Monday, December 18, 2023

Video Compilation of Top 9 Strangest Creatures Around the World - Pyrenees Yeti Included


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Pyrenees Yeti & Other Weird Creatures Captured on Video

Video Compilation of Top 9 
Strangest Creatures Around the World - Pyrenees Yeti Included

More Strange Creatures Captured on Camera

Skunkape Like Creature 
Captured on Gamecam

Yreka Bigfoot Caught Leaning Out from 
Behind a Tree after Vocalizing

Sasquatch, Strange Creature & 
Lake Monster Captured on Camera

Creepy Weird Creature on Camper
 Captured on Video

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Angry Wasatch Sasquatch Breaks Man's Nose Tent Camping in Uinta Mountains


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"there was a huge "demon" outside that punched him in the face"

Angry Wasatch Sasquatch Breaks Man's Nose
 Tent Camping in Uinta Mountains

Dario writes RMSO
 Hello, I'm Dario, sorry if my english is not perfect.
I watched a few videos of your channel days ago, and I was thinking if I would really send this or not, but i decided to do it, even if you mock me for not believing it.

 I'm Mexican born in 1976, currently living in Salt Lake City Utah, but it wasn't always like that. When I moved to Utah in 1994 I lived in the town of Kamas for 3 years working a job that paid me very badly. Even though I already had American citizenship, it was very hard for me to find a good job in that town.

 So now the sighting begins sorry for taking long. I like to tell all the details and context needed.
It was 1996 and I was in vacation, don't remember the month or day. I went to a campground in Uinta Wasatch, I wanted to do the "camping' I heard many Americans talk about. I went there with a friend named Robert from town. I confess that I'm a very cowardly person, I have no shame in saying that, it's the truth.

 When he said that we would sleep in a tent I said no, and slept in a small cabin there. My friend started to ridicule me for being afraid of animals and sh*t. I didn't care, I care for my safety, even though I had a 38 revolver with me.

 It was night and I was asleep, when I woke up to the sounds of my friend battering the front door and desperately screaming for help. I unlocked the door and he jumped inside the cabin and I locked the door. I asked what happened to him only to see him getting up and showing his face with a broken nose and gushing blood everywhere.

  He told me there was a huge "demon" outside that punched him in the face, I was not understanding it. A demon punched him in the face? inside the tent? what the fu*k is he saying? Then he pointed to the window, fell on the ground and crawled under the bed. I looked to the window and saw something that made me freeze. I don't know what feeling it felt like time stopped, my heart stopped, everything stopped. The shock was that big!

 In the window right below the lamp of the porch there was this gigantic man-ape. It was a hairy long faced caveman with dark eyes like a gorilla but had a human nose, and a chimp-like skin, very light colored and huge philtrum, a large mouth and chin looking directly at my eyes.

 I don't know how long this whole thing went, because i was extremely shocked. Suddenly this man-ape started slowly showing his teeth in the most twisted and disturbing smile I've ever seen. All his teeth were square, no canines or any type of other teeth, all the same thing, only two little sharp teeth close to the cheeks like two little tusks. Then that thing showed his hand, and he opened the window, HE OPENED THE WINDOW! I grabbed my 38 when I saw his face getting even closer and trying to put his arm inside.

 I fired two times at his face and he screamed, that scream was so loud it made me crumble to my knees. That thing vanishing in a blink of an eye and a disgusting stench of rotten meat filling the room. I puked, I couldn't stand that situation. I then locked everything and pulled my friend from under the bed, he had fainted.

 I called the police, they came in and they woke Robert up. I said a huge animal attacked him and tried to get inside the cabin. I never mentioned a man-ape, because I supposed they would not believe us and think that we brawled and I broke his nose. The officers just instructed us to get out of there and take my friend to the closest hospital to treat his nose.

 That's what we did, days later we talked about this again in the town and I asked him what he remembers about that night, and he told me that he was sleeping and then suddenly he woke up with something pulling him by both his feet out of the tent. He said the thing let go for a second only for him to get up and hit him in the face and fall again. He said it was too dark to see and he only had the time to desperately run to the cabin and try to enter it.

 I know this was not a dream because my friend is a witness and that broken nose was very real, and the feeling I had looking at that, was not a dream. I think that was the so called "sasquatch" that attacked us that night. He was huge and almost on all fours just to be at the level of the window. It was probably over 11 feet tall. Anyway that's it and I'm never going close to the woods ever again, I was afraid of woods before. Today I'm panicked of it, feel free to ignore this if you don't believe it, but I know it is true, and my friend knows it best.

RMSO asks
Do you recall the name of the camp ground you were at? Did you rent a cabin at that camp ground?

Dario responds
 I don't recall the name, but it was right beside the Provo river, my friend rented a small cabin to put some things inside. He had planned to spend several days camping and was going to camp kinda far from there. But then I said I wasn't going to tent camp and was going to sleep in the cabin. He then tent camped only a few yards from the cabin because of this.

I just talked to my friend on the phone about that night, i asked him about more details that only he can remember, and he said to me that he thinks the creature missed the punch, because the extremely heavy hand only hit him on the nose, and was enough to send him to the ground, i can imagine my friend would have been a missing person if that sasquatch had punched him right in the skull, i think my friend was lucky. 

More Bigfoot Below

GI Punched by Sasquatch During Manhunt

Umatilla Sasquatch Captured on Video
 in Blue Mountains of Oregon

Bigfoot watching Les Stroud
 as he nearly slides off cliff ledge

Strange Gray Creature - 
Castor Bayou Bigfoot Snatches Kid Playing Ball

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Most Alarming Bigfoot Footage Ever Captured

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Several Disturbing Sasquatch
 Clips Compiled on Video

Most Alarming Bigfoot Footage Ever Captured

More Bigfoot on Video

Umatilla Sasquatch Captured on Video
 in Blue Mountains of Oregon

Bigfoot watching Les Stroud 
as he nearly slides off cliff ledge

Virginia Lick Fork 
Bigfoot Encounter on Camera 

Strange Gray Creature - 
Castor Bayou Bigfoot Snatches Kid Playing Ball

Monday, December 11, 2023

Bigfoot on video near the Paul Freeman Sasquatch video location in the Blue Mountains


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(Written Report Below Video)

 Umatilla Sasquatch Captured on Video in Blue Mountains of Oregon 
Near Famous Paul Freeman Bigfoot Video Location

Bigfoot on video near the Paul Freeman
 Sasquatch video location in the Blue Mountains

Kelley sent us an interesting video & stated on our media site
 Saw what I thought was a person but my daughter couldn’t see so I recorded and zoomed in to show her. I didn’t record long cuz I didn’t want to be a creep. Looked back at the video when I got home and realized how far away we really were (he was at the top of the mountain and I was on the road below) you wouldn’t see a human from that far of a distance. So I zoomed in even more…

RMSO asks
what did you think it was, were you able to estimate its height or width?

Kelley continues
 I honestly thought it was a person at first. But something was just off. It was very big as I’m actually far away from this hillside but I could see it from where I was before I even started recording on my phone. To me, it looked very tall, long arms that swayed towards its rear when it walked, the way it “freezes” when it stops is weird, it’s all black to me, the strides I feel like are big to be noticeable from that far. The atmosphere was very off feeling. Idk how to describe it. I could feel it looking at us. Huge sense of being watched. The shoulders looked very wide. I see it look a bit wobbly at first, but it also looked like it was limping? Completely unsure. I don’t know a lot of info of Bigfoot so it made me highly curious what I encountered. I don’t believe it was a person. They’d blend more to the hillside or I wouldn’t be able to see them at all, I think they’d look tiny not as prominent as this was. I walked a small distance, looked back within 2 minutes and it was completely gone.

RMSO asks
How much longer did you watch the figure after you finished filming?
And what is over there? Is is brush, grass, rocks. It seems to be traversing uneven terrain?

Kelley responds
Not much, I stopped recording, finished parking my car. We got out, I could see it still, but wasn’t moving, we walked maybe 2 car lengths, so a matter of 2 min (if that) went to look again and it was completely gone. We both could not see it. The atmosphere felt off and I felt watched still so we got back in the car and drove back down towards the campgrounds.
I haven’t been on that side but if it’s the same as the side I’m on, it’s very uneven, very steep, rocky… I actually went back today and took a video from the road all the way around for a better idea of the environment. Let me know if that helps any thing ?
The mountain side you see first, is the one it was on.
They’re called the blue mountains

RMSO continues
Hi Kelley, that last video was it filmed from a different camera or the same phone that you captured the interesting figure?
How far away do you think the figure or creature was when you began to film it? 100 feet, 200 feet, a football fiend 300 feet or more?

Kelly writes
Hey, it’s the same. iPhone 15

RMSO replies
OK right on, one of our team members has the Iphone 15. They have really nice cameras.

Kelley continues
They do! Until it’s fully zoomed in lol

RMSO states
Something the really intrigues me is, You are in a remote location near a closed camp ground. You do the panoramic video and no other cars. What ever is in your video did not drive there.

Kelley responds
Nope!! It was just me and my daughter here. When you see the closed gates, you can walk beside those and it goes into a river that we like to walk too. That’s where we were originally heading. Behind these initial mountains are just more and more mountains.
Bottom of that mountain is the river. It almost seems it was heading down to it or coming up from it.

RMSO continues
We think you caught a sub adult or juveniles sasquatch out in the open. Some of the frames in the video its arms are to long to be human.
It has different tones of color in the legs and hips etc.. Just like a gorilla or a bear. That is not how suits are made.

Kelley states
That’s a great point! I wasn’t sure if it could be slight color changes or sticks from the trees blurred in.
That is so crazy!! Does the atmosphere change when you’re in the presence of one? I’ve gone to the mountains my whole life (in Montana) and I’ve never felt that strange, almost heavy, being watched, feeling before.

RMSO asks
Yes the feeling of being watched & sometimes a foreboding feeling can come over a person in the presence of a Sasquatch.
What was your feeling that day?

Kelley responds
That’s the perfect word for how it was! 
Everything was fine all day. Driving in. I saw it from the bottom of the road when driving in initially, the black stuck out on that hillside. First thought was just another person. So I didn’t pay attention to it. But it was still. So we went to park but I needed to turn my car around. So I turned towards the mountain (like you can see my car in the panoramic) and it felt huge. Tall and wide. I knew it was looking at us, just a feeling. I tried pointing to my daughter cuz she couldn’t see through the trees (she’s 9) so that’s when I pulled my phone out and zoomed in (you can hear me telling her where to look on my phone as I used my thumb to show her on the screen) she said “what is that?” -which should’ve been my first clue it must not look human if she didn’t know what it even was. I said human and ended the recording. Finished flipping my car around. We got out to walk to the river anyways, I could still see him there, still like he was at the end of the clip, we walked maybe 2 car spaces, so maybe 2 min or less, looked again and it was gone. The air felt beyond still, maybe thick?, like we were being watched and definitely foreboding. So we got back in my car and left back down.

RMSO states
In our experience there is rarely just one. There may have been another one or two down at the creek or had already traversed over the top of the mountain.
So you may have had more than one set of eyes on you that day.

Kelley continues
Maybe that’s why it felt so heavy feeling, more than one.
I’ll be honest, I was never big into Bigfoot. I didn’t doubt they existed because I think we are fools to think there isn’t something living in these massive mountains that we don’t know about. But it’s like the paranormal, some believe and some think you’re absolutely crazy lol. I absolutely believe paranormal because I’ve had many many experiences my whole life. Bigfoot didn’t spark my attention the way paranormal does but my dad is very big on Bigfoot. So I know a few things, not a lot. Once I realized my video and it was more beastly than human and started thinking about how big it actually was- I sent to him. He absolutely believes that it was not human and that it’s a high possibility I’ve just encountered one. So that’s when I posted out to get other opinions and it’s almost like a definite feeling of I know what I saw that day, the feeling outside of my car, and it’s sparked a massive interest in me to start researching and learning more about them.

More Bigfoot Below

Tracking Sasquatch at Famous Paul Freeman
 Bigfoot Video Location

Eugene Sasquatch Captured on Camera

Rogue Bigfoot Enters Home Terrifies Woman

Strange Gray Creature - 
Castor Bayou Bigfoot Snatches Kid Playing Ball

Virginia Lick Fork Bigfoot
 Encounter on Camera