couldn’t have known anyway. What I do know is a trailer on wheels has its window sash at 5 feet from the ground and I could only see his chest so I’m guessing he was at least 8 to 9ft.

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