Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Dark Figure Behind Downed Tree Purported to be Michigan Bigfoot


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Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com
(Written Report Below Video)
Sasquatch Spotted in North Wisconsin
near The Upper Michigan Peninsula

Dark Figure Behind Downed Tree 
Purported to be Michigan Bigfoot

Nevin writes RMSO
 This picture was taken by a friend visiting a fishing cabin in northern Wisconsin,  near the Upper Peninsula Michigan. A huge storm came through over night and a guest of the cabin got up early with his wife to look for storm damage. They came across a tree in the road and snapped a picture. When they got home they realized they had potential BF's in the picture.

 To elaborate I beleaguered the obvious BF on the center of the road is hunched over sideways. I call him Elvis, he seems to have long sideburns and a huge eye ball looking right at the camera. Directly behind Elvis is another matching fur BF with just a bit of a body part sticking out. I'm less certain but almost looks like a larger BF across the road looking on with interest, although he's harder to make out. Possibly little ones in the tree above.

 Elvis is one of the best BF shots I've seen though, fairly close. You can see the driver in the rear view mirror quickly looking away to make a reverse turn. His wife snapped the picture of the down tree quickly to show everyone at the cabin.

RMSO responds
Hi Nevin
Amazing they did not see the thing standing behind the downed tree.
Appreciate you sending this photo,, I see the other figure back in the trees too

Nevin continues
Yes, amazing they didn't see it. They apparently blend in quit well standing perfectly still. It really shows how their hair is not uniformed with the body. You can see the hair strands flowing like human hair from the forehead and back of the head. 
Not sure but looks like a  big guy on looking. 

More Bigfoot Captured on Camera

Michigan Sasquatch on Video
Crossing River With Infant Bigfoot

Michigan Bigfoot Captured on Video
near Caves & Waterfalls

Bigfoot Captured on Camera
Carrying Deer in Tribal Lands

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