Showing posts with label California Bigfoot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label California Bigfoot. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

8ft Tall Sasquatch near Red Bluff


Cover photo link
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Large 600 Pound Sasquatch May Have Been Female

8ft Tall Sasquatch near Red Bluff

Jack Bennett writes RMSO on FB
I have seen Bigfoot in 1997 on highway 36 in California. Was with my wife and kids, it walked right across the road as I came around a bend.  I am a hunter so I know it was not a bear. I knew exactly what it was, I believe and know for certain that Bigfoot exists.

RMSO Responds
Day time or night time sighting.. Any estimate on size, weight or girth?

Jack continues
Early  morning, around 6:30, size easy 8 ft , weight maybe 600  ,believe  it was female, because  it did have what I believe  were breasts,  highway  36 back in 97 was not traveled  that much was coming  from  Willits  ca  going  to Redbluff ca , two lane rd lots of forest.

  Had a Toyota pickup brand new it was quiet. When I came around the corner it was walking  across the road. Maybe two steps it was across the road. I slammed on my brakes, backed up. On the other side was a small field,  had a few big redwood trees. I lost track of where  it went, got out of the truck and could smell it. After I left I was trying to figure it out, where did it go? I now know exactly what it did, it was behind the tree, no doubt it was the color  of the redwood tree.

Amazing encounter. What color was she?

Jack writes
Like I said same color  as the bark on a redwood  tree ,redish brown. I was in my early 30s back then, now I am 58. Still remember that day as clear as a bell and yes it was amazing, me and my wife of 41 years still talk about it.

Still hunt the Sherman pass where a road camera on the pass captured a Bigfoot in the snow climbing the mountain here in California. You should be able to see it on YouTube , that is a Bigfoot for sure.
Sherman Pass Bigfoot

More North California Bigfoot

Bigfoot Jumps from Tree & Runs to Cover

Grandma Slams Bigfoot with Car

Sasquatch Growls Through Window Shakes Trailer

Monday, February 8, 2021

Butte Lake Sasquatch Running in Manzanita Bushes


Artist Rendition
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"She was covered with straw colored hair 3 inches long, 
more compact & muscular than a human"

Butte Lake Sasquatch 
Running in Manzanita Bushes

Curt Brasier writes RMSO
 Back in 1974, I invited two of my High School buds (1970 graduates) to ‘Butt Lake’ (Should have been Butte Lake except for a map makers error!) in Northern California.

 While walking down a game trail, with rifle in hand, I stopped next to a large Manzanita bush to listen to the sounds of the forest. After several minutes, a scream of a voice I had never heard before, yet can’t forget, erupted from under the collection of manzanita bushes next to me!
Then, to my surprise, a young female Sasquatch about 4 or 4 1/2 feet high jumped out onto the trail in front of me!

Her physical appearance was obviously female, although much more compact and muscular than a human. She was covered with straw colored hair ~ 3 inches long but perhaps an inch longer on her head.

 As she ran down the game trail away from me, I forgot about my rifle as I watched this athletic young female (sasquatch) run away from me in panic.
As I gripped my rifle, I could only see, the similarities to a human girl of her age...

Let us not drive these hominids, with whom we share North America, into extinction!
As creatures of evolution and the Gods of Creation, do they not deserve the same rights to existence as we?
Please, give the Sasquatch your blessings to live in peace..

RMSO responds
 I recall other sightings in North California around manzanita. One that comes to mind is Bobby Reich Sasquatch sighting & others linked below.

More North California Bigfoot

Bigfoot Jumps from 
Tree & Runs to Cover

Grandma SLAMS Bigfoot 
with Car in Redwoods

Huge Chico Sasquatch Lips Curl 
Into Scariest Smile Ever Seen

Carson River Sasquatch Video Climbs Tree

Sasquatch Growls Through Window
 Shakes Trailer

Butte Lake Sasquatch Investigation

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Grandma SLAMs Bigfoot with Car in Redwoods

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(Written report below video)
Grandma got out of the car saying "Sir, are you alright?" 
& I'm yelling, "GET BACK IN THE CAR!"

Grandma SLAMs Bigfoot with Car in Redwoods

Matthew Grammer writes RMSO
 I was young it was when I first came to America. I had heard stories about Bigfoot and I never though in a million years I would see one the first time I went into the Redwood Forest in Northern California.

 I was driving with my Grandmother to Oregon to meet my cousins. It was 2am on this dark road and we came around a bend, and he was standing in the middle of the road. I saw his red eyes and his face. He was enormous and covered in hair and SLAM!!!

 Grandma hits it with the car, destroying the whole front of the car and the big guy ran down the mountain side off the side of the road. Grandma got out of the car and she is saying. "Sir, are you alright?" and I'm yelling, "GET BACK IN THE CAR!!!"

 I'm scared to death and I was 12 years old. She finally got back in the car and we limped the car another 1/2 mile to a gas station which was really old and only had one read gas pump. The place was closed till 6am. 

 Grandma told me to try and get some sleep, so I put my pillow up against the window of the car and as I'm laying against the glass I look up and see a Giant Bigfoot looking over the building down into the car at me.
 I freak out screaming and crying to just realize it was part of the building and it said, "Welcome to Bigfoot Country" on the building. I finally calm down, but never slept.

 The next morning the old man opened the sote, he as inside the whole time and we told him what happened.
 Grandma said it was a large man, but I saw it clear as day when the bright lights lit up his face. She had real thick glasses and the old man said to her, Ma'am that late at night out here and he ran down the side of the mountain?? The young man is right, that was the big hairy guy, there are several families of them around here and I can tell by the front of  your car that it was not a human you hit. Cuz with that much damage the man would be laying dead in the road. 

 He pulled all the hair out of the frill of the car. He said he was gonna put it in his collection in the store. He had plaster casts of Bigfoot prints and other stuff he collected over the years.

So thats my story, it scared me half to death and I can still see his face plain as day in my memory.

RMSO responds
Appreciate the details of your encounter. If you recall anything else please let us know.

Matthew responds
 I cant confirm the exact location of my sighting as I was 12 years old and my Grandmother was driving. She went to heaven decades ago.

 I do remember the gas station that we stopped at after we hit the Squatch. The top of the building had a large wooden sign with a squatch peeking over the roof looking down and it said "Welcome to Bigfoot Country" and it only had one little old style red gas pump. I don't remember the actual name of the station/store.

 I do remember that we were in the Redwood forest on the main highway that goes through California to Oregon, as our destination was Rogue River, Oregon.

 The one thing that really stands our in my mind was the look on it's face when we hit it. We were in a very small Peugeot car and we were going very slow due to the fog and Grandma's vision.

 The look was a wince of pain, or anger I'm not sure which. But he looked back at the car like he got bit by a large bug. When he saw the car at the last second he tried to run off the side of the road and Grandma actually swerved the same way. If she would have swerved the other way we would have missed him all together.

 We only hit his leg as he took the next step toward the hillside that went down a very steep hill, it spun him around. He gave that look and down the hillside he went. She got out of the car yelling down the hillside, "Sir are you alright?" and I'm freaking out because I looked him right in the face and I knew right away that it was.
 I had heard stories back on the island where I'm from about Sasquatch and for some reason I believed the story straight away because when you look at the evolution of man you see there is a missing link. Our teacher told the story that Sasquatch was the missing link, not some campfire story to scare little children. I was taught that Sasquatch was the missing link who was very evasive and wanted not part of mankind due to our violent nature and the fear of being killed by hunters.

 So the idea of actually seeing one in the Redwood forest fascinated me, but when I actually did see him I was scared half to death. Just the overall size scared me, I thought  he would be a hairy man with large feet. Not that he was almost ten feet tall and super scary looking. And when you are a child things appear much larger than they actually are. Like the BigMac!! When I was small a BigMac was huge, now its two bites. Anyway God Bless You and Good Luck in your continual hunt for proof of our large hairy friend.

More Redwood & Rouge Bigfoot Below

Two Days of Bigfoot Redwoods

Rogue River Bigfoot Enters Home

Clackamas River Bigfoot

Women Spot Bigfoot At Bridge Happy Camp

Monday, July 20, 2020

Desolation Wilderness Sasquatch

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Bigfoot sighting reported hot spot, 
two encounter locations visited & research at the locations
 West of Lake Tahoe near the Desolation Wilderness.

Desolation Wilderness Sasquatch

Wrights Lake Bigfoot Search For Sasquatch

Hikers Encounter Bigfoot Desolation Wilderness

Backpack Bigfoot Encounter Wrights Lake Enchanted Pools

Desolation Sasquatch Expedition

Monday, February 24, 2020

Feather River Bigfoot twice the size of a large human

Artist Rendition
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Giant Sasquatch Encountered in Plumas Forest

Feather River Bigfoot 
twice the size of a large human

Robert Lackey writes RMSO
 Hi Kelly, I grew up in CA and when 12 or 13 started helping my father with the family business of trapping. Loved to hunt and fish all my young life, worked my way thru college with the CA Dept. of Fish and Game and then later in life for the US Forest Service for 14 years give or take. I loved outdoors.

 In Sept of 1993 I worked in silviculture for the US Forest Service, Plumas NF and my job this morning was to meet a contractor and show him a contacting up for bid, but he did not show up. So I proceed to a place called Watson Ridge, just North of Feather Falls in the Plumas NF. It drains into the Middle Fork of the Feather River which is wild and scenic area. I arrived at a clear cut named the mountain lion cut at 11:30. Wanted to see the mountain lion that lived there, I took my lunch into a small patch of brush and quietly looked over my 5 acre clear-cut. As my lunch ended 30 minutes later I had seen nothing and started packing my lunch box when I heard a large branch break. Sounded like a cow stepping and I did not even look up.

 I was there to count trees in the clear-cut by walking 120 yds, using a tape measure, count how many trees there were in a 20 ft. diameter circle. I walked out and counted my first plot and then started towards my second plot. As I get about 20 yds. from the edge of the clear-cut, I heard another large limb break and instantly looked up the hill. About 40 yards away thru a small opening in the brush was a leg. All that was visible was the back of the leg from the knee down to the ankle.

 The sun was shining direct on this portion of leg and I could clearly see red hair about 1 1/2 inches long around the leg. On the inner 1/2 was a denser fur. As this creature started walking up the mountain away from me, I watched the calf muscle flex up and down. It was awesome how large it was. This was my only view which was it's left leg from the back of knee down. Eventually I could see all the way up to the butt (about 65 yards away) and it seemed well portioned to a human. Hair all red. Then for a brief moment, I could see all the way up to the shoulders. The shoulders were very large and clearly bigger than a human. My guess is twice the size of a large human. The hair all the way up it's body to the shoulders was red. Some a little closer to brown.

 As it moved into the brush, mainly tan oak, I thought the sighting was over, but just above the tan oak was a small opening and in it a dead tan oak bent over so that the 6" diameter end was facing me. The creature/bigfoot/what every you prefer to call it step out and bent down a little to lay it's left arm on top of the tan oak. As it did, the end of the tan oak moved down about a foot. The tan oak was about 5' 6" to 6' off the ground.

 As it stood there looking at me (110 yards away) it was mostly in the shade, however a part of the left shoulder was in the sun and all the left arm. The left elbow was colored black. It looked like a black soft leather. I was confused at how a creature with such red hair could have black skin.

 I cannot tell you how long this part of the encounter lasted. I clearly remember thinking it was checking me out as much as I checked it out. I could not see it's face or the front of it's body and never did. After it setting on the limb for half a minute, it just turned and lifted up, took two steps into the forest and I never saw it again.

 Clearly the details of my encounter ensure me that it was not a hoax. The detail of the muscles and body, awesome encounter. I never felt fear. It was never aggressive and I never smelt a strong smell. I've been left wondering how many more encounters I have had without knowing about it. I have also had a few unexplained experiences in my life that I look at completely differently now.

RMSO responds
Hi Robert, appreciate hearing about your encounter along with the details you recall of the sighting.

 We had a similar experience at Palisades, Idaho. June 2012.
After finding bigfoot shaped tracks & hearing vocalizations. We zoomed & started snapping photos down a thick vegetated wash where most of the vocalizations were coming from.
 Captured the creature below partially hiding behind a tree watching us, part of its left arm is in the sun, however the rest of it is in the shadows.

More California Sasquatch Below

Angry Sequoia Sasquatch 
Slams Into Jeep Breaking Side Window

Bigfoot Jumps 
from Tree & Runs to Cover

Pinecone Collector Runs From Bigfoot

Lake Shasta Caverns Bigfoot

Evening Bigfoot Encounter Shingletown

Backpacker Harassed by Bigfoot Enchanted Pool

Desolation Wilderness Bigfoot

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Tall Dark Broad Bigfoot at Mt Shasta

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Tall Dark Broad Bigfoot at Mt Shasta

Tom Fox writes RMSO
Have been camping around mt shasta and certainly saw something tall and dark that was on a ridge that only a expert hiker could climb. anyhow, I believe I saw my first bf! 

Later I attempted to check for foot prints but couldn't get to the ridge, asked others what the best way to get up there. it was tall and I waved at it and felt its presence. but no I cannot say 100% it was .. viewed it on the ridge above the L for Old Ski Bowl location. it was very tall all dark even face was, it was very broad then turned sideways and looked like a slim dark pole.

RMSO responds
Thanks for the info Tom. MT Shasta is well known for Bigfoot activity.
Is it OK if I make a blog post regarding your Mt Shasta experience?

Tom Fox
yes, Mt Shasta, am still here, am looking to move here now. Will be here for certain for another month!
I should of make a bf call to it ! You take the paved road all the way to the old ski resort called OLD SKI BOWL ! theres natural springs there and trails but none up to where I saw BF!

Keep us posted if you see any more suspect Bigfoot activity. Take video and photos if possible.
Thanks again.

More Bigfoot Near Mt Shasta

Lake Shasta Bigfoot at The Caverns

Sasquatch Growls Through Window Shakes Trailer

Bigfoot Intimidation of Pine Cone Collector

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Stabilized Bigfoot Patty Famous Walk

Cover photo from next video below
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 11 second T/F from video link below of Patty, as her right foot impacts the ground.
Personally my favorite frame of the video because you can see all of the leg muscles flex & wiggle under gravity & power as it impacts the ground naturally, showing it to be real animal physically as opposed to even the best costume technology today. 1967 & even the best costumes of modern time cant recreate this natural flex & power in the entire frame of muscles. 
This magnificent creature filmed in Bluff Creek October 20th 1967

Patty vs Man Video Analysis

More California Bigfoot

Two Bigfoot Orick Coastal Pond

Two Days of Bigfoot Pacific Northwest

Face to Face With Bigfoot Coastal Trail

Monday, May 20, 2019

Sasquatch Growls Through Window Shakes Trailer

Art work by Robroy Menzies
Video below written report
"The Bigfoot shook the trailer, growling through my window"

Sasquatch Growls Through Window Shakes Trailer
Snowcreek Writes
RMSO I had a close encounter with a Bigfoot 3 years ago in May of 2014. It happened in a mobile home park I lived at the time in a small town called Gazelle in Northern California by Mount Shasta. I wasn't home all by myself when it happened. The encounter happened two nights in a row. The Bigfoot shook the trailer, growling through my window, and bumping the trailer really hard.

Crazy. Did you get a good look at it? If so did you see facial features, height, color etc.?

No I did not look at it. I was very scared. But the person that was with me at home went outside and he saw something very tall walking towards the property behind where we lived. After the second night that it happened, the next day I saw scratches on my window and my friend found hair on the electric pole next to the trailer. The hair was orangeish brownish gray. It was a big chunk of hair. Before all of this happened I read up on Bigfoots to know their behaviors and where they like to hide. There has been times I heard their sounds in that area before the close encounter happened and after.

You remember any other details or have any more experiences we would like to hear about them.

A few months before that close encounter happened I was home all by myself. It was around 8:00 pm in the evening it was still light outside. but starting to get dark I heard a growl outside near my window. Then that was it. The year before in the summer time one night the trailer shook, but not too hard.

Bigfoot Growls Through Window Shakes Trailer

Bigfoot Sightings near Mt Shasta Below

Man Collecting Pine-cones Retreats from 
Bigfoot Intimidation Approach

Lake Shasta Caverns Bigfoot

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Boulder Mountain Bigfoot

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Boulder Mountain Bigfoot Expedition

Related Videos &
Bigfoot Sightings Surrounding Boulder Mountain

Two Days of Bigfoot Encounters Pacific Northwest

Bigfoot Smashes Barrel Like Beer Can

Bigfoot Action All Day Long Pacific Northwest

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Sasquatch Action All Day Long Pacific Northwest

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Active Bigfoot Location in Coastal Forest of Pac West

Sasquatch Action All Day Long Pacific Northwest

Bigfoot sightings below that motivated
our search into this location

Bigfoot Smashes 55 Gallon Barrel
Like a Beer Can

Myers Flat Bigfoot

Two Days of Bigfoot Encounters Pacific Northwest

Woman & Bigfoot Face to Face Pacific Northwest Trail

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Review Stabilized & Zoomed

Cover from next video below
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Sasquatch on Video with Breakdown Included

Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Review Stabilized & Zoomed

On location sighting report Source Video
Bigfoot Wrecks Logging Camp

Three Separate Zoomed Screen Shots of Subject
Appears the face moves from screen shot to screen shot

Monday, December 10, 2018

Island Mountain Bigfoot Attack

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Sasquatch Attack on Log Crew at Island Mountain

Island Mountain Bigfoot Attack
Bigfoot Attack on Logging Crew at Island Mountain

More Bigfoot activity in general area
Myers Flat Bigfoot Observed by Fishermen

Two Days of Bigfoot Sightings Pacific Northwest

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Shasta Skull Redding Ranch

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Rancher Looking for Answers Regarding
Strange Skull Found on His Dairy Farm

Shasta Skull Redding Ranch

Sam L writes RMSO
 I have a story about a family of sasquatches that I've known that lived on my property for the last four generations. My family owns a small Dairy Ranch in Northern California between Shasta and Redding. CA. my family and my coworkers have never been bothered by the family of 9 Sasquatches that are living on our property we own close to 3000 acres up here take you 2 days to walk it. Plus we have two waterfalls on the property. Second waterfall we made it a gift in area because it's on the Southeastern part of the property and nobody goes down there. Plus we have no trespassing signs everywhere on our property. 

 We don't allow hunting up here we do have a lot of Wildlife. Elk dear Fox mountain lion another word Call Puma and once in awhile you might get lucky and see a black bear. We know the Bears are here we just never see them they're very elusive just like the mountain lion is but they hunt on our property so we know they're here. I've seen a lighter videos on your research. And the reason why I'm trying to get ahold of somebody I thought of you. And I was wondering if there was some way to communicate with them because here comes the hard part. I don't think you're going to believe anyway. My daughter 16 years ago befriended a female Sasquatch I know that's hard to believe but it's true. The Sasquatches that we have on our property like I said Forest dwelling people have never bothered any of her cattle any of our other livestock that we have here never bothered any of the coworkers. So we never had a problem with any of them and and that's why I thought I'd reach out to your organization and see if he can tell us how to communicate with these people so we can understand them more. On any given day you will at least have one siding if we took you up to the gifting area on any given day. I appreciate it very much if somebody in your organization can get back with me so we can talk about it a little bit and I will discuss more on how my daughter befriended a Sasquatch 16 years ago when she went on a hunting trip with her brother and she was 16 at the time also

RMSO responds
  We rarely wood-knock or vocalize when out at Bigfoot hot spots. We will respond if they vocalize or wood-knock near us. We don't speak the language & so let them initiate communication first. Feel it makes them less nervous & doesn't scare them away. I really believe if you try to initiate communication it scares them away. May get a quick response sometimes, then they leave the area.

Sam L
Okay well let me put it to you this week because you're not understanding the situation first of all we have two types of I'm not sure how you would say it I know we have Sasquatch on our property but I have something I'd like to show you a picture and you tell me what you think it is we found it it was a dad my son's very body but we kept the head we have a a zoologist coming here from San Francisco University to see you this skeleton that my son and his brother found hunting on our property on the Southwest gate 

Sam L
We sent a picture to Jeff Meldrum he's a professor of anthropology going to have him check it out and tell me what it is. 

Unique looking skull. Never saw anything like it in North California. The eye sockets are in a primate like position. The teeth on that thing is long. The canines look bigger than what I expect on a wolf. Interesting specimen.

Sam L
Yes I would have to say that's a very interesting species that I've never seen anywhere in the northern California. But I am going to send out samples to different people that it's going to check out what it is it's very concerning since I do have a Dairy Ranch but in the last 20 years we haven't lost one cow or one calf due to any type of situation on his Mountain. If you give me an address I can send you something for DNA process if you want. Well I'm going to go ahead and sign off for the evening I do get up at 4:30 to milk cows so hopefully I'll be able to hear from you again 

No need to send me a sample. I have to send my personal samples to labs for analysis. The hair I collected along side Bigfoot tracks in 2013 were analyzed at Weber State University then sent to two more Universities & the Museum of Cryptozoology. All received generous 100 strand samples September 2013 & as to date no confirmation on a match. Still a mystery. I hope you get results on that skull. Interested on what is discovered about it.


Here is the video of the hair we found & collected
Large Wads of Hair & Cast of Bigfoot Track
 Yellowstone Canyon

Sam L
 First of all I like to tell you who I am my name is y.y. meaning y.s. I'm an elder son of the Hupa reservation. So please let me tell you this first in order for you to do what you're asking I need to go to the Elders of the tribe and the talk was a shaman and get permission for you to do this so that way there will be no evil in any way spells or demons on my property. I know that might be hard for you to understand but in the Hoopa tribe includes..Nabiltse,Natano,Trinity tribes. So we're not just talking about the Hupa. And each one of them has a Sharman so I would have to go speak with them first and get permission before you do this.

If you can give me a few days get off my property and go speak with the sharman's of the tribes that I just spoke about. You probably won't understand what I'm talking about but it will be really bad medicine. If I don't get permission first for me my family my land and the co-workers that work on this Dairy Ranch.. thank you..Y.Y..

I understand completely.

Sam L
Thank you ill have answer for you in three day's and let you know how they would like to proceed on this Quest. May I ask who I've been speaking with during this time. I'm sure the Sharman are going to request a name? Myself and on behalf of the Hupa reservation would like to thank you for the respect that you are giving us enough time to talk with his Sherman before proceeding on with this Quest. Y.S..

Three Days Later...

Sam L
To (RMSO) I went with my son and his friend that found the skull and the body of this creature. To speak with the Sharmans of the Hupa Indian nations which includes.Nabiltse.Natano.Trinity Tribe's. They all decided since it was found in Hoopa Valley were the two men were hunting. There was also a sacred burial ground really close by. They decide to do a ceremony and dig up where the body was buried at and bury the head with it so that way it will go back to its creator as a whole knowing that we did not discrete the body at all. And by doing the ceremony it will ward off any evil spirits demons or any such evil spirits. Plus Kelly Shaw we will chanting your name as this ceremony will be going on for the fact that we want to make sure that nothing evil will be coming your way. Tonight when my family gets back home. I will have my son and his friend sit down give you what they call a Reader's Digest story on how they found this creature. How they told me it was a very amazing story one that will scare you out of the seat of your pants. But it's all true and tomorrow morning when you have your first cup of coffee you can look and see what you'll have your story. Once again myself and on behalf of the Hupa Indian Nation would like to thank you Kelly Shaw and RMSO. For giving us the opportunity for a ceremony before you publish this Quest..Y.Y.. Y.S. 

Appreciate you, your family, tribe & tribes in the area taking the time to address this situation with the crypid found & helping to protect everyone involved with this mystery.

Another Day Later..

Sam L
Yesterday afternoon one of my sons friend is a zoologist that came up and that works at the San Francisco Zoo. And once he walked in the house and looked at it the first thing that came out of his mouth he said it was a baboon. So I'm not sure what to tell you now apparently maybe somebody had this as a pet and they got too old and they let it go and it died out in the forest. So I have to apologize for the inconvenience I put you through but at least we did a ceremony last night before coming home and finding out the truth about this species. Y.s..

Looks rather monkey like for sure. Is still a very interesting situation even if it is a baboon. For the fact it ended up in North California. Thank you for the information. Very interesting

Although this primate skull is more than likely Baboon. I am interested on how it ended up on this 3,000 North California property? Did the baboon escape from a zoo, wildlife preserve or personal pet?
Was this baboon attracted to the Bigfoot living on the property. Did the Bigfoot bring the baboon to the property. Did the Bigfoot help the baboon to escape captivity?

Interesting the relation or coincidences of this situation.

Keep on watching we will keep on squatching!

More Shasta Bigfoot Activity
Man Collecting Pinecones Runs from Bigfoot

Lake Shasta Caverns Bigfoot

Shingletown Bigfoot

Monday, August 20, 2018

Bigfoot Logging Camp Attack Island Mountain

Cover fromvideo below
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Written Report Below Video
Apparently Sasquatch get Territorial with Loggers

Bigfoot Logging Camp Attack Island Mountain

Linda Louise writes RMSO
The Big Foot attack happened in the Summer of Aug.1971. 
The Logging Show was being run by a Victor Jabloniki.

We had a crew of up 10 Guys, of which my Husband was one of them. i was the Camp Cook at the time. we stayed at the Camp in Island mountain during the week, and would go back to town on weekends for supplies.we were so far back in,it took many hours to make the drive from Laytonville.CA. to the Camp in Island mountain .

 The day before the attack came, I had taken my Husband his lunch where he was cutting Timber. Look at this he told me. There were many small trees ripped out of the ground near where he had cut trees the day before.They would have been about 4 Ft. tall when standing, but were pulled up like Carrots. 

 I've seen Bears go through an area and do strange things he said. But nothing ever like this.We sat down and he ate. The woods were very quiet,and that got our attention.It was too quiet. We then heard foot falls coming our way from up hill. It's all clear my husband called out. I don't have any trees hung up.

 The foot falls stopped, then we heard foot falls going back up the hill. After eating we walked toward where we heard the foot falls coming from. the trails were covered with pine needles ,but we found some very large tracks, bigger than a size 16 shoe ? None of our guys had feet that big. ? My husband was always at home in the woods, but he was spooked. Think I'll knock off for the rest of the day he said. And we picked up Saw and Gas and headed back to camp. 

 We told the Logging boss and crew what happened ,and asked if anyone walked down to Art's timber patch. No,we didn't go near there.My Husband and I slept in the Cook shack.And one of the guys had brought a Dog up with him. everyone had gone to sleep.All quiet and very Dark.We only had lanterns for light up there.the stove was wood,and fridge and Hot water heater ran on portable propane tanks we hauled up with keep in mind,no phones ,no radio,we were very isolated. 

So, I'm awake thinking about what to cook in the morning,and I hear Blackie the chicken dog begin to whine like I've never heard him before. He was on a chain just out side the cook shack. All of a sudden he ran under the cook shack and really began to wimper and whine. I looked at my husband who was sound asleep,looked out the window to the shack where the crews slept.No lights came on.No one was up .next came the sound from up above us on the ridge where the landing was. it sounded like bolder's and trees were being pushed down the ridge.It got louder and closer.No one else is hearing this ? Next came a scream .High shrill,as close as I could describe it was high pitched like a bull Elk in Rut.But there were no Elk anywhere near that area.

 At breakfast the next morning I asked the guys about all the noise over night. They said I must have had a night mare or something. when they reached the Log Landing after Breakfast,well that was a different story.The Cat they were using to drag in the logs had been pushed. And a 55gal. diesel barrel had been picked up and bent over the blade on the Cat.  like a Beer can . Large Foot prints where all over the landing. 

 Vic had to drive to Garberville to make phone calls to report to insurence CO: They sent a man up to take photos. Never did get to see them. One of the crew men was a Modoc Native man. He came back,packed up his gear and left. His name was Larry Leggit. I've never seen a grown man look so shaken up in my life.
 My guess is what ever it was showed it's rage and left the area. I use to wander all over the woods up there until that happened. After that, I kept close to the cook shack. Vic had a son on the crew I think his first name was Alan, There was also a Allan Frost, Art Frost, Mark ?? Larry Leggit, Vics son in law.  Dave , .Ted Frost, and myself at the time this happened. Seems like there was a Pete ,but he  drove Truck More than fell timber.

 This happened almost 50 years ago. However, I will never forget the screams I heard that night, or the rest of everything else that happened. Do I think there is something living in the woods across America. You bet I do. if forest animals can hide in Big Cities,,then any animal can hide and survive in the wilds. Just because you don't see them, does not mean they don't see you. so, here is my story. Take it or leave it. And happy hunting. 🙂

RMSO responds
Reminds me of similar reports by loggers being harassed by Bigfoot in North California. Do you recall if any of the men has a sighting leading up to this night of escalation or after?

Linda continues
I do not remember anyone admit they had put their eyes on any creature. As I stated. on the day before this event happened, I took my Husband lunch down into the patch of timber he was felling. as we were eating Lunch, he was talking about feeling eerie, like something had been watching him. and something about some kind of nest he had come across .

 He said he had heard that Bears would sometimes build a nest, but this was different. Almost tee-pee like. I didn't see it. only saw the large tracks on trail down to his patch of timber. The other guys did see the tracks up on the Landing, as well as damage done up there to Cat. it was a D9,that's  a big Cat. That night after we left the Timber patch was when all of this came down. I don't scare easy. yet I found my self thing, should I get on the roof, or under the Cook shack with the dog !

 oh, the Loader operator's name was Mark Spackman.I think he was only about 20 years old at the time. I removed from Laytonville in Oct. of 1972.And my Husband Art Frost passed in Oct.8,1988.the only other thing that came up was about a week in working the Area, Allan Frost came into Dinner one night and asked who was trying to prank him by throwing rocks at him. He was angry and up set. 

 that was a very strange had been logged before back in the 40[s or 50's. However, logs and Equipment had been brought in  and out by Train. We had to build the road into the area. this creature is a Mystery I hope they solve before I leave this world. Would not want it hurt or killed, or even caught other than on film or video. if they have been able to live hidden for this long, let them live. Thank you for letting me share my Story. haven't told many folks about in my life time. There are just some things people will not understand. All I can say for sure is, I may not have put my eyes on it, but i know, something is out there. we did have a Logging Truck go off the road with a Full Load of Logs out of that Camp. but don't know what caused him to do so. Can say, I will never forget the sound of that scream.

Thank you for the detail. Enjoyed hearing about your experience.

You are most welcome. only wish I could have said myself or Crew had put eyes on it. Only damage, tracks rock throwing and feelings of being watched and hearing the Screams. .Our crew were only humans around for miles. sure wish I could find some of the folks that were there at that time to back up what happened

I feel you already have back up. This is the 3rd logging crew in California to be harassed by Bigfoot that I am aware of. May be more. Seems the Bigfoot don't like logging activity.
I would like to make a blog post about your experiences if that is OK?

Linda Louise
if you like, it is fine with me. perhaps there are still some out there alive that may be able to add to this event. I was young at the time, and am now close to 70 years old. Should you do so, and get feed back, please let me know. have wondered and thought about this event for years.

 Things that have happened in the woods that no one wants to talk about. People would think we were crazy.once you reach an age,you don't care what they think.You your self knew it happened.Hope some one else recalls find this animal would be like a Deer hunt.people that don't hunt deer think a person just drives out to woods,and Bambi is standing there with a Bulls eye painted on his side.having spent many years in the woods,I have seen people walk right past Deer,Bear,even watched a Cougar follow a man along a ridge right above him. He didn't have a clue. We were in his world.messing up his back yard. Of course he would get up set. I know I would.

OK I will keep you in the loop if anyone responds to the blog.

More Aggressive Bigfoot

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