Wednesday, June 6, 2018

A small dosage of Trolls we deal with on a regular basis bringing you Bigfoot sighting reports


Tim Stover upset over the cover photo below used on a bigfoot sighting report.
Apparently Tim needs to work out some personal issues & refrain from being an online bully.
Please show Tim some love. Apparently he isn't getting enough attention.

Blog link to the report Stover is throwing a fit over

Tim Stover's Trolling comments.
This is what you call Click Bait! The photo has absolutely nothing to do with the story and fools people into clicking on the link in hopes to see more photos or possibly video footage. This is what many Youtubers and bloggers do to increase the views on their channels and videos. It’s just a numbers game to them.

Kelly Shaw Don't allow jealousy to cloud your vision Tim

Kelly Shaw A cover photo is expected by everyone on any blog post & this woman's sighting report deserves to have a good cover photo even if it is the famous blog squatch of boggy creek. I have had issues with you criticizing me in the past. I do believe you hate me Tim. Have no idea why. However my hunch is you are afraid you aren't directly in the lime light.

Tim Stover   I’ve removed myself from the lime light because of all the garbage and BS out there. I know an attention seeker and a numbers hustler when I see one.
Have you ever noticed that you never participate in anything on OBH or even comment to others who share? But as soon as someone comments to something you share on OBH then your on it like flies on shit.
Until you learn to care about anything but yourself and the numbers it’s best if you stay away. 

Kelly Shaw Appears you struggle with anger management issues. Perhaps jealousy missed the mark. However I wont sit quietly while you take out your personal issues on me. Find someone else to pick on tough guy.

Bigfoot Spotted in Fouke AR Maybe Fouke Monster

Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Regina writes RMSO

Thank you Kelly for replying to my post. 

This wasn't an earth shaking encounter by today’s standards, however at the time of the sighting it was.  I am enclosing the notation I had made regarding my sighting which was some time ago.  However the details were imprinted in my mind forever.  What reminded me of the encounter was the “Finding Bigfoot” episode where the police dashcam video captured a BF crossing the road:  Here it is.  


I don't know where this was taped (regarding the police dashcam).  However in 1968, we were traveling north from Shreveport towards Texarkana on our way to Memphis.  It was about 3 am in the morning. We hit a very lonely stretch of road which was heavily forrested by pine trees on both sides of the road and very little right of way on the road.  On a curve, our headlights caught a bipedal creature about 7-8 feet tall running across the highway from the right to left, taking only about three large steps and into the pines.  This was not a bear... Arms were excessively long and had a rounded head, no neck, no ears, no snout and a massive build.  My mom, two sisters and I all were all extremely shaken to the core and stopped at the next motel some 20 miles down the road.   No more night driving for us.  I had put this in the back of my mind for 30+ years until I accidentally came across this dash cam video. It gave me chills and  made my hair stand on end, as this is exactly what I saw some 30 years prior.  I never said anything over the years  as occasionally overtime when I tried to explain what I saw,  I was chided and berated, laughed at etc. I saw what I saw.  This was not a bear, not quite human, but I will take it to the grave with me. Somehow I feel lucky now that I may have seen a new undiscovered species. I also discovered just recently that my sighting was in the Fouke, Arkansas area where there had apparently been Bigfoot sightings.  Keep an open mind. Just remember the Panda and the gorilla were just fables for many years until verified. 

This was to the best of my recollection.   The date may have been 1967 to 68. It was during summer. I hope this note was not too confusing.  I have hunted elk, deer and bear in Missionary Ridge mtm. Durango, Colorado, so I definitely know a bear when I see one.
Thank you for your interest and may I say I love your channel.

RMSO responds
Read your sighting report. Very interesting. I appreciate you informing us about this sighting of yours.

More Arkansas Bigfoot

Ouachita Sasquatch Filmed at Night Arkansas

Dequeen Bigfoot Tears Off Hogs Ears

Baby Bigfoot Menk Arkansas

Monday, May 28, 2018

Top Videos of Bigfoot From Around the World

Cover Photo of Mississippi Bigfoot Circled
You can watch entire video third post below.

Collection of videos that we believe may be real for many reasons.
We always hear comments why isn't there a single good photo or video of  Bigfoot?
Here is a small collection of 8 videos out of hundreds circulating on Television & the internet.
We realize that there are many hoaxed videos or photos floating around however we feel that most of these posted on this blog may in fact be a real Bigfoot.
Take a look & decide for your self.

Currently the most popular Bigfoot video. 
Filmed October 20th 1967 in Bluff Creek.
The famous Patterson footage

1994 Bigfoot footage in the Blue Mountains of 
Oregon near the Washington boarder
Filmed by Paul Freeman

We call this The Mississippi Bigfoot
Name of the video is.
I think I saw a skunk-ape please help

Jumping Russian Yeti

Excellent quality Bigfoot video Canada
Bigfoot Sasquatch New Sighting. Calgary AB Canada

Boy films Bigfoot in back yard.

Lettuce Park Bigfoot/Skunk-ape

Bigfoot Family Filmed in Utah

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Similar Bigfoot Tracks Blue Mountains & Uinta Mountains

Brody & Jenny at a structure 100 yards from 
Sasquatch Canyon Bigfoot Trackway

Uinta Mountain Bigfoot Track

Famous Paul Freeman Bigfoot Filmed 
has Similar Tracks as Sasquatch Canyon Bigfoot

Similar Bigfoot Tracks Blue Mountains & Uinta Mountains

 A Utah Bigfoot track-way of footprints discovered in 2012 are similar to the Paul Freeman tracks shown on the dermal ridge chart below. Outward facing pinky toe. However the footprints found in Utah were much larger. Over 17 inches in length & 8 inches wide at the toe splay.

  Paul Freeman cast was authenticated as a real animal because of the dermal ridges.. 

 RMSO has documented similar larger tracks.
 RMSO found the track shown above & began to cast it about an hour before dark. 
Because of the wet cold conditions it took over two hours to set up. 

 RMSO had to stay there over an hour past dark while a creature harassed them from the tree line with intimidation stomping, breaking branches and breaking saplings the whole time. Even though it made loud displays of aggression it was careful not to show it self to researchers. 

Just before dark RMSO decided to go up to where the creature was putting on a sound display of harassment. 

Kelly's statement below.
"Although I was afraid, I choked down my fear and talked Jenny into going up there with me to try and find the creature. After all we were here at the 1977 Bigfoot sighting location looking for Bigfoot. We had to make an attempt to video it.
 As we got closer to the tree line it relaxed & we could hear it sneaking quietly back into the draw. We found the area of destruction. Because of the heavy foliage no definite foot print shapes. Just smashed down grass, vegetation & torn off tree limbs etc.. "

 "We searched for the creature for nearly 40 minutes then as it started to get dark we retreated back down to the Bigfoot footprint cast."

"After we got down to the cast the creature rushed the tree line and began the noisy harassment again. It kept it up until we dug the cast up and left long after dark.
 I believe the creature that was trying to intimidating us & trying to get us to leave was more than likely the same creature that left behind the track-way. Along with the Bigfoot footprint we cast in April of 2012 on the South slopes in the Uinta Mountains of Utah.."

Blue Mountain Bigfoot Tracks
At Paul Freeman Location

Kelly Shaw & Les Stroud at Bigfoot track-way
 South Uinta Mountains of Utah 

Red Bigfoot of Rouge River Takes Fisherman's Catch

Email your Bigfoot Sighting to

Red Orangutan Face Bigfoot 
Takes Fisherman's Salmon Rouge River

James W writes RMSO
I want to give you my report from the Rogue Valley area or the Rogue River area where I was fishing a few years back, I kept it to myself but it was an interesting experience so if you're interested message me here and we'll chat RMSO
Sure I would love to hear about your sighting

James W
This is incident happened at the mouth of the Rogue River in southern Oregon I was fishing for salmon and bass and had caught two salmon at the time and had watched this Bigfoot come across the path he had red hair had the face of a would look like an orangutan and he turned and looked at me not violently or anything he just was like a deadpan look and I had taken one of my salmon out and laid it on some newspaper that I had and walked back I put my gear down went down to my knees and I just your to the fish to him he looked at the fish looked at me walked over and picked it up and grunted a little bit and left the the way that he was going the fault that following weekend but the dates aren't all that clear to me anymore it's been so long another salmon and in the same place on the newspaper where all these fruits berries and nuts that have been left there and I noticed that he had been in the area because there was a definite smell it was in the middle of summer so

Amazing. Thanks for informing us of your sighting. Were you able to estimate the height or weight? How close were you from it when you first spotted it? How close did it come to you when it took your salmon gift?

James W

Yes 9 foot range. With red hair

And a foot print 17 ins long and 5 ins wide.

More Rouge River Bigfoot Below

Rouge Bigfoot Enters Home Terrifies Woman

Three Bigfoot Suttle Lake

RMSO was looking for Bigfoot 
same area nearly the same time where James saw one!
Rouge River Summer of 2017.. 

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Epic Bigfoot Expedition Best Sasquatch Track Cast

Cover from videos below
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Giant Bigfoot Tracked in Sasquatch Canyon

Epic Bigfoot Expedition Best Sasquatch Track Cast
 Brody discovers where 
the 19 inch footprints came from

Original Full Length 
Epic Bigfoot Expedition

More Sasquatch Canyon Bigfoot

Bigfoot Tries to Sneak up on Campers
 in Sasquatch Canyon

Bigfoot watched RMSO & BFRO Investigate Its Sighting

Cover photo from next video below
Sasquatch Captured on Video
watching Investigators Searching for It

Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Bigfoot may have been watching RMSO & BFRO
 Investigate Curtis's recent Bigfoot sighting at Lost Creek

RMSO investigators 
Derek Wright, Mike Hansen, 
Kelly Shaw, Brody Lewis 
BFRO investigators 
Todd Strong & Clint Richens 

Highlight Video Clip
 Is a Bigfoot watching RMSO investigate its sighting

Full Interview & Investigation
Curtis's Bigfoot Sighting Lost Creek Full Expedition

Bigfoot Suspect Slow Filter Stabilized at Lost Creek

Cave Exploration Curtis's Bigfoot Sighting Location

Original Screen Shot
Zoom & Filter

Following Winter Expedition Curtis's Bigfoot Sighting Location

Friday, May 18, 2018

Bigfoot Throws Dog Into Family Camping Tent

Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Poor Dog Thrown by Sasquatch During a Camp Out
(Written Report Below Video)

Bigfoot Throws Dog Into Family Camping Tent

Poor Dog Thrown by Sasquatch During a Camp Out
Kodie writes RMSO
When I was younger, about 7-8 years ago. My family and I were in Kanosh camping. Earlier in the day my cousins, dad and brother found a deer carcass strung up in a tree, but it was all positioned funny with the eyes just hanging down. All day something felt off, and the dogs on the trip were really scared. That night we fried some fish and left out our trash (I know not safe). And went to sleep.

A few hours later my mom got up to go pee, and she was so scared it was deathly quiet, and she felt watched. An hour after that, one of the dogs sleeping out side got thrown through my aunt and uncles tent. So my uncle and one of my cousins went in the truck to sleep and everyone else piled in my parents tent with me and my brother.

Someone ended up laying on my feet and I kept waking up, I sat up trying to get comfortable, and I saw a HUGE shadow, it had to be 7 feet tall, and the dogs were growling and going nuts, then the dog got picked up and thrown against the tent. I have never buried my head into a pillow so fast. it was terrifying.

The next day the garbage bags were still in tact, but the grill we had used for the fish was picked clean, and the whole area stunk so so so bad. We still don't know what it was, me and my mom swear it was a big foot. Thought I would share! I've had family and friends over the past few years experience similar things in that area!

More South Utah & North Arizona Bigfoot

Halchita Sasquatch
Stinking of Death Growls at Hikers

Sasquatch in Tribal Lands Captured on Camera

Woman Runs Up on Troll Like
Mogollon Monster Arizona's Bigfoot