Friday, April 14, 2023

Giant Grayish Halifax Sasquatch Charges Family - Some Still Feel Traumatized

Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
(Written Report Below Video)

"it was a giant over 10 feet tall
bulky thing that was shaped like a man"

Giant Grayish Halifax Sasquatch Charges Family
Some Still Feel Traumatized

Erick writes RMSO
 Hi, I emailed my sighting to another bigfoot organization but later I discovered that they were inactive, so I will send it here because I really need to tell this to people that study this type of phenomenon.

 I'm from Maine, my family lives in Nova Scotia/Halifax , this sighting happened when I still lived there, it was September 16, 2008. Me and my family which consists of my father, my mother, and my two younger sisters who are twins. We traveled from Halifax to a secluded house near a place which is close to a place named Card Lake Provincial Park. We got there because my grandpa lived there and he died from natural causes, so we were going there to decide what to do with the house. If we were going to sell it or demolish it. 

 We arrived there and we started to explore the terrain around the house we found, broken branches in the woods that surround the house, we found bones of coyote, bear and raccoons scattered around the house and the woods too. I asked my father if grandpa was a hunter or something like that and he told me that he didn't talked to him in almost 18 years and he didn't know what kind of thing grandpa was doing before he died. We decided to pass a night in there because it was nighttime and we couldn't travel at night in a road with no illumination.

 In the morning of the following day, my family was having breakfast in the kitchen and I was sitting in a chair at the front yard when I felt a small rock hit my chest, I got the rock in my hand and I looked at the direction where it came from and I saw nothing, only the tree line. I ignored it and after 5 minutes approximately, a bigger rock was thrown right in front of me, was the size of an apple. 

 I looked at the tree line again and I saw a very very big face in there between two thick trees, two black eyes, light skin, big wide nose, wide thin mouth, a bunch of greyish white hair. I knew it wasn't a person, no one is that big. I got spooked and got up, the moment I got up that thing made a quick movement and vanished behind the trees. 

 I ran to the kitchen and said that there was something close to the house, my father grabbed a rifle, it was a .308 cal. As we exited the front door we saw movement in the tree line and something huge came out and charged at us. My father fired one time and the thing let out a scream and ran back to the woods, all of this happened in less than 10 seconds. 

 Everybody saw it, my mother and sisters saw it from the kitchen window, it was a giant over 10 feet tall bulky thing that was shaped like a man, was furry head to toe, greyish white fur, the skin was light but darker than the fur. Its face like I said before, had black eyes big nose wide thin mouth, long hair in the head, and when it charged at us I saw its giant sharp canines, I didn't see any ears.

 It resembled a man but me and my family know it wasn't a man, in this same day we got out of there quickly and we sold the terrain to a person who demolished the house years later.
Everybody in my family saw that, if my father hadn't brought the rifle with him we would probably have died that day. 

 I heard stories about bigfoot, in specific the Genoskwa, which is a giant eastern variation of it, I'm certain that one of these things attacked us that day, I still traumatized.

RMSO responds
Hi Erick
 Your dads one shot fired. Was it a warning shot or did he shoot at the monstrous creature?

Erick continues
He shot It right in the left shoulder, we could see the moment that he flinched and then screamed and ran away.

Giant Aggressive Bigfoot Charges Family
 in Nova Scotia

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1 comment:

  1. Can I get the location? I'm from there and would like to explore but long Lake is a big area
