Friday, May 31, 2024

Campers Believe There Were at Least Three Bigfoot after Loosing Their Dog


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Sasquatch Sneaks-up on Campers in Oklahoma

Campers Believe There Were at Least
Three Bigfoot after Loosing Their Dog

Jim J writes to RMSO
I was camping in southeastern Oklahoma in dense forest and had a Sasquatch sneak up on me over a several hour period. The whole ordeal started at about dark.

 After we set up camp, we kept hearing movement in the woods behind us and when I'd shine the light, the movement would stop. When I would grab a beer out of the ice chest and make noise, I'd hear movement again and shine the light and the movement would stop.

 Looking back on the situation he was trying to use the noise we made to disguise the noise he made while inching his way toward us into striking distance. At the time we were pretty buzzed on the beer and I rationalized it away as an armadillo foraging around in the woods.

 This went on periodically through the evening until around midnight, when this creature, which had been standing about 40 yards behind me, started walking straight toward us on 2 feet. With seconds to spare, I jumped up and ran toward it and nailed it with a beer bottle. The bottle bounced off and it kept coming for me. About a second later I clicked on the light and the thing ducked down to all fours and changed course away from us. He came within ten feet of grabbing me and it is my belief that he thought I had a gun and associated the light with a gun, because I know several people that have spotlighted and shot at these creatures in the area.

 When he ran away, I gave chase and started throwing rocks into an area of dense brush where he stopped. All of this happened so fast, that at the time I thought it was a bear, but after thinking about it for a bit, I ruled that theory out and headed back to camp, which was about 50 yards away.

 After discussing the situation, we decided to leave since we had forgot and left our guns at home. When we got in the truck, we heard a deafening craaaack of a tree breaking and knew it had to be this thing that did it, because it was a calm, clear night.

 We just barely made it out that night, because the humungus tree that he snapped almost blocked our only way out, since we had driven to the river by going down a dry creek bed. Anyway, to make a long story short, we started returning to the area with assault rifles to exact some revenge and had an encounter with 3 Squatches.

 We encountered one that was standing on all fours and as soon as we saw him, we could hear 2 more behind us. Later that night a dog, which was part of a pack that was chasing a Squatch was killed by the squatch.

 After numerous visits to the area, most of which didn't yield any encounters, we went one evening and heard one growl and respond to some tree knocks we were doing. After attempting to coax him out for several hours, to no avail, we decided to head home and later that night were chased by a ufo that sent a strobing orb of light down at my car. This was when I discovered that whoever is behind these creatures are from another world.

 My theory is that they have a secret takeover of the earth underway and are breeding up an army of these monsters, which will be used as their foot soldiers someday. I sometimes wonder if their war has already begun, because several people have went missing without a trace in just the general area where we were almost killed.

 Stan Gordon wrote a book called the silent invasion, where he showed a correlation to BF sightings and UFO's, which goes right along with what we experienced. Anyway I agree, these creatures are more than a wild animal, and seem to have human or above human intelligence.

More Bigfoot Below

Oklahoma Sasquatch Running
Through Frame on Game-camera

Oklahoma Couple Believe They Recorded a
Sallisaw Sasquatch Hollering

Tracking Sasquatch at Famous
Paul Freeman Bigfoot Video Location

Many Different Sasquatch Like Creatures
on Camera in Several Bigfoot Sighting Hotspots

Jim J writes RMSO again
Great video once again and I also believe that these x's are territorial markers, because during my first violent encounter with bigfoot I was unknowingly camping about 50 yards from a large x formation. The next day was when we found it and thought it was strange that this thing was there and speculated that the BF must have put it there. In the forests of SE Oklahoma I have also found these x's where a creek meets a river, so I sometimes wonder if they have a double meaning such as a territorial marker and also a river crossing, because where the creeks meet the rivers it washes in gravel and makes a low water crossing in many locations here. I have also found tree bows, where they bow a flexible  tree and put a log on the end to keep it bowed. We don't get enough snow in Oklahoma to weight down trees and bow them like you guys up north, so whenever I see a bow I know it's from BF. I have learned that this means look in this direction or the direction where the top of the bowed tree is pointing. Many times I'll find a tree bow pointing at or tucked under a snapped fallen tree. It's speculation, but I believe the snapped tree means go this direction and the bow is put there to communicate or get the attention to look over here, here is the log pointer and the path or road to go. I suppose they do this tree bow to help distinguish the tree that they snapped from one that fell from natural causes. I have also found teepee structures and have learned from reading the Kiamichi Giants website and the research Timberghost screen name has done, that these teepees mean food or feeding area and that they find deer bones scattered around the area. I noticed in your videos your BF's interestingly make the same type tree structures. It definitely shows these creatures have a universal language and I'm beginning to believe that there is an ET connection to these creatures and their movement is being directed from UFO's. I think I told you about my violent encounter and that I was hunting this creature or creatures with an assault rifle and was chased by a ufo after driving out of the hunting area. Apparently they followed me home from the air, because I live 50 miles from the location and started having ufo's flying over my ranch and also had some BF's banging on the side of my house and one actually put his fist through a piece of plywood that was on the side of a window unit air conditioner. I assume that they were trying to send a message to back off with my hunting and I did, but it was only because I hurt my shoulder and was unable to shoot my rifle. Another interesting thing I've found since hunting these things is footprints that seem to appear with no trail of prints leading up to it. I recently found a snapped tree pointing at a cow feed storage bin, which is one of their food supplies around here, and there was 2 prints by the snapped tree, but no prints leading up to it, which makes me come to the conclusion that this thing was lowered down from the air. I have since been reading and discovered that witnesses have seen these bigfoots being lowered or beamed down from ufo's in shafts of light. My new belief after these experiences is that there are Bigfoots on the ground which are permanent residents that someone from another world is placing here and they also have these creatures on board their ufo's and they direct the movement of the ones on the ground and help out with some type of BF breeding program that's going on. The question in my mind, is what is the purpose for this? Are we under some type of secret invasion and once these entities breed up a big enough army of these giant creatures, are they planning to takeover the earth like the giants did in the days of Noah? As I'm sure you know firsthand, they are doing their best to stay hidden right now, but I wonder if this is just while they breed up their army, similar to a covert military operation. Anyway thanks again for the great video and it looks like I got carried away and ended up writing you a book about my experiences. Take care

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