Monday, July 31, 2023

Sasquatch Shows Itself to a Squad of Men Right After Something Hurt a Coyote


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"Every f-!ng hair on my body stood up, then the growl/scream"

Sasquatch Shows Itself to a Squad of Men
 Right After Something Hurt a Coyote

William Morales writes RMSO

 My name is William M and I'm a veteran. I don't really remember what month it was, but it wasn’t cold or any snow. Around the fall of 1978, I was a PFC in the army serving in Fort Lewis Washington. 

 One night, while part of our squad of 11 men me included. We were in a position in the woods of the base, practicing an ambush on a crossroad. While in the position, we started hearing some coyotes barking angrily at something about 200 meters across from our site.

 All of the sudden whatever it was started either killing or hurting the coyotes in a way that in a matter of a minute, everything was quiet… then about 5 min later we started receiving that stenchy smell of rotten something from across the woods. 

 Every f-!ng hair on my body stood up, then the growl/scream. It was like letting us know: I see you; (I want to let you know that we are supposed to keep still no matter what, until our “enemy” arrives in vehicles)… 

 But when all of us saw that thing, about 9 feet tall. It took only 3 steps to cross the loggers road oppostie of us. And as soon as it went into the woods it growled again. We all stood in unison and left all our equipment, rifle and all and took off running away from there… 

 We must ran for a mile before we stopped. Our Captain couldn’t make us go back alone… we didn’t have live ammo then, and everybody was scared sh!tless… I’ll never forget that. I’m  retired now living in Puerto Rico but have 2 sons and a daughter that live in Tacoma…

RMSO responds

Besides being 9 feet tall do you recall any other details about the creature.

Could you see what color it was? How wide was it? Were you able to see its face or eyes?

William continues

We were too far away and facing opposite him. I do remember it was full moon and it looked like brownish long hair. What caught my eyes was the long arms, they were past the knees it look like. And those strides, that’s when I knew it was big. 

 I lived in Washington a lot of years and hunted deer, bear, you name it, and i know a bear don't walk like that and on two legs,  at that speed?… impossible

More Washington Bigfoot

 Suiattle River Sasquatch 
on Camera Washington Bigfoot

Bigfoot Captured on Camera & 
Sasquatch Activity Documented in Washington

Sasquatch Vocalizations at 
Three Different Bigfoot Hot Spots

Fisherman Tracks Bigfoot in Washington

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