Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Forest Ranger Recklessly Runs Over Sasquatch With Service Truck


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"The deceased bigfoot is believed 
to have been taken by another sasquatch"

Forest Ranger Recklessly 
Runs Over Sasquatch With Service Truck

Shawn writes RMSO
I have a Sasquatch encounter story from my dad. It was 1969...


 When we got curiosity got my.. asking questions about BIGFOOT.
If he'd ever had a encounter?

The man started crying real tears.
I couldn't understand why he was so upset.

 Here we go..
He told me about the night he and a co worker were looking for poachers.
His partner was driving the vehicle. It was about dusk..on a forest service road not traveled by anyone except hunters..and the rangers.

 He told his partner to slow down or he was going to hit a deer.
Well..within minutes they hit a... something!!. Ran over it and killed it.
IT TURNED OUT TO BE A JUVINAL FEMALE BIGFOOT. He said to be approximately 12 to 15 years old..."estimate age"

 Not knowing what to do they took the body to a nearby forest service maintained cabin.. and locked it there to go get his supervisor to ask what to do.!!

 When they arrived The cabin had been broken into and the body was gone.!!
My father cried real tears.. because he felt he "they" had killed a preteen female... not a an animal!!??.

As he was a avid hunter.🤔he gave so much more detail as how this creature looked and his panic. His...sadness..and complete shock as to what was happening.

After a follow up question

 The deceased bigfoot is believed to have been taken by another sasquatch because the cabin door was destroyed from the outside.

More Bigfoot Below

PA Trooper 
Sets Sasquatch Free from Fur Trap

Angry Sequoia Sasquatch 
Slams Into Jeep Breaking Side Window

Sasquatch Growls Through Window Shakes Trailer

Huge Chico Sasquatch Scariest Smile

Two Days of Bigfoot Pacific Northwest


  1. Yes, they do burry their own and that is a must for them to do so!!!! They even try to hide their graves sites by planting trees over that grave site, and or place large boulders on top of them. In their world, they do not want us humans to know about them, but some never follow their own rules! I know that they never ever speak about their deceased again and their names are never used or spoken again in their world.

    1. Hello my fellow bf friend... Where did you get that info on them burying there own and never using there name again

  2. I was about to say that the bigfoot probly wasn't dead and actually woke up and tore the shit outta the cabin to get out. But the other story sounds legit too. These things are much like us. Someone's daughter was just killed and he was enraged with sadness

  3. En un par de videos se veían unos monticulos como de dos metros de largo, y comentaron que posiblemente había algun cuerpo enterrado, pero no abrieron para saber, de ahi a lo que dice el Sr de arriba hay un trecho, no hay comunicación con los humanos como para saber esos detalles.
