Wednesday, September 11, 2024

UAP captured on camera at Sasquatch sighting location


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(Written report below next video)

Unexplained aerial phenomenon at
Clingmans Dome & Bigfoot on camera
(Video Available after 9/15/24)

UAP captured on camera at Sasquatch sighting location

Anthony writes RMSO
Hi my partner took this photo from the Clingmans dome parking area, look in the top right corner and zoom in. He took the picture March this year.
We hike there all of the time.

RMSO asks
I enlarged that section of the photo to 400 percent.
What does your friend think it is? Energy, lightning, clouds or something else. I do know that Clingmans Dome attracts a lot of lightning strikes because of its elevation and geology.. Pretty cool whatever it may be

Anthony continues
UAP? That's our only guess there wasn't any lightning happening while we were there.
I took the following photo a few seconds before my friend took the 1st one. I was panned a little to the left, it looks like my photo may of captured whatever that object is coming into view. Middle far edge of the photo on the right side?
What do you think it is?

RMSO responds
I would have to call it a UAP. Because there is something there and I have no idea what to blame it on. So it's a UAP to me

Clingmans Dome is located in both Sevier County, Tennessee and Swain County, North Carolina.
Both of those counties on both sides of the border have a history of bigfoot sightings & reports, so this UAP, UFO or whatever you want to call it is of particular interest to our team.

A purported Sasquatch was filmed at the Clingmans Dome in North Carolina several years ago.

In January 2020 a couple reported a huge Bigfoot to BFRO on the North Carolina side of the border. They saw it near the little Tennessee river & turned around to get a better look, they saw it again observing them from the side of the road. The husband got out of the care to g4et a better look and stated it was 8 to 9 feet tall, covered in long black hair and was massive. His wife yelled at him to get back into the car, then turned her jeep around and sped off.

On the Tennessee side of the border there were two bigfoot sightings on two consecutive nights reported to BFRO in August of 2008 near Pigeon forge. One of the sightings reported that the creature came within five feet of the witnesses car, they described it as around 6 to 7 feet tall bipedal ape like however most the features were eerily human, broad, muscular and covered in thick dark brown hair.

More Bigfoot Below

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Giant Sasquatch Encounter in Indiana &
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Giant Georgia Sasquatch Captured on Game Camera

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