Thursday, March 10, 2022

Woman Takes Several Photos of Sasquatch Stalking Her in Pine Barrens


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Creature stalking her resembling the elusive Bigfoot 

Pine Barrens Bigfoot Photographed by 
Woman Claiming It Was Following Her

Woman hiking by herself in Pine Barrens, NJ 
took these photos of creature stalking her resembling 
the elusive Bigfoot or Sasquatch of North America.

 Several reports of bigfoot sightings have come from the Pine Barrens of New Jersey over the years. Many can be found on the BFRO database.

 The last sighting of sasquatch in the Pine Barrens was reported early April of 2018 in the Brendan T. Byrne Forest.

 Tricia & husband David spotted the creature while taking their dog for a walk to a near by pond from the trail head they were parked at.

 David smelled a strange musty mildew odor that kind of freaked him out. When they returned to their car and drove away turning onto Buckingham Whiting Road in the middle of the forest, stopping at a bridge to take photos.

 As they started to drive off is when Tricia claims she saw it.
" I am driving and in a split second I saw something brown on 2 legs and about 6 feet tall spring behind the car in the area we were just in. I caught it in my rear view mirror. I was kind of thinking to myself that my eyes were playing tricks on me but I just couldn't shake it."

"I stopped the car and husband told me to go in reverse. As we approached the area he thought he heard branches snapping and a splash into the water. He didn't see anything so we drove on."

Woman Takes Several Photos of Sasquatch 
Stalking Her in Pine Barrens

More Northeast Bigfoot

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Intense Encounter with Giant Indiana Sasquatch

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