Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Sasquatch Tracked near Moon Lake


Cover from next three videos below
Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com

Large Bigfoot tracks & a tall gray/brown creature running through the forest.
A viewer pointed out the subject above in the direction creature ran.
 It looks interesting, have no idea if it had anything to do with
what flashed between trees as it ran away.

Bigfoot Like Creature Captured on Video while Tracking Sasquatch
Sasquatch Tracked near Moon Lake

Epic Moon Lake Bigfoot Investigation

Stabilized section of Bigfoot shape
sitting in large branches of a tree

Screen shot images viewer pointing out of a
Bigfoot shaped anomaly sitting in branches of a tree

More Bigfoot Below

Mica Hulk, Utah Sasquatch & Montana Bigfoot

Side Hopping Russian Yeti & Sasquatch Canyon Bigfoot

Opeepeesway Lake Sasquatch Footage

Silverton Bigfoot Captured on Video

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