Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Stinking Creek Bigfoot Tennessee

Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com
"There was this giant hairy dark brown man, 
he was a good 9 feet tall"

Stinking Creek Bigfoot Tennessee

Bobbie C writes RMSO
I lived in central Tenn a little to the east side as a kid and I KNOW they're real...and very smart. Smarter than ppl know. 

Do you have a sighting from Tennessee?

Bobbie C
 I never told anyone because when I saw him I was escaping a bad person who was a family member. In that context I didn't want to share but now 30 years later I think I can tell you.

  I was hiding near stinking creek. Yes that's the real name lol its on the map. It was about an hour before dark. I had been crouching under a very big tree being very quiet so my mean older cousin couldn't find me. I noticed everything else got very quiet. No birds no anything. I thought my cousin found his way to me so I looked around to my left and right and of course in front. I crawled around the other side of the tree and there was this giant hairy dark brown man. I think he was a good 9 feet tall. I'm no stranger to measurement. I could easily see he was male. He was about 13 or 14 feet from me standing next to a tree. When we locked eyes I was on all fours and he stepped behind his tree but stayed there peeking at me. 

 I was so scared of running because I didn't know where my abusive cousin was and I was afraid to stay because of this big foot. My papaw was a Cherokee elder. I knew of bigfoots at a very young age and I was taught they would leave me alone if I left them alone. 

 I got myself into a squatting position on my feet but still squatted ready to run in any direction. I started to cry. I was 10 years old and quite small. I tried to cry quietly but i whimpered for a couple of seconds that's when he and I both heard footsteps not too far from us. 

 We had eye contact for a good minute. I was afraid to but i took my eyes off his and started to scramble around because I knew that had to be my cousin coming. I climbed into a hollow stump a few feet from me. He seemed to know I was crying and hiding from the person approaching I can't say for sure but I think he was helping me hide. 

 When I climbed into the stump he stepped over next to my stump and crouched between my stump and the footsteps. He stayed until the footsteps were gone. I felt like when we were looking at each other he knew I was crying he didn't want to hurt me. I was afraid to be near him but the look in his eyes was soft and understanding. If it hadn't been for my cousin I'm sure I would've ran not even to make eye contact.

  His face was brown skin with a smashed wide nose. A slightly cone shaped head no neck and his shoulders were every bit of 3 feet or 4 wide. He didn't have a tapered waist. His legs were bigger around than my torso. His eyes were a golden brown and I could see his brow I could see his expression.  

 When the footsteps were gone I peeked out from my stump he stood turned to look at me for a second then walked away calmly. He got about 7 or 8 feet away turned and looked at me again thru the branches and turned back away and kept walking. I was scared to death but what I was dealing with from him was much easier than my cousin.  

 Another thing I noticed when he looked at me for the last time thru the branches he moved a couple of them with one hand...a dark brown hand with 5 fingers very big and hair only on the back of the hand. There was no hair at all on the bottoms of his feet they looked quite flat and hair on the tops. 

 This starts the 2nd edit I've added to my reply I keep thinking about it now. The whole time he was walking away I stayed inside my stump only peeking out to see. I was down low. I saw his rump and his muscle outline and movement. The bottoms of his feet really stood out. They were huge and smooth and flat like I said and I could see them well.. below the brush as he walked. His face I remember well because I looked at it the longest. Mostly skin but hair came in close. His brow was big and changed with his thoughts. When he crouched by the stump his back was to me. He had more hair on his back side of his head and shoulders.

 Its ok if u don't believe me. I lived it. I know what happened. Yours may have wanted u gone or to eat you but not my encounter. I know they are as diverse as humans. Depending on their resources and personalities and experiences. I like to think he helped me.

Appreciate you taking the time to go over your sighting with me.

More Tennessee Bigfoot

Fisherman Forced Out of Fishing Spot by
Several Swamp Sasquatch

7 Feet Tall Bigfoot Caught Raiding Dog Food Bowl

Smokey Mountain Female Sasquatch & Bigfoot Youngsters

Extremely Long Arm Silver Point Sasquatch Captured on Video

More Unexplained Creatures Below

Bigfoot on Camera Watching Passengers during Railroad Ride

Subject Looks Like a Sasquatch Running on
Oklahoma Gamecam

Strange Creature Captured on Gamecam in 
Flatwoods of Kentucky

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Manitoba Bigfoot

Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com

Sasquatch Observing Canoers near Little Limestone Lake

Zoomed & Cut
Original Edges Cut 

Malcolm writes RMSO
What do you think that is behind my friend, picture was taken at Little Limestone Lake Manitoba

Looking at the original photo & then the zoomed in. Is rather creepy.

Yup creepy
They got on a canoe right after this picture

That creature looks like something out of the walking dead more so than I would expect a Bigfoot to look like.

Yeah my buddy was freaked out about it ,when I showed him

The guy in the picture?

That's him and his wife

How long ago? Or when was the date this happened?

This month on August 12th

Thanks for the info.
Were you the 1st to spot this in their photo?

I've seen 4 bigfoot it my 36 years, they are amazing species

My location I've seen bigfoot

So awesome
So my question...Does the creature in your friends photo look like a Bigfoot to you or similar to any of the four Bigfoot you have saw in your life? Is this Little Limestone Lake near any of your sighting locations?

The red pin is the lake
I'm the blue dot

Thank you for spending the time familiarizing me with all of this
Is the creature in the photo similar to any of the Bigfoot you saw?

I've seen 1 female 2 males and 1 was too far to know the gender
3 black hair and 1 Auburn color hair
The one in the picture looks old and having a skin problem, I'm thinking? Bc it has less hair on his head but you can see hair from the neck down

Appreciate your opinion on this photo

More Canada Bigfoot Below

Baskatong Lake Bigfoot

Alexis Creek Bigfoot Pacing Under Cabin Window

Kennedy Lake Bigfoot

Monday, August 20, 2018

Bigfoot Logging Camp Attack Island Mountain

Cover fromvideo below
Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com
Written Report Below Video
Apparently Sasquatch get Territorial with Loggers

Bigfoot Logging Camp Attack Island Mountain

Linda Louise writes RMSO
The Big Foot attack happened in the Summer of Aug.1971. 
The Logging Show was being run by a Victor Jabloniki.

We had a crew of up 10 Guys, of which my Husband was one of them. i was the Camp Cook at the time. we stayed at the Camp in Island mountain during the week, and would go back to town on weekends for supplies.we were so far back in,it took many hours to make the drive from Laytonville.CA. to the Camp in Island mountain .

 The day before the attack came, I had taken my Husband his lunch where he was cutting Timber. Look at this he told me. There were many small trees ripped out of the ground near where he had cut trees the day before.They would have been about 4 Ft. tall when standing, but were pulled up like Carrots. 

 I've seen Bears go through an area and do strange things he said. But nothing ever like this.We sat down and he ate. The woods were very quiet,and that got our attention.It was too quiet. We then heard foot falls coming our way from up hill. It's all clear my husband called out. I don't have any trees hung up.

 The foot falls stopped, then we heard foot falls going back up the hill. After eating we walked toward where we heard the foot falls coming from. the trails were covered with pine needles ,but we found some very large tracks, bigger than a size 16 shoe ? None of our guys had feet that big. ? My husband was always at home in the woods, but he was spooked. Think I'll knock off for the rest of the day he said. And we picked up Saw and Gas and headed back to camp. 

 We told the Logging boss and crew what happened ,and asked if anyone walked down to Art's timber patch. No,we didn't go near there.My Husband and I slept in the Cook shack.And one of the guys had brought a Dog up with him. everyone had gone to sleep.All quiet and very Dark.We only had lanterns for light up there.the stove was wood,and fridge and Hot water heater ran on portable propane tanks we hauled up with us.so keep in mind,no phones ,no radio,we were very isolated. 

So, I'm awake thinking about what to cook in the morning,and I hear Blackie the chicken dog begin to whine like I've never heard him before. He was on a chain just out side the cook shack. All of a sudden he ran under the cook shack and really began to wimper and whine. I looked at my husband who was sound asleep,looked out the window to the shack where the crews slept.No lights came on.No one was up .next came the sound from up above us on the ridge where the landing was. it sounded like bolder's and trees were being pushed down the ridge.It got louder and closer.No one else is hearing this ? Next came a scream .High shrill,as close as I could describe it was high pitched like a bull Elk in Rut.But there were no Elk anywhere near that area.

 At breakfast the next morning I asked the guys about all the noise over night. They said I must have had a night mare or something. when they reached the Log Landing after Breakfast,well that was a different story.The Cat they were using to drag in the logs had been pushed. And a 55gal. diesel barrel had been picked up and bent over the blade on the Cat.  like a Beer can . Large Foot prints where all over the landing. 

 Vic had to drive to Garberville to make phone calls to report to insurence CO: They sent a man up to take photos. Never did get to see them. One of the crew men was a Modoc Native man. He came back,packed up his gear and left. His name was Larry Leggit. I've never seen a grown man look so shaken up in my life.
 My guess is what ever it was showed it's rage and left the area. I use to wander all over the woods up there until that happened. After that, I kept close to the cook shack. Vic had a son on the crew I think his first name was Alan, There was also a Allan Frost, Art Frost, Mark ?? Larry Leggit, Vics son in law.  Dave , .Ted Frost, and myself at the time this happened. Seems like there was a Pete ,but he  drove Truck More than fell timber.

 This happened almost 50 years ago. However, I will never forget the screams I heard that night, or the rest of everything else that happened. Do I think there is something living in the woods across America. You bet I do. if forest animals can hide in Big Cities,,then any animal can hide and survive in the wilds. Just because you don't see them, does not mean they don't see you. so, here is my story. Take it or leave it. And happy hunting. 🙂

RMSO responds
Reminds me of similar reports by loggers being harassed by Bigfoot in North California. Do you recall if any of the men has a sighting leading up to this night of escalation or after?

Linda continues
I do not remember anyone admit they had put their eyes on any creature. As I stated. on the day before this event happened, I took my Husband lunch down into the patch of timber he was felling. as we were eating Lunch, he was talking about feeling eerie, like something had been watching him. and something about some kind of nest he had come across .

 He said he had heard that Bears would sometimes build a nest, but this was different. Almost tee-pee like. I didn't see it. only saw the large tracks on trail down to his patch of timber. The other guys did see the tracks up on the Landing, as well as damage done up there to Cat. it was a D9,that's  a big Cat. That night after we left the Timber patch was when all of this came down. I don't scare easy. yet I found my self thing, should I get on the roof, or under the Cook shack with the dog !

 oh, the Loader operator's name was Mark Spackman.I think he was only about 20 years old at the time. I removed from Laytonville in Oct. of 1972.And my Husband Art Frost passed in Oct.8,1988.the only other thing that came up was about a week in working the Area, Allan Frost came into Dinner one night and asked who was trying to prank him by throwing rocks at him. He was angry and up set. 

 that was a very strange Camp.it had been logged before back in the 40[s or 50's. However, logs and Equipment had been brought in  and out by Train. We had to build the road into the area. this creature is a Mystery I hope they solve before I leave this world. Would not want it hurt or killed, or even caught other than on film or video. if they have been able to live hidden for this long, let them live. Thank you for letting me share my Story. haven't told many folks about in my life time. There are just some things people will not understand. All I can say for sure is, I may not have put my eyes on it, but i know, something is out there. we did have a Logging Truck go off the road with a Full Load of Logs out of that Camp. but don't know what caused him to do so. Can say, I will never forget the sound of that scream.

Thank you for the detail. Enjoyed hearing about your experience.

You are most welcome. only wish I could have said myself or Crew had put eyes on it. Only damage, tracks rock throwing and feelings of being watched and hearing the Screams. .Our crew were only humans around for miles. sure wish I could find some of the folks that were there at that time to back up what happened

I feel you already have back up. This is the 3rd logging crew in California to be harassed by Bigfoot that I am aware of. May be more. Seems the Bigfoot don't like logging activity.
I would like to make a blog post about your experiences if that is OK?

Linda Louise
if you like, it is fine with me. perhaps there are still some out there alive that may be able to add to this event. I was young at the time, and am now close to 70 years old. Should you do so, and get feed back, please let me know. have wondered and thought about this event for years.

 Things that have happened in the woods that no one wants to talk about. People would think we were crazy.once you reach an age,you don't care what they think.You your self knew it happened.Hope some one else recalls this.to find this animal would be like a Deer hunt.people that don't hunt deer think a person just drives out to woods,and Bambi is standing there with a Bulls eye painted on his side.having spent many years in the woods,I have seen people walk right past Deer,Bear,even watched a Cougar follow a man along a ridge right above him. He didn't have a clue. We were in his world.messing up his back yard. Of course he would get up set. I know I would.

OK I will keep you in the loop if anyone responds to the blog.

More Aggressive Bigfoot

Helicopter Log Crew Harassed by Bigfoot

Five People Chased by Idaho Sasquatch

Monday, August 13, 2018

Bigfoot Stalking Women Devils Corral

Girl Scopes Bigfoot During Coyote Hunt in Devils Corral Canyon
Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com

Two Devils Corral Canyon Bigfoot Encounters below.

Carol Davison interviewed S.C. & forwarded the report to RMSO
We are using her initials S.C. wants to remain anonymous.

Carol writes RMSO
she told me about having an encounter about 2014- AT devil's corral- I immediately thought of you
she was hunting coyotes at night...calling them in
had a scope on her rifle...was laying in the back of the pickup
she said she saw eye shine just above the sage but wanted to watch and make sure it wasn't a range cow 
then she said it stood up

Video of Sightings on Location Below
Girl Scopes Bigfoot Hunting Coyote Devils Corral

Carol Davison had the following to add after video was posted.
This gal was not out of her teens at the time of the sighting. She told me that when it stood up on two legs, she realized it was HUGE. She jumped up from her position in the back of the truck, yelled at her girlfriend who was with her and told her to GO. They peeled out of there and haven't been back since then. She said she had never told anyone the story for fear of ridicule, but she saw our bigfoot decals and knew we would be interested to hear the story. I've known her for over a year and she doesn't come across as a flakey 21 yr old ;) I believe her.

1st Bigfoot Sighting Report Sent to RMSO in Devils Corral Canyon
Girl Followed by Bigfoot in Devil Corral Canyon

Original Sighting Report Source


Friday, August 3, 2018

Weird "Monster" Video of Creature Stalking Moose in Canada

Cover from next video below
Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com
Legendary Bigfoot or some other Weird Anomaly?

Moose are extremely dangerous to approach. 
Responsible for harming more people
than any other mammal in North America. 

Mysterious Creature in the Woods

More Unexplained Creatures on Camera

Sasquatch, Strange Creature & Lake Monster
Captured on Camera in Canada

Creepy Weird Creature on Camper
Captured on Video

Unexplained Subject Looks Like a 
Sasquatch Running on Oklahoma Gamecam

Strange Creature Captured on Gamecam
in Flatwoods of Kentucky