Monday, April 18, 2016

Ohio Bigfoot Vocalizations Submitted by Bigfoot Sighting Witness

Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Amazing Bigfoot Vocalization Recorded in 
Ohio by a Sasquatch Witness

Ohio Bigfoot Vocalizations Submitted by 
Bigfoot Sighting Witness
Witnesses back story to the audio along with other Bigfoot experiences in the same area.

Love your show! Here is a real long read. I am very serious about getting out to the forest more, so if you ever need anyone to squatch with, let me know. I honestly don't expect you to read this, but it's there if you want to. In short it is about my first two encounters, two nights in a row. After that I have a list of other possible but not definitive encounters. I also attached an audio I recorded in 2013. The original file and the cleaned up version. Think Thunker cleaned it up.


My current address
Wolfgang Xxxxx

My old address


August 1991 Stark County, XXXX XXXXX OH near to US Route 30

It's hard to say where these stories come from. When I was younger I had always read about them with a grain of salt. I mean you never really take anything serious that you read about unknown phenomena, if you haven't experienced it. I think this just added to the surreal experience, in which I am about to finally indulge after all these years, whether anyone ever reads this or not.

I was not a Bigfoot enthusiast by nature. As any other person who has shared an experience likewise can tell you, that all changes the moment you are faced with one.

It was late August 1991 in a small town called XXXX XXXX in Northeast Ohio. I don't have an exact date. That never seemed very important to me at the time.  I know it was during that month. I grew up in East Canton, and knew the surrounding forests quite well, from plenty of hiking time with my dad and friends.

It was not a good day. I had an outrageous argument with my girlfriend and simply had to take off for awhile. I decided to take to the woods for the night. I sometimes liked to hike and camp by myself, but it wasn't my style at that time. I had just gotten a used Ford Tempo which instantly changed my life. My days of woodland hiking/camping was over, for now anyway. At that time, I would have preferred to hit the mall or something meaningless like that. Thank God, I didn't. I packed up a small supply of gear to go camping for a night all by my lonesome.

I knew exactly where I was going, the spot was perfect. I had camped there before, countless times. About two miles from my parent's house was an endless setting of woods. In these woods was a series of old abandoned coal mines. Above these caves was a gorgeous surrounding of pine trees. I am not sure how they was able to root above these caves, but they made for an absolutely gorgeous setting.

Naturally, nothing makes a better bed than pine needles. All I really brought was a blanket to lay on, which was my first mistake. A machete for chopping fire wood and the standard nighttime armor, my trusty flashlight. I always like to travel light and sometimes, later regret it. You start to wish you would have brought a heavier blanket or sleeping bag when it gets cold.

My friends, Randy & Tony came with me to help set up camp. Which there wasn't much to it,  I think they just wanted to hang out. So began the greatest quest of man, starting of the mystical fire. We made a huge clearing of the pine needles so there was no chance of a spark to set it off, and laid rocks around it. We was always really careful about this because we knew the owner of the land and he permitted us to hike or camp there anytime we felt like it.

The sun was setting fast. Randy and Tony had to leave because they had to work early in the morning. I was glad. Not that I didn't enjoy company, but I needed to be alone to ponder the things that man does wonder.

The fire was going real well. Since it was August, the nights would get very cold. So, fire good. Cold bad. At this point I was finding peace. It was a stressful day and well needed silence therapy. The wilderness can be intoxicating if you set your attention towards it, and a great way of getting away from everyday problems. Well not this night anyway.

At the time I had pop bottle glasses. I mean these suckers were thick. But I had perfect vision through them. Since then I have had lasik (laser correction) surgery and you will read on my purpose for that very soon. So I took my pop bottle glasses, and very carefully laid them very close to my blanket. If you've ever owned glasses and cannot see very well, you will understand, this is an insecurity.

A few twigs snapped around me. I'm not going to kid you, when you hear that kind of stuff when you are alone in the deep dark woods, it scares you for a minute. Ultimately, nothing I have not heard before. I then realized it was something small, a little rabbit or squirrel.

I was quite comfortable. I fell to sleep very fast. The doors of the unknown were about to be opened.

At 3AM I wake with a very startled, uneasy feeling. I know I didn't have a nightmare, but I had a much more intense feeling that I was rudely awaken. Nothing seemed outwardly different with the camp, however, the weird sense was there. I'd felt this peculiar sense before. I am not exaggerating, and I hope that other people that have had the same kind of  experience can relate to this sense. It was the feeling of being watched, on an extreme level. Not your round about chill or alertness, I am talking an intense sensation. That tingly sensation that tells you that you are not alone and danger maybe near. This sensation, was like a physical tingling behind my ears. It was like hypersensitivity. I guess like a Spidey-sense, if you will. I know I am not Spider Man, but if I was, this is probably what it would feel like when trouble was ahead.

As all of you with glasses would know,  I immediately rush to find them and jam them onto my face. Dead silence. There isn't a cricket chirping, a tree frog singing, or anything. Just cold, dead silence. I however pass it off as a bad dream. Mind you, at this point I still have not heard anything, or understand why I seem to have been rudely awaken.

I notice I am freezing. I am very cold and the fire is on its last red coals. I immediately lean over and start blowing on the coals to restart it. That's when it happened. I heard the most blood curdling scream (or shrill) I have ever heard, to this day. It sounded unnatural. This "scream" will never be able to be documented on paper by anyone, for anybody to understand it, unless they hear it themselves. It was simply terrifying, and unnerving. The kind of sound that shoots right up your spine and seems to peak through your every nerve. The octave levels of this scream was beyond my comprehension. If I didn't have ears, I still would have heard it.

Let me expand more on this heart stopping shrill. Your first animal instinct reaction is two choices. To curl up into a little ball and hope it goes away, which is what I was feeling at the moment. Or Flee as fast as you can. Those who ever read this, which will be very few, that have experienced this will know exactly what I am talking about. This scream I imagine will haunt us for the rest of our lives. A quick note on the bizarre side. I also had the instinct to yell back. Don't ask me why. It was one of those feelings I had that I cannot explain.  I did have to suppress myself to keep from yelling back. Maybe some kind of primordial defense mechanism? I'm going into weird territory here, but I felt a connection like that. Maybe someone else has felt the same, or else I am totally nuts? I am particularly interested in why I felt this. The fact is, it was a very surreal situation, and I didn't know how to react.

I remember my first thought, and that was "you've got to be "%^*#^&" kidding me." Because I have never heard anything like it in all my life. It sounded similar to the apes I would hear in old National Geographic documentaries, but much louder. This was Ohio though, not Africa. And it wasn't just once. This screaming continued in approximately 5-10 second intervals on both ends of my camp. On each end I heard rustling and shrills, as if they were screaming back and forth.

I was shocked once again when I seen something thumping across the land. Fear took over. A large two legged something, thumped its way about twenty to thirty feet away through my camp. I say thumped because if you remember, I was sleeping on top of a series of caves, which essentially was like a floor. So I felt every step this creature made.  It didn't swing its arms around like a gorilla, but had features similar, from what I could tell. However, I can 110% guarantee it was no man.

It was a moonlit night so I could see that is was very large and hairy. The top of its head reminded me of a gorilla's. It was mostly hair covered with some exceptions much like an orangutan. The hair color looked black, but could have had other colors with it. All dark hair looks black at night, and all hair has many colors that people don't immediately see without observation.

It was a side view, so I did not see the eyes.  I wish I could have. I cannot give you a valid height. I did not see the full height, because it was running on a ledge. So I couldn't see below its calves. All I could see is it was massive. I am giving you the best description I can give of what little time I had to observe the creature. He/she didn't pose for me. All I know if it was colossal and I was frightened. My only conclusion at this point was that the ridiculous myth of bigfoot was real. That, or I was losing my mind.

I was still hearing the yell from the rear of the camp as well. Which lead me to believe there was two or more. One thing I should mention is I did not smell the stench that so many encounters have mentioned. Perhaps because it was such a still windless night?

My only instinct from that noise was, get out. Whatever it was.  It was saying, "you are not welcome here," In its own language. I heeded the warning. I obviously picked the wrong place to sleep.

My Dad always taught me not to run from wild animals because they sense the fear.  I grabbed my flashlight, and left everything else sit, and fearfully walked out...very fast. When I was about twenty feet away from the camping area, the continuous screaming ended. The silence was comforting, to an extent. I no longer felt in the immediate danger that I thought I was in initially and I did not hear anything following. When I cleared the woods and hit the road, I ran. I ran the entire distance to my parent's home to what seemed like the hardest haul I ever pulled. My chest hurt from breathing so heavily.

I urgently beat on my Mom and Dad's locked door (I did not live there anymore). Mom rushed to the door. Naturally I had to catch my breath, but I eventually was able to recite what I just explained. Soon after, my Dad arrived home from work, and then I told him. This is coming from a nineteen year old kid mind you. They were good parents and listened. I am not so sure they believed me, but they agreed, something traumatic happened to me, to set me in such a disturbed mood. My dad had been Morel mushroom hunting for a few decades or more and had never seen anything like that before.

Time has passed. I guess it was time to write all this down. I wanted to write this mainly for myself. I want to remember it as clear as I can. Every detail I recited in this is exactly how I remember it. No exaggerations.

I would have through time, discarded this as a mere psychological episode. But I have not finished the story for you. The next day was equally thrilling. I knew that if I mentioned this to too many people it would be devastating. I had to tell someone what happened, and who better to tell than your trusting best friends, right?

My two closest friends, once again were Randy & Tony. I explained this to them, and got the truthful expressions from them that I expected. Randy believed me to an extent, I think. But Tony took me for an idiot I think.

Since I still was not on speaking terms with my girlfriend, the three of us decided to go camping in the same spot together. I wasn't about to take the day and go back by myself to retrieve my precious bear blanket. The word "alone" was not an option at this point and time.

Why go back at all you ask? Well, it's like this. When a man is alone he is alone. When he is with his buddies, he is a god. Besides, I knew that lightning never strikes more than once in the same place. I mean come on, the chances of this same thing happening again were absurd.  I was concerned but didn't feel like it would happen again.

That night, armed for battle, my friends and I headed for the woods once again. Much to my surprise, everything I left untouched. Nothing was out of the ordinary at all. No big fat footprints, no clumpy hair on tree branches, nothing. It was all still very dry from the summer. I've already begun to doubt my sanity. I am a skeptic, and generally believe nothing until I am presented with evidence.

That is why we all elected to bring a tape recorder this time. We bought brand new batteries for this really cheap Radio Shack piece of junk recorder and set it up by our camp.

Let me tell you a little bit about my friend Tony. Where I pack light, he is opposite. He was a Boy Scout (may have still been at the time, may still be now), and insisted on building his own personal living room right there in the woods. So where last night was blanket and machete, tonight was cot, tents, army gear, pellet guns, hot dogs and chips. Woohoo.

Randy was very much like me. We were gung ho and liked testing ourselves with having less. It's not like one night is much of a survival test.  I only explain this to you to maybe get a grip on our personalities a little. So you see we were not Bigfoot enthusiasts on the hunt for the big score. We were casually camping out, as we had done many times before.

In fact the previous night rarely entered my mind until God turned the lights out on us.  So here we are, looking straight up into the starry sky through the pines, with full bellies from complimentary snacks from Tony's workplace. Once again a very clear and starry night.

Slowly we each dosed off, me being last as usual. I finally got comfortable with my surroundings. I convinced myself that the danger of last night, that still seemed all too familiar, was over. It is back to innocent camping.

3AM on the nose I awoke like clockwork. You ask, how could this be? I asked the same at that very moment, when I looked at my watch. How could this be? I woke once again at the same exact moment from the night before. With that dreaded feeling of unease...again.

The fire seemed to be in the exact same condition, the coals slowly fading away. I was very cold again. The silence was unbearable. I looked over and seen Randy was awake too. His eyes the size of quarters. He had a strange look of fear on his blood drained face. I asked what was wrong. He just replied "I don't know." It was a repeat of last night's show, which I did not want to sit through. I knew something had happened yet again, to startle us in this manner.

I start blowing on the fire. The scream bursts out just like the night previous. Once again I am in a surreal situation. Over and over I ask myself, how can this be? The scream echoes our wilderness surroundings with great intensity right when I am blowing on the fire, at the exact same time as the night before. I'm sure Bigfoot doesn't have the same synchronized Swiss Army watch strapped to his  or her own wrist. So I am not sure why this happened on the nose again.

One point I would like to make, is on both nights, I was obviously rudely awaken by the scream, but couldn't remember it because I was coming out of sleep. That's the best I can conclude for waking up with that unease.

Randy hits the recorder.

We call for Tony. Nothing. We call once again. Finally Randy kicks his cot. Tony snaps angrily. "I'm awake, I'm awake!" We ask if he heard the shrill. He says he has been listening as well.

Needless to say I felt more comfortable with the situation this time. I knew I had survived the first night and chances of survival again are probably good. I'm not going to BS you though, I was still terrified. Maybe not to the extent that Tony and Randy were. We knew we had to go. The shrills were more prominent.

We urge Tony to get up but he replies in a cold dead fear "I can't move." I had really never seen anyone so scared. He really just could not moved. He was paralyzed from fear (to this day he won't admit). We helped to motivate him.

There was no sign of a large two legged mammal this time. None of us planned on sticking around to test that theory. Randy grabbed the recorder. Once Tony managed to secure his feet in his boots we started our long trek out of the woods. When we were about twenty feet away from the camp, the horrendous shrills stopped...again. The only thing I take from this was, they just didn't want us there, and once we were apparently leaving, they cut out the scare tactics. It worked.

When we got to the trail, I wondered what would have happened had I looked behind us. What would I have seen on that trail if I would have simply turned my head back into that direction? Would I have seen that massive creature staring us down, that I had seen the night before? I have nightmares to this day about this question.  I wish I would have looked back at that time, because it obviously wouldn't have been as horrifying as the unknown. I thought the dreams would stop once I moved out of state, but I still have them.

So now my friends believed me. It was a real rush because I really wasn't expecting it to happen twice in one life, much less two days. Tony and Randy both were walking very fast ahead of me and I tried to slow them down. I knew at this point the creatures were probably content with seeing us leave. Since we parked a car closer by this time, my exit was much quicker than the last night's.

The next morning we awoke earlier that we should have. I think we maybe topped 2 hours sleep.  The fact is, we were eager to go see the site.

Being late teens meant high expectations. The mission was, collect all the evidence we could find on site. Then turn in the cassette tape with our solid proof of Sasquatch calls and collect a million dollars from top paying anthropologists and newspapers all over the world. Of course this is ridiculous, but at that age, it seemed a possibility. In fact is seems people are quicker to believe in making money with get rich overnight schemes than the existence of bigfoot.

We enter the woods treating it like a crime scene. The patch of pines looks just as we left it from a distance. No 3 inch deep massive foot prints, because the ground was incredibly dry. No patches of Yak type hair hanging from the trees. And no not even a huge nest where a tribe of Sasquatch decided to have a sleep over.

As we got closer we did find some very interesting details. The cooler was hanging open. It had been rummaged through. The hot dogs were untouched (does that tell you anything)?, and the chips were scattered all over the ground. Not at all how we left it. Mind you there was no alcohol or drugs on our camp out, because none of us touched the stuff on excursions. We were too GI Joe for that. We were very conscience campers as far as neatness and tidiness goes. We ran a tight camp.

A nifty little piece of evidence was the bread bag. We had two brand new bags  of bread and buns. None of us had any bread the night before. Neither of us had any bread with our dogs. The twisty tie still remained intact. There were no claw marks or reminisce of saliva. The bags had been simply pulled apart as if a human did it. Not a crumb left.

We had plenty of footage to rummage through. But we knew it wouldn't be a good idea to play Sasquatch yells out in the middle of the woods, for fear we would call the tribe. Hey, we were nineteen and twenty years old!

So when we got back we started the player. To our immediate disliking was our apparent lack of knowledge with audio expertise, the sound was very distorted. In attempt to capture every single noise we cranked the volume as high as it would go when recording. All this did was gather the sound of the motors of the machine running most of all.

But there was sound! It was not a complete failure! Immediately the haunting shrills were apparent. I felt the hair raise on the back of my neck, reliving these moments in my mind. We heard ourselves leaving the campsite yapping like the scared kids we were. Our Sasquatch calls were captured. Now what to do?

Another surprise hit us about two weeks later. With several attempts to go on another camping excursion, all failed. I am not sure if it's because we were all deep down still recuperating from our last Bigfoot adventure, or if we just were too laid back into our boring small town lives once again.

My mom called me at work and mentioned about a Bigfoot researcher being in town and he was on the six o clock news. She taped it on our old clunker Beta machine and I watched it when I got home.

Enter Robert Morgan, Anthropologist. Bigfoot hunter. It's just what we needed. I immediately called the news channel and requested Robert Morgan's phone number.

Soon after I was in touch with Morgan. He asked if I meet him at his office in the city of Canton. Apparently, there had been many sightings of Sasquatch in this area at this very time which is why he was there. This amazed me, I had no idea. He pointed out to me that there were in fact lots of sightings here and in PA. From that point on I heard stories all over from that area and in Columbiana County.

Morgan reviewed the tape & then had Randy and I fill out reports for him. Tony did not come. He was still pretty shaken up to even talk about it. In fact we have not discussed it until just recently.

The next step was revisiting the site.  I had ultimately realized I had done all the right things to avoid a confrontation with a forest giant (Morgan’s nam for Bigfoot). He combed the site, and between that and our description of what happened,  speculated that we had been involved in a territorial dispute with two or more young males. Us being the dispute. Apparently they liked the pine needle bedding more than we did, and the local water hole. What he said made sense.

Fourteen years later, the mystery is still there. What would have happened if I would have had the courage to stay? I don't know or will I ever. I would be joking myself if I thought these days I would have stayed longer. When I close my eyes and imagine that night 11 years ago, the hair still stands on my back. The fear of the unknown always gets the best of me.

We had left Robert Morgan with our original sound recording. The next time I tried to call Morgan he had already left the state to do research elsewhere.  I know it wasn't the best recording, but it was our only evidence of this encounter, and clear enough to hear. I was so excited when I heard the Columbiana County recordings because the sounds were so like ours. I recently got back in contact with Robert, and it was nice to hear he did remember us and our recordings. Morgan was extraordinarily helpful then, and even more so now.

That day was a special day for me. It showed me scientists aren't the big dogs they make themselves out to be. If there was no mystery in life then it would be too predictable for everybody. It was a day that took a large chunk out of my ordinary life and threw me right into my own X-FILE. It was scary, exciting, mysterious, thrilling and suspenseful all rolled up into one.

The skeptic in me sometimes says, I just imagined all this. It all seemed so real, but couldn't have been. The rational side of me butts in and says, this really happened, no matter how unbelievable the situation was, and my friends were there to witness it. It was amazing, and I would invite it to happen anytime of day or night again. I love the mystery of it, and that there are so many opinions out there, but I know the real truth. It's not a mystery to me at all anymore. Keeping themselves hidden so well that it lights a little flare of rich thought in all of us. These woods people have stayed hidden for as long as they need to be. They have to be really good at it to avoid all the people fighting to get footage with tripwire cameras and such.

No closing comments here. Just a great experience into the unknown, that I can call my own. That's enough for me.
*************below are things I recently typed out trying to make sense of it*********

My experiences, even ones I can’t explain:

Early 80s
XXXXX, Stark County, OH
With Tony Smith, playing in the woods behind his house. We were both running about when we caught sight of a large black furry figure climbing down out of a tree. I thought it was a large ape. We simply ran back to his house. Was it bigoot? I have no idea. It looked like a gorilla in a tree. At this time I don’t think I ever even heard of bigfoot.

Mid 80s
XXXXXX, Stark County, OH
My friend Danny and I were riding the bus home from school. When we were riding up Westfall St, we both observed a strange black shape walking up a hill in a meadow to the right of the bus, at the distance of about a football field, or possibly less. We saw cows. Brown, white and black cows. I could differentiate a cow from a humanoid. Though, it walked strangely. It didn’t walk like a human but was walking on two legs. This was either a human dressed all in black, including a hood, or it was something else. The thing that puzzles me to this day, is this thing was much further away from the cows, and still appeared bigger than the cows. Everything in my eye shot seemed out of proportion.

Mid 80s
XXXXXXX, Stark County, OH
Randy and I are hanging outside at his house. We heard a loud and unfamiliar vocalization. This was my first experience with vocalization. We had heard rumors of a mountain lion in the area, and assumed it was that. It was far louder than a mountain lion though. I have no idea what it was, and my memory only has that day as a bookmark of the unknown. It was loud and just unfamiliar.

August 1991
XXXXXXX, Stark County, OH
Camping night 1 by myself, I was awoken by vocalizations. There had to be at least two, yelling at different directions of the camp. I visually saw one bigfoot, run the length of my camp towards the other vocalizations. I can’t guess the height, but it was muscular, black. Too big to be a human, and ran funny. I did see its arms, and they were long like a gorilla’s. The vocalizations continued until I slowly walked out. Once I was down the path from my camp, it was silent.

XXXXXXX, Stark County, OH
Camping night 2 with Randy and Tony. No visuals this time, but heard the screams at different ends of the camp. We left camp and didn’t return until morning. On this night we recorded the vocalization. Being novice with technology, we turned the recorder volume all the way up and ended up catching motor noises over the screams. The screams could still be heard but not as well had we turned the volume down while recording. When submitted sighting reports to Robert W. Morgan, and handed over our only copy of the tape. It was then lost.

XXXXXXX, Stark County, OH
Kim, Jim, Tony, Debbie,Troy and myself. We walked up a path, and heard something following us. We tested this out by walking and stopping immediately in which we heard heavy steps in the leaves. Not deer steps at all. Long heavy long strides, he, she or it followed us all along that path until we got to the car. We left. I have no idea who or what that was but it was extremely peculiar.

Note: I camped and hiked this area a multitude of times after my sighting and vocalization experiences here with no success.

XXXXXXX, Stark County, OH
I walk out on my parent’s porch in the evening. I hear a really profound whooping call, that reminds me of my camping experiences from 1991. I go back inside and brush my teeth. Then it dawns on me I need to go back outside and record this. By the time I go back outside, it was further away, but I did capture the noise. With enhancement, you can hear it quite clearly.

XXXXXXXX, Stark County, OH
I returned to the cave camping area to revisit after all these years. Now private property, so I was cautious. However out of nostalgia I continued returning to the site where I originally had my sighting and experiences. I hung “gifts” high in trees. I noticed they had been taken. I saw giant footprint like indentations in the pine needles. So I bought trail cams. Once I posted those, it became a dead site, nothing was taking food anymore other than deer or raccoon. The property owners ended up finding most of the trail cams and confiscated them. They did return them, and demanded we stay off their property.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

RMSO Drone Footage Over 3 recent Bigfoot Sighting Locations

Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Air Recon at Sasquatch Encounter Locations
RMSO Drone Footage Over 3 recent Bigfoot Sighting Locations
Dry Fork Bigfoot Sighting Location
Monte Cristo Bigfoot Sighting Location
Lost Creek Bigfoot Sighting Location
Full expedition along with drone footage 
3 days after Bigfoot sighting Lost Creek

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Mother Bigfoot Carries Baby Sasquatch Into Colorado Cave

Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Mad Mountain Bigfoot near Bailey Colorado

Mother Bigfoot Carries Baby Sasquatch Into Colorado Cave
S Anderson writes RMSO       
 The one I saw was in Colorado I was 11.
  I saw a what I thought was a mother Squatch and a baby so I squat down on the lower side of the cliff toe on the exit road from a window or Cave.

 I was up on the eastern side of the cliff looking down obviously the larger female creature start trying to get her baby up into a cave on the cliff so they couldn't be seen.

 On there right in the bushes next to me it was about 3 feet high they just started shaking like something was laying down scaring the crap out of them.

  Then when I was about 15, me and my buddies went camping for the summer a couple days Sean and Greg.
 we are at the base of Mount mad. at 2 just to the left of it bar trail will go up a couple of zigzags and then there's a slight trail that goes down off of our trail and you'll see a little watering like pawn breakup of boulders trickling down into it.

 we camp there that night and let the campfire die down.
 I saw my buddies are asleep, I woke up and there is a huge man silhouette like thing standing over and it was stirring the fire up a little bit more.
 I woke my two buddies up and he could tell it was a furry animal because of the silhouette you know it wasn't the human clothing and as soon as I woke them up and they made a sound I tried to stop them it turned and then the next thing I know we're all sitting up at the back of the tent, but it's now morning and it been couple hours so something sure startled the crap out of us to where we all passed out.
  next morning my buddy Sean didn't want to leave the tent. we got up and leave the tent the next morning
  He moved to Harlem New York where his mother live because he didn't want to be in the mountains so if you want any more email me.

RMSO Follow Up
Appears there is a mountain near Bailey Colorado that locals have nick named Mad Mountain. Bailey Colorado is a Bigfoot sighting hot spot with a long history of Bigfoot sighting reports. 

Mad Mountain Bigfoot Stirs Campfire
Grey Sasquatch Runs Past Hikers

Bigfoot Captured on Camera & Sasquatch Activity Documented

Amazing Bigfoot Expedition Bailey Colorado

Monday, March 14, 2016

Ranchers Set Bigfoot on Fire

Email your Bigfoot sighting to

Full written report below video link

Ranchers Set Bigfoot on Fire

Original report sent to RMSO below
Terry writes RMSO
When my mother was a teenage girl, her family got jobs working on a cranberry ranch . They were there for about two months and stayed in cabins with other workers. Sightings of a Bigfoot were reported around the area. It was rumored that it killed a native american woman years earlier. While there, my mother had her tonsils removed due to being very infected and wasn't working. So, she went on many fishing trips to the nearby river. On one trip, she had a grizzly bear chase her. She narrowly escaped. But on another trip, she ran from something far more dangerous. She was fishing and keeping eye for more bears to run from. And again more bears showed up but, paid no attention to her. Suddenly, they smelled something foul and ran past her in a panic. Then she heard an unearthly growl coming from the nearby woods. She left before it came into her view.

During the day, she was the only person in the cabins while everybody else was at work. From time to time she would hear someone drag chains and hit the cabins with it. She told everybody about the weird noise but no one took it seriously. Her older sister, Betsy, just got a new little dog and tied it by their cabin. It didn't last a couple of days. It's remains where unrecognizable to them. It was beaten to a bloody pulp by those mystery chains. No one heard the poor little dog’s demise..

A couple of nights later, my mother, some of her siblings and bunch of other teenagers left to the movies. On the way back, the truck they were riding in broke down miles from home. By then, it was the middle of the night with a full moon. The gang of teenagers were almost home when they remembered that they were coming upon a field that a very bad tempered bull was penned. They silence themselves and walked cautiously though the field. The kids were almost though until they came heard the bull grunts and stomps. Then they sighted the bull. He was in the mists of a fight that he could not win. He was charging a giant hairy biped and it caught him by the horns. The bull tried to toss it but it was to powerful. It easily snapped the bull's neck and turned it's attention toward the group of kids. My uncle frank ( the oldest sibling) and some of the older boys got out their knives and formed a wall. He told the girls to run fast as they can to the camp and the guys would walk backwards to hold off the giant. The camp was nearby and it's lights could be seen from the distance. The hairy giant began to follow them. The yelling and screaming of the kids woke up the locals. It stopped and walked back into the wilderness.

More days passed without incident until a night. The hairy giant decided to moved on it's desire. It was dark and almost bedtime for the girls. Nearly all the men were congregated in one cabin, playing cards, drinking, and smoking. My mother, her sisters, grandmother and great grandmother were all in one cabin that night. Suddenly, they heard noises around the cabin.

 Great grandma and one of the older sister were sitting by the fireplace. The youngest sisters ran and hide under their beds. My mother was standing in the middle of the cabin while her sister, Betsy, stood beside the door. She wanted to get even with that monster that killed her dog. So she had a wooden baseball bat in hand and was ready to unleash her fury. The six foot door shattered suddenly to reveal the attacker. All that was visible at first was the middle of the chest and downward He slowly bent over to get in. His face was like that of a native american. Betsy let loose her rage and hit him in the face until the bat broke with no effect. Then,one of the older sisters and great grandmother threw hot coals and burning wood at him. They lit his chest and family jewels on fire.

 He screamed so loud people from miles away could hear him. The men in the nearby cabin heard him and quickly opened the door to find themselves trapped inside. The giant placed a huge boulder to completely block the door. My grandfather and another relative was in a cabin next to my mother's cabin and saw the burning giant running from the cabin. He grabbed his six shooter and shot him point blank range with no effect. Incidentally, there was a group of men looking for the hairy giant.

 They were on the hunt for it because of all the dead livestock. The posse chased him though the night with their dogs. The dogs tracked him into the nearby mountains but were all killed when they caught up to it.. The men lost it's trail without the help of their dogs. Mom and the rest of the family left the camp the very next day.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Susanville Sasquatch Pittville

Bigfoot Sightings Near Susanville CA
Bobby Reich wrights RMSO

Here are my and my dads stories. My first one didn't happen there
Encounter #1
My first experience we were camping near Eagle Meadows, it is just past Strawberry, CA. This was aprox July of 1976.
I was 12. The spot was a spot we camped in many times right next to a nice stream. We had 3 campers and me and my
dog in a tent. The moon was bright that night, not sure if it was full but it must have been very close to it.
Not sure of the time, but it would of been the early morning hours. I heard heavy foot steps coming off either
the hill or coming down the road coming off the hill that passed our camping spot. You could hear the lava rock
in the road crunching and the heavy foot steps, bipedal. it headed towards the creek. you could hear the river
rock shift as it walked down to the water. then it picked up a rock and hit another in rythem of 3 then a pause
for about 10 seconds then again. it did this about 3 times. them it got up, crossed the river rock shifting again
then it was heading towards my tent. I was froze with fear, couldn't move and it was getting closer. The back of
the tent where the moon shown on it you could see the shadow of the big tree the tent was placed by. The bigfoot
crossed into that wall casting its shadow on the wall. I could see from about the chest down. arms swaying, very
noticeable hair all over. Needless to say I terror. It did not finish going across the wall of the tent,
but shot straight out. My dad came out with his gun and I made him check to see that it was gone before I opened
the tent and ran to the camper to stay the rest of the night. We left the next day. no one believed me, said it was
probably a bear, but it wasn't. No tracks could be found of anything.
Encounter #2
aprox Aug 79 or 80 On buck hill at Pittville Rd and Bridge Creek Camp, I was walking down a hill in very dense young trees, black as night in there,
luckly only about 50 yards deep. before entering this you have to walk through some heavy tall manzanita. after
getting about 1/2 way through the dense trees I heard someone mumbling words like totally disgusted talking to himself
like the tazmanian devil on the bugs bunny show)
walking across the path I had just crossed but in the manzanita. what sounded like words were not anything
I could understand and i could not see what was talking, but their were no other people in my zone hunting or that
would be in that spot. I know it was a bigfoot. I was walking from North to South it was walking from West to East
I come to understand later was what the called samuri chatter
Encounter #3 Aprox 2 miles E of Pittville rd and Bridge Creek
walking down a hill doing a drive with 2 others I walked out of a bunch of tall large trees crossed
a small grove of tall manzanita that opened into a clear cut that was about 150 yards long 60 yards wide. on my
left was tall trees and on my right was tall trees but only about 20 yards deep that opened into another clear cut.
I got about 1/3 the way down the clear cut hugging the trees on the left. When something growling behind me.
not just any growl this was deep and vibrating very low pitched. I turned around to look and scanned the manzanita
but saw nothing. and I moved away from the trees to the center of the clear cut. on high alert as I could feel
I was being watched. I then saw my Uncle in the other clearing walking down. so I finished the walk down.
I hunt bear and know what they sound like and this was not a bear
Encounter #4 Aprox 2 miles E of Pittville and Bridge Creek
I was a Jr. in high school the date was mid Aug. 1981. Archery season for deer. My Uncle, My future bro-in-law, and myself
had come back up to this zone to hunt 3 more days before season had closed. We had already hunted here for 2 weeks just a
couple of weeks at the start of the season. During our opening season hunt I found and old tree stand by a water hole and
wanted to sit on it, but couldn't during the opening of the season as I rode up with someone and didn't have a way to get
to the stand. So I decided to wait until we came up at the end of the season when I would have my ATV with me. So fast forward
to the 2nd trip there. My first day on the stand was uneventful, saw deer come in, birds, squirrls, chipmunks etc.. the 2nd day
just before getting to my treestand while on the ATV I brushed up against some buck brush and ran a thorn into my pinkie
knuckle. I made it to the stand got up there and tried to cut it out with a knife, but ended up pushing it deep into the
knuclke and could no longer move my finger so couldn't use my bow. So had to go back to camp and wait for the others to
take me to the hospital to get it surgically removed. Ended up cutting it out and my finger was in a splint. Ok 3 and
last day on the tree stand. The part you have been waiting for. Let me explain the area so you can get an idea of what was
around. The tree stand was 5 feet off the road, build between 4 medium sized trees, so it was a pretty good sized
platform. Right in front of the stand was the pond it was about 20 ft wide and 30 feet long, mucky water. In from of that
was a clear cut running East to West, aprox 200 yards long, then the clear cut hit a small hill and went up it I would say it was about 150
ft. The clear cut was aprox 100 yards wide. I sat in the tree stand facing West, the stand was at the right corner of
the clear cut about 20 ft from the right side The right side was thick trees about 25 yards deep beyond that is more clear cut.
On the left side was Thick trees. Behind the tree stand was a road running North to south and on the other side of the road
was thick trees that went about 100 yards and then dropped of and a 45 degree angle to a lake a couple thousand feet lower.
I parked my ATV about 100 yards down the road to he left of the tree stand. I walk to the stand, but decided I had better
releive myself before getting into the stand. I walked into the woods behind the tree stand as I figured no deer would
come from that direction due to the big drop off at the end of the woods. I walked about 35 yards into the woods did my
business and buried it and then walked back to the stand and climbed the tree. I turned around and sat down just as the
loudest, angriest, roar came from where I was just at. This was no bear, or mountain lion. I have hunted bear and know how
they roar. This roar was like a lion on steriods. It vibrated my body. I was petrofied and couldn't move. I eventually
got enough to turn around and look. barely looking over my shoulder, but I could not see past the trees I was sitting in,
I could only see the road. I was shaking, Frozen in place, no animals were making noise anymore, it was dead silent.
About 15 to 20 minutes went by and I was still scared to death. The it did it again, this time it was at the thick trees
to my left just before it went up the hill, I could see nothing in the trees. Though I knew I was being watched I could
feel it. Still dead silent in the woods. Apox 30 mins, (a life time) went by and I got a glimps to my left near my ATV of
something tall and black run across the road towards the direction of the last roar. That's how I know their was more
then 1 of them. I got no more then the glimps in my prefrial vision. This was about 3 to 3:30 in the afternoon. I knew
I could not stay in this tree forever and did not want to be there come night fall. So I waited until about 1 hour after
the last roar and got out of the tree and ran for the ATV. I did not look into the woods as I ran. I got on the ATV
got the hell out of there. I have never been back there and I never go alone into the woods anymore.
Encounter #5 Aprox 2 miles E of Pittville and Bridge Creek
I had just graduated high school so this was Mid August 1982. The setting Archery season. This siting was about 1 mile
North of where I ran into 2 of them in 1981. The setting We were on a logging road that had been cut into the side of
the mountain. The same road that ran along the tree stand I sat in the year before and met 2 angry bigfoot. We were
headed south on the left side their was about 5 to 10 feet of ground before it dropped off at about a 45 degreen angle
down to a lake a couple thousand feet below covered in younger and older trees and manzanita. On the right was about a
6 foot bank then manzanita with the occasional small tree, it was an old burn area growing back the manzanita was about
5 feet high. My sister and I were in the back the truck. Bows on the cab and we were watching for deer. I was on the driver
side watching down the hill, she was on the passenger side watching up the hill. My dad was driving the truck, I can't rmember
who was in front with him. As we were driving along we were coming up on some tall trees growing up next to the road
and branches were hanging over on my side, so I was going to have to grab my bow and prepare to either move or up my
arm up to brush away the pine branches so they didn't swipe me. At that point on my side of the truck I was just having
small trees may 15 to 20 feet high and manzanita. At about 30 yards from the tall trees, about large group of them thick
dense area, I glanced over to see if I needed to put my arm up or move out of the way. But when I started to look back
down the hill my eyes caught Mr bigfoot dead in the eye. He was standing about 5 to 10 feet off the road on my side. He
was by the tall trees, but behind a smaller one about 15 feet high. He had the top of the tree pulled to the side so he
could see what was coming down the road. All I could see of it was the head and right shoulder. Part of the tree top he
had pulled over to see us was covering his chin, another limb was covering the area between his head and shoulder, but
his shoulder was so wide it stuck out past the limb about a foot. I could not see the cone on the top of his head, it
was like he had his head slightly tipped backwards and big eyes like he was in shock or surprised to see us there.
He was shinny black. Black eyes with no white, I could see nosterals but couldn't make out the nose, I could not see
the lips or make them out, could of been obstructed by the branch. He skin color on his face was black just like a
gorilla. His fur was about 3 inches long on his shoulder, but seemed shorter around the face. If you watch the Patterson film you
see that Patty had fur coming across her face under her nose and lip, this one didn't the face was just skin. It was
just like how a gorillas face is laid out. Any way we locked eye for a few seconds. and I looked backed down hill. I'm guessing
because I was not believing what I am seeing. I quickly looked back and got a glimpse of what I thought was a baby jumping
off it. The tree that it was standing behind was rocking back and forth. right beside it a few feet away was another
tree about the same size. So when I looked back I got a glimpse between the trees of a body, part of the upper arm, and
part of the upper leg and back but it was like it was jumping to the ground off the big one. But the big one was gone and just
the tree top swaying back and forth. I was in shock of what I saw and backed up against my sister and looked straint ahead
I did not want to be on my side of the truck when we passed that tree any second. I did take a quick sideways glance
when we passed it. Their was about 10 feet between that tree and the tall trees. It was a narrow clear about 40 feet deep
and ended in tall manzanita. Their was nothing there. (thank God). After listening to many many bigfoot stories and watching
shows. I have learned that bigfoot and get down on all fours to run fast. So I have come the conclusion that what I thought
was a baby bigfoot jumping off the big one, was in fact the big one going down on all fours to get out of there. What I
saw on all fours was black, but the back was silver just like a gorilla, the silver ran down the entire back and about 3
inches onto its side. I have to mention about 50 yards back from here as we were driving. On my sisters side looking up the
hill I saw a spring I guess you could call it. The bank on her side was about 6 feet high and about 2 - 3 feet from the
bank I saw what looked like a water hose turned on. It was water squirting up from the ground about the same size
around as a water hose would do and about 8 inches high. The water was not running over the bank so it had to be going
straight back into the ground. I think that bigfoot was going there to get a drink when we surprised it. This was the
last time that I have ran into a bigfoot.
My Dad and grandfathers Encounter
My dad and grandfather in the daytime. while driving back to camp from a store run in Susanville. They were
about 1 mile from camp on Pittville Rd. My dad spotted something moving through the trees, not dense
trees, but sparse young trees. He stopped the truck and looked. he said it was about 6 ft tall tan / buff colored
bigfoot about 200 yards out walking diagonal from him. He said it was exactly like the Patty film but going the opposite direction, he said
, he said when it turn to look and him he punched the gas peddle and got out of there. He and the other men went and looked
for tracks the next day, but the ground is way too rocky and they didn't find any.This was in Aug of 77 archery season. This is almost word for word what you described in your video. I thought it was my dads story until you got to the date it happened
My cousin lives up there and has also had encounters in Aug
We are going up scouting there in 1 week to find a new campground since they blocked off Bridge Creek from camping, I plan on filming my encounter spots

Monday, March 7, 2016

Cranberry Ranch Workers Harassed by Bigfoot

Cranberry Ranch Workers Harassed by Bigfoot 
Terry writes RMSO.
Terry When my mother was a teenage girl, her family got jobs working on a cranberry ranch . They were there for about two months and stayed in cabins with other workers. Sightings of a Bigfoot were reported around the area. It was rumored that it killed a native american woman years earlier. While there, my mother had her tonsils removed due to being very infected and wasn't working. So, she went on many fishing trips to the nearby river. On one trip, she had a grizzly bear chase her. She narrowly escaped. But on another trip, she ran from something far more dangerous. She was fishing and keeping eye for more bears to run from. And again more bears showed up but, paid no attention to her. Suddenly, they smelled something foul and ran past her in a panic. Then she heard an unearthly growl coming from the nearby woods. She left before it came into her view.
During the day, she was the only person in the cabins while everybody else was at work. From time to time she would hear someone drag chains and hit the cabins with it. She told everybody about the weird noise but no one took it seriously. Her older sister, Betsy, just got a new little dog and tied it by their cabin. It didn't last a couple of days. It's remains where unrecognizable to them. It was beaten to a bloody pulp by those mystery chains. No one heard the poor little dog’s demise..
A couple of nights later, my mother, some of her siblings and bunch of other teenagers left to the movies. On the way back, the truck they were riding in broke down miles from home. By then, it was the middle of the night with a full moon. The gang of teenagers were almost home when they remembered that they were coming upon a field that a very bad tempered bull was penned. They silence themselves and walked cautiously though the field. The kids were almost though until they came heard the bull grunts and stomps. Then they sighted the bull. He was in the mists of a fight that he could not win. He was charging a giant hairy biped and it caught him by the horns. The bull tried to toss it but it was to powerful. It easily snapped the bull's neck and turned it's attention toward the group of kids. My uncle frank ( the oldest sibling) and some of the older boys got out their knives and formed a wall. He told the girls to run fast as they can to the camp and the guys would walk backwards to hold off the giant. The camp was nearby and it's lights could be seen from the distance. The hairy giant began to follow them. The yelling and screaming of the kids woke up the locals. It stopped and walked back into the wilderness.
More days passed without incident until a night. The hairy giant decided to moved on it's desire. It was dark and almost bedtime for the girls. Nearly all the men were congregated in one cabin, playing cards, drinking, and smoking. My mother, her sisters, grandmother and great grandmother were all in one cabin that night. Suddenly, they heard noises around the cabin. Great grandma and one of the older sister were sitting by the fireplace. The youngest sisters ran and hide under their beds. My mother was standing in the middle of the cabin while her sister, Betsy, stood beside the door. She wanted to get even with that monster that killed her dog. So she had a wooden baseball bat in hand and was ready to unleash her fury. The six foot door shattered suddenly to reveal the attacker. All that was visible at first was the middle of the chest and downward He slowly bent over to get in. His face was like that of a native american. Betsy let loose her rage and hit him in the face until the bat broke with no effect. Then,one of the older sisters and great grandmother threw hot coals and burning wood at him. They lit his chest and family jewels on fire. He screamed so loud people from miles away could hear him. The men in the nearby cabin heard him and quickly opened the door to find themselves trapped inside. The giant placed a huge boulder to completely block the door. My grandfather and another relative was in a cabin next to my mother's cabin and saw the burning giant running from the cabin. He grabbed his six shooter and shot him point blank range with no effect. Incidentally, there was a group of men looking for the hairy giant. They were on the hunt for it because of all the dead livestock. The posse chased him though the night with their dogs. The dogs tracked him into the nearby mountains but were all killed when they caught up to it.. The men lost it's trail without the help of their dogs. Mom and the rest of the family left the camp the very next day.

Nick Crow from Finding Bigfoot contacts RMSO for Logistics on Deadwood

Nick Crow from Finding Bigfoot contacts RMSO for Logistics on Deadwood
Hello Kelly, 

My name is Nick and I'm a researcher with the Animal Planet series, "Finding Bigfoot." Our show is in the researching phase for our upcoming season. Which means we're looking for new episode possibilities and locations. 

I'm emailing because I was hoping to speak with you about your research and any areas of heavy activity. Especially I'm interested in the Deadwood encounters you've been reporting on recently. 

Shoot me an email when you can and we can open up a dialogue. Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from you!
Nick Crow

RMSO Responds
Hi Nick,
 Sounds interesting. I would like to help you out. What do you have in mind? Out of around 90 Bigfoot sighting locations in the Rocky Mountains my team has found 3 locations where we often find Bigfoot evidence like foot prints, hand prints, structures and vocalizations. All three are in the Uinta Mountains of Utah.
  Deadwood was a very interesting sighting location being a Ghost Town and of coarse 3 sightings by 5 witnesses in 24 hours. Unheard of in the world of Bigfooting.

 Let me know what you have in mind.

Take care

"Nick contacted RMSO March of 2016"
Following video peaked his interest in the location.

Deadwood Bigfoot Expedition. Ghost Town Bigfoot Sightings

RMSO Returns to Bigfoot Sighting Hotspot Deadwood

Bigfoot Raids Ghost Town of Deadwood

Hike to Logging Boss & Sons Bigfoot Sighting Deadwood

Bigfoot Investigation at Night Deadwood
Jim J reports Bigfoot activity in Southeast Oklahoma
Jim J writes RMSO.
Great video once again and I also believe that these x's are territorial markers, because during my first violent encounter with bigfoot I was unknowingly camping about 50 yards from a large x formation. The next day was when we found it and thought it was strange that this thing was there and speculated that the BF must have put it there. In the forests of SE Oklahoma I have also found these x's where a creek meets a river, so I sometimes wonder if they have a double meaning such as a territorial marker and also a river crossing, because where the creeks meet the rivers it washes in gravel and makes a low water crossing in many locations here. I have also found tree bows, where they bow a flexible  tree and put a log on the end to keep it bowed. We don't get enough snow in Oklahoma to weight down trees and bow them like you guys up north, so whenever I see a bow I know it's from BF. I have learned that this means look in this direction or the direction where the top of the bowed tree is pointing. Many times I'll find a tree bow pointing at or tucked under a snapped fallen tree. It's speculation, but I believe the snapped tree means go this direction and the bow is put there to communicate or get the attention to look over here, here is the log pointer and the path or road to go. I suppose they do this tree bow to help distinguish the tree that they snapped from one that fell from natural causes. I have also found teepee structures and have learned from reading the Kiamichi Giants website and the research Timberghost screen name has done, that these teepees mean food or feeding area and that they find deer bones scattered around the area. I noticed in your videos your BF's interestingly make the same type tree structures. It definitely shows these creatures have a universal language and I'm beginning to believe that there is an ET connection to these creatures and their movement is being directed from UFO's. I think I told you about my violent encounter and that I was hunting this creature or creatures with an assault rifle and was chased by a ufo after driving out of the hunting area. Apparently they followed me home from the air, because I live 50 miles from the location and started having ufo's flying over my ranch and also had some BF's banging on the side of my house and one actually put his fist through a piece of plywood that was on the side of a window unit air conditioner. I assume that they were trying to send a message to back off with my hunting and I did, but it was only because I hurt my shoulder and was unable to shoot my rifle. Another interesting thing I've found since hunting these things is footprints that seem to appear with no trail of prints leading up to it. I recently found a snapped tree pointing at a cow feed storage bin, which is one of their food supplies around here, and there was 2 prints by the snapped tree, but no prints leading up to it, which makes me come to the conclusion that this thing was lowered down from the air. I have since been reading and discovered that witnesses have seen these bigfoots being lowered or beamed down from ufo's in shafts of light. My new belief after these experiences is that there are Bigfoots on the ground which are permanent residents that someone from another world is placing here and they also have these creatures on board their ufo's and they direct the movement of the ones on the ground and help out with some type of BF breeding program that's going on. The question in my mind, is what is the purpose for this? Are we under some type of secret invasion and once these entities breed up a big enough army of these giant creatures, are they planning to takeover the earth like the giants did in the days of Noah? As I'm sure you know firsthand, they are doing their best to stay hidden right now, but I wonder if this is just while they breed up their army, similar to a covert military operation. Anyway thanks again for the great video and it looks like I got carried away and ended up writing you a book about my experiences. Take care