Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Truck Driver Observes Sasquatch East of Effingham


Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com
Squatted down the 
Bigfoot stood up as the trucker approached

Truck Driver Observes 
Sasquatch East of Effingham

Mike J. writes RMSO
 Hi, I have had 2 encounters with Sasquatch. One vocalization that was absolutely incredible and a visual encounter. The visual was in Illinois and the vocalization was in Ohio. Just wondering if you would be interested in hearing about them. Thanks.

RMSO responds
 Hi Mike, please email us with the audio of the vocalization & all of the details of your visual encounter.

Mike continues
 I don't have an audio of the vocalization. I wish I did. My visual encounter happened in Illinois off of I 70 east of Effingham.  It was February of 2013. I am a truck driver and was going east around 7:00 am. I noticed something black in the field near the woodline. It was about 200 yards away. At first I thought it was a bear but then I thought there are no bears in this part of Illinois.
 I kept watching as I got closer. It was huge. It was black and it was squatted with it's back toward me. It's head was bent down toward the ground. It's shoulders were I estimate approximately 4 ft wide. Just before I passed it, it stood up on two legs, turned away from me and took 1 step in the opposite direction. This thing was massive in size. I just turned 58 yrs old. I have hunted since I was like 13 yrs old. I have never seen anything like that in my life. It looked like a huge gorilla only stood and moved like a person. I reported it to the ILLINOIS BFRO. My sighting is on the site.

 My vocalization was in NW Ohio. I was parked at the shippers building overnight because I got there too late to get loaded. I went to sleep around 9:30 pm. About 11:30 pm I woke up and saw some deer across the road. The place I was at was on a dead end street. Across the road where the deer were at is a nature preserve. I watched the deer until about midnight when they disappeared back into the woods. So I laid back down in my sleeper.

 As soon as I laid down, right beside my sleeper outside began a vocalization.  It started off low and deep. Then went to a higher howl then back to a low deep howl before stopping. I can't even explain to you how loud this was! It was so close and so loud that my chest was vibrating!. It lasted about 20 seconds. I was in so much shock from it I literally could not move. After it stopped  I jumped up to look outside of the truck but did not see anything I looked up howls on the internet until I found exactly what I had heard. It was the Ohio Howl that I heard. This was April of 2015 and I still remember every second of that vocalization like it was yesterday. Thanks for letting me tell you about this.

More Bigfoot near Illinois & Ohio

Mike J. report on BFRO

South Illinois Close Encounter with Sasquatch
The creature was taller than cab of the truck

9 Feet Tall Orangutan-like 
Bigfoot Encountered in North Salem Ohio

Ginormous Sasquatch Encountered SE Indiana & 
Enormous Bigfoot Tracks Documented

Ohio Bigfoot Captured on Camera & 
Minerva Sasquatch Taking Chickens

Howland Bigfoot Vocalization & 
Ohio Sasquatch

Indiana Bigfoot Captured 
on Camera near Michigan Border

Hoosier Sasquatch 
Captured on Camera in Indiana

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