Monday, August 13, 2018

Bigfoot Stalking Women Devils Corral

Girl Scopes Bigfoot During Coyote Hunt in Devils Corral Canyon
Email your Bigfoot sighting to

Two Devils Corral Canyon Bigfoot Encounters below.

Carol Davison interviewed S.C. & forwarded the report to RMSO
We are using her initials S.C. wants to remain anonymous.

Carol writes RMSO
she told me about having an encounter about 2014- AT devil's corral- I immediately thought of you
she was hunting coyotes at night...calling them in
had a scope on her rifle...was laying in the back of the pickup
she said she saw eye shine just above the sage but wanted to watch and make sure it wasn't a range cow 
then she said it stood up

Video of Sightings on Location Below
Girl Scopes Bigfoot Hunting Coyote Devils Corral

Carol Davison had the following to add after video was posted.
This gal was not out of her teens at the time of the sighting. She told me that when it stood up on two legs, she realized it was HUGE. She jumped up from her position in the back of the truck, yelled at her girlfriend who was with her and told her to GO. They peeled out of there and haven't been back since then. She said she had never told anyone the story for fear of ridicule, but she saw our bigfoot decals and knew we would be interested to hear the story. I've known her for over a year and she doesn't come across as a flakey 21 yr old ;) I believe her.

1st Bigfoot Sighting Report Sent to RMSO in Devils Corral Canyon
Girl Followed by Bigfoot in Devil Corral Canyon

Original Sighting Report Source


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