Brody & Jenny at a structure 100 yards from
Sasquatch Canyon Bigfoot Trackway
Sasquatch Canyon Bigfoot Trackway
Uinta Mountain Bigfoot Track
Famous Paul Freeman Bigfoot Filmed
has Similar Tracks as Sasquatch Canyon Bigfoot
Similar Bigfoot Tracks Blue Mountains & Uinta Mountains
A Utah Bigfoot track-way of footprints discovered in 2012 are similar to the Paul Freeman tracks shown on the dermal ridge chart below. Outward facing pinky toe. However the footprints found in Utah were much larger. Over 17 inches in length & 8 inches wide at the toe splay.
Paul Freeman cast was authenticated as a real animal because of the dermal ridges..
RMSO has documented similar larger tracks.
RMSO found the track shown above & began to cast it about an hour before dark.
Because of the wet cold conditions it took over two hours to set up.
RMSO had to stay there over an hour past dark while a creature harassed them from the tree line with intimidation stomping, breaking branches and breaking saplings the whole time. Even though it made loud displays of aggression it was careful not to show it self to researchers.
Just before dark RMSO decided to go up to where the creature was putting on a sound display of harassment.
Kelly's statement below.
"Although I was afraid, I choked down my fear and talked Jenny into going up there with me to try and find the creature. After all we were here at the 1977 Bigfoot sighting location looking for Bigfoot. We had to make an attempt to video it.
Kelly's statement below.
"Although I was afraid, I choked down my fear and talked Jenny into going up there with me to try and find the creature. After all we were here at the 1977 Bigfoot sighting location looking for Bigfoot. We had to make an attempt to video it.
As we got closer to the tree line it relaxed & we could hear it sneaking quietly back into the draw. We found the area of destruction. Because of the heavy foliage no definite foot print shapes. Just smashed down grass, vegetation & torn off tree limbs etc.. "
"We searched for the creature for nearly 40 minutes then as it started to get dark we retreated back down to the Bigfoot footprint cast."
"After we got down to the cast the creature rushed the tree line and began the noisy harassment again. It kept it up until we dug the cast up and left long after dark.
I believe the creature that was trying to intimidating us & trying to get us to leave was more than likely the same creature that left behind the track-way. Along with the Bigfoot footprint we cast in April of 2012 on the South slopes in the Uinta Mountains of Utah.."

Blue Mountain Bigfoot Tracks
At Paul Freeman Location
Kelly Shaw & Les Stroud at Bigfoot track-way
South Uinta Mountains of Utah
Hello RMSO ,,my name is Dion and I'm from PNW wa. and often go into the cascades etc. and have witnessed some interesting things, sounds, possible structures, trackway,, trees pushed over,, mumbling whistles,,,, and possibly a dog bark? This is just over the last spring through now as we went out a bit last week in the snow,,, heard some more interesting sounds however nothing major,just thought you might enjoy a little update from Wa.,,,anyway I find your videos AWESOME interesting and inspiring,,,, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK,,, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR DOING on the subject at hand....BLESSINGS!
ReplyDeleteTracks and structures.
ReplyDeleteThe foot print comparison is educational.
ReplyDeleteSo, you got to hear one also? Scary..