Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Distracted by Sasquatch a Motorist Hits Deer


Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com

Benewah Hairy Beast Chases Deer
Into Traffic North of Lewiston Idaho

Idaho woman reported hitting a deer while she watched a 
7 to 8 foot tall Bigfoot in her rear view mirror.
She believes the "Hairy Beast" was chasing the deer
along US95 causing the deer to run in front of her car.

More Details on Bigfoot Chasing Deer News Story

More Bigfoot Below

Hikers with Dog Encounter a Bigfoot in Sawtooth Forest

Bigfoot Encounter at Tony Grove &
Motorists Nearly Hit Sasquatch

Helicopter Log Crew Harassed by Sasquatch at Base Camp

Midnight Mountain Bigfoot Glares
with Irritation Confronting Hunters

Two Sasquatch Run Camper & His Dogs Out of Camp

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