Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Sasquatch Sighting Captured on Camera near Tsalie Lake on the Navajo Nation


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(Written Report Below Next Video)
Chuska Bigfoot near Tsalie Lake

Sasquatch Sighting Captured on Camera
near Tsalie Lake on the Navajo Nation

Nik reports his sighting on Bigfoot media group
Saw this creature on August 12th 2024 around 6:30 am on the Navajo Nation reservation just as the Sun was about to rise above the mountains east of Tsaile (Say ah Lee) Lake.  I was thee to fish and was at a place called the point on the northeast side of the lake. As I was casting out lures and gazing around the lake, while retrieving my lure after a catch I noticed movement on the left side of my peripheral vision. I stood up and noticed something reddish with lots of hair. I dropped my rod and got on my knew to get pictures and tried to stay steady as possible because this thing was around 250 yards away.

 I had to zoom in & took a few pics as I was watching it walk towards the shore of the lake I thought it was going to go to the lake but it stopped in the bushes of sage that are at least 5ft tall. I was the only one at the lake at the time. I think it might of saw me because where I was I was clearly visible. Then it turned around started to head back into the forest..it made no sound, but the way it walked was not like a person. It had big strides and it seemed like it just took a few steps back into the trees.. I say it was at least 6 to 7 ft tall. Those fence posts are usually about the same height as to keep horses and cattle in the field for grazing. But it was a surreal moment  for me...and we do have sightings here in the Chuska mountains area here on the reservation.

RMSO observation
That reddish brown color is about the same color as the last Bigfoot captured on camera in Northeast Arizona in the Navajo Nation. If the sage hitting this creature about chest height are around 5 feet tall then that creature would be 1.5 to 2 feet taller putting this creature over 6 feet tall easily.

The color of the creature is the same color often described in this part of Arizona all the way down to the lush forests of around the Mogollon Rim where people report a creature that can get around 7 feet tall, 400 pounds, reddish brown and often referred to as the Mogollon Monster.
Not long ago there were some really nice Bigfoot tracks found Northeast of Tsaile Lake just across the New Mexico border near Shiprock along the San Juan River & Dave Oz captured a really nice photo of a Bigfoot near that same area too.

More Four Corners Bigfoot Below

Motorists Spot Bigfoot at Tallest Mountain &
Two Mogollon Monster Encounters

Sasquatch on Camera Carrying a Deer on Navajo Tribal Lands

Foul Smelling Halchita Sasquatch Growls at Hikers

Mogollon Monster Screams & Vocalizations near Payson Arizona

Sheriffs Office Bigfoot Warning with Sasquatch Evidence & Encounters

Knoll Lake Monster Harasses Campers a Mogollon Sasquatch

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