Wednesday, May 29, 2024

First Time Famous Deadly Bauman Sasquatch Location Filmed


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Bauman's Famous Sasquatch Encounter & Location
First Time Famous Deadly Bauman Sasquatch Location Filmed

 Teddy Roosevelt wrote about his best friend Bauman
& his deadly encounter with what many today believe is a Bigfoot.

 RMSO locates the place where Bauman claimed he & his trapping partner were 
harassed by a wild-man type creature along the Montana/Idaho border, 
he claimed this wild creature killed his trapping partner

Bauman's Deadly Bigfoot Encounter in the Bitterroots

(1st time this famous location has ever been filmed)
Expedition to Bauman's Deadly Bigfoot Encounter Location

Sasquatch Tracks & Structure at
Deadly Bauman Bigfoot Location

Chief Joseph Bigfoot near
Famous Bauman Sasquatch Location

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