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Another Big Timber Sasquatch on Crazy Mountain
Crazy Mountain Bigfoot Big Timber Montana
Dillon writes RMSO
Hey how's it going my name is Dillon I messaged you on you tube.
I just want to start by saying I have hunted all my life been in deep wilderness I know what it's like to be stalked by a Grizzly or cougar but I had an experience that changed the way I feel about the woods. When I was 17 my father and I were way up in the avalanche shoot in the first picture.

We were about 6hours into are hunt and didn't see one animal which for that ranch is very strange you see 100 head before you go through the first gate by the way it's a 10,000 acer ranch. So we decided to take a break and eat when we started hearing what sounded like wood being torn from a trunk but it wasn't to close so we didn't really pay any mind to it.
The sound went on and off for a 5 or 6 minutes then it was silent not a bird chirping or a squirrel barking. My dad started to get uneasy and said we should head off so we started to traverse the left side of the shoot slowly heading up the mountain away from the tree line.
I was in the back following my dad all of the sudden I heard pop I thought it was another hunter shooting in are directing so I got up behind a rock my dad did the same then he yelled down to where the noise came from. Right after he yelled another pop so we got are binoculars out to see who this dumb ass was.
My father made the most horrible gasp and froze I shook his shoulder and he just pointed. All I could see was a shaggy grayish black mass of fur hunched down by the side of a tree right at the edge of the tree line. It was atleast 800 yards down in the valley.
Right when I started to comprehend what I was looking at it moved back and we heard another pop. My dad pushed me back and said we need to move now. By this time it was getting dark we had maybe an hour of light with a long hike ahead we didn't hear or see anything for awhile mostly trying to get to the truck. When the light faded and we had to break out the mag light we started hearing the pop again at least it was still a ways back.
We hit a creek about a mile from the truck and my dad decided it would be a good idea to shoot a couple rounds he cranked off 2 with are 270 and right after we heard 2 consecutive pops my dad just looked at me and said were going home. That was the last time I went that far up into the Crazys. It was probably the most frightening yet interesting thing that has happened to me.
I moved out to Oregon later that year but I definitely want to go back and try to find or at least hear that again. So get back to me if you have a chance.

RMSO responds
What was the name of the Ranch? & What State were you guys in?
How much of the gray creature did you see? Did you see its face or able to estimate its height etc..?
Dillon continues
It was the Grosfield ranch in Big Timber Montana know as the crazy mountains it's open usually during hunting season just half to talk to the owner.
What I saw of the creature was what looked like the right shoulder and forearm with the one bent below it it was a distance I couldn't see a face but definitely a shaggy side of a head. The hair was more like dreadlocks looking matted down and for the height I would say 6 foot maybe less crouched but probably double standing up. but it was definitely crouched it looked like it was straddling the base of the tree with the right knee poking out a few feet out. I would say close to 900lbs I couldn't get a good view on its torso but judging by the distance and how big the tree was what ever it was is a huge. A side note the new state record grizzly for Montana was taken from that same mountain.
Thank you for the communication Dillon.
We had a similar experience in Montana a few years ago at a Bigfoot sighting location. Mouth popping. We did not see what kept making the mouth pops directly at us, however folks found something of interest in the video. May be a coincidence we kept hearing something mouth popping while it stayed hidden. The face was in the same direction we heard the popping. It maybe an illusion and the real mouth popping culprit remained hidden.
We had a similar experience in Montana a few years ago at a Bigfoot sighting location. Mouth popping. We did not see what kept making the mouth pops directly at us, however folks found something of interest in the video. May be a coincidence we kept hearing something mouth popping while it stayed hidden. The face was in the same direction we heard the popping. It maybe an illusion and the real mouth popping culprit remained hidden.
Another Big Timber Sasquatch on Crazy Mountain
Horseman Surprise Sasquatch in Bowls Creek
The Face of Bigfoot in Bowls Creek Montana
Sasquatch Captured on Camera in the Eagle Cap Mountains of Oregon
Squatchy 'ol Montana
ReplyDeleteYes, I do believe that you did catch a face of one of our big guys!!! Good Job!