Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Fisherman Reports Sasquatch Observing Him near Burney Creek


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Burney Creek Bigfoot Observed by Fisherman

Fisherman Reports Sasquatch Observing Him near Burney Creek

Fisherman writes RMSO
 Living in Northern Calif my whole life and being a avid outdoorsman I can say without hesitation or fear of ridicule that " Bigfoot " absolutely exists. When I was 14 in 1984 I went to Burney , Ca to visit cousins that summer. My cousin and I were fishing for brook trout in " Burney Creek " and had travelled pretty far into the woods along the creek . Just fishing different spots and not really paying much attention to how far we had actually wandered along the creek.
It was about 4 pm and we noticed it was starting to get darker as the sun had passed overhead and dipped below the crest of a mountain to the west of us. We decided we had better start heading back after realizing just how far we had actually gone. Having left the house at 7:30 am that morning we were pretty far from town and the safety of my aunt and uncles house.

 As we started back wanting not to get stuck in the dark out there so far away we stopped fishing our way back and just walked . It wasn't long before we heard something off to our left crashing its way through the buck brush on the other side of the creek . Not thinking to much of it assuming it was a deer heading to the water we just kept walking and talking. A few moments later my cousin and I both realized that the " Deer " or whatever it was had gained some serious ground and was no longer 40 to 50 yards to the left rear of us but was now almost paralleling us as it was crashing through the thick brush in our direction. 

 Looking at each other silently as we both realized its loud thumping steps weren't being made by 4 separate hoofs impacting the soil as it walked but instead were being made by 2 separate thuds with at least a second of time disappearing in between each step. Intuition , fear or just plain common sense instantly set to work on both of us and we went from a steady walk to a " Keep up if you can ! " sprint back towards town . No longer paying any attention to anything besides what was in front of us and each step , we made good ground pretty fast being a couple of tall thin teens with a adrenalin rush and desire to see the next day . Pretty soon we were back onto the small gravel road we started our journey from that morning and just a few hundred yards from town and completely out of breath so we slowed to look behind us and listen . Eerily silent it had become with just the noise of us catching our breath and the flowing water of " Burney Creek " as it flowed past some 40 yards to our rear . Suddenly and simultaneously we both seen what had been crushing its way toward the creek and us some 20 minutes and 3 miles or so earlier. 

  A very large hair covered bipedal figure that was now standing at the wooded edge of the creek next to the end of a small wooded bridge we had just hoofed across. And by very large I mean huge considering it was half the width of the bridge at the shoulders and the bridge that was some 4 to 5 ft above the creek and yet only appeared to be just below waist height of the creature as it stood down by the creek next to the bridge . Whatever it was , it just stood there for what seemed like forever just staring at us as we stood there just staring back at it. Then it just stepped back into the thick brush and it was gone. And without a word spoken to each other we turned and started a half hearted jog back towards town. It was a good 15 minutes later as we walked through the front gate before a word was spoke about what we had just experienced. And that's when my always nonchalant cousin just turned to me and calm as could be said " We're going to get yelled at for being gone all day . " A comment I completely ignored by asking him " Do you think that was a Bigfoot ? " to which he replied in a almost laughing voice " Not as big as the foot my dads about to put in your ass for losing his trout pole ! " True story !

More Bigfoot Below

Bigfoot Jumps from Tree & Runs to Cover

Shaver Lake Bigfoot Carrying Infant Sasquatch

Sasquatch Encounters & Seaside Bigfoot Captured on Camera

 Klamath Bigfoot Captured on Camera

Bigfoot Picking-up Infant with Another Nearby Sasquatch

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