Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Crashed Biker Sees Something Unexplained He Attributes to Bigfoot


Cover photo link:
Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com

Predator Camo Like Creature on Hermit Road Trail

Crashed Biker Sees Something Unexplained
He Attributes to Bigfoot

Ray C. writes RMSO

 Hi my name is Ray I have seen on TV and  the news about the Bigfoot sightings here in my state of  Colorado.. I know of a location in the San Grade DE Christo Mountain Range were either Bigfoot? Or some kind of Creature or Creatures Live.. 

 I  had a krazzzy  experience in 1994 on my Dirt bike  in this area.. I don't wanna leave a long drawn out message but it's kinda of a long story . There is a Trail that is called THE RAINBOW TRAIL..The Trail head starts on a 4x4 road outta the town of Westcliffe Colorado  called Hermit Road... It is a rough  rough trail!!!!   It goes roughly 90 miles through the deep deep dark forest of this Mountain Range and pops out in Salida Colorado...I have not traveled the entire  90 miles from the beginning of the trail head to the end in Salida.. 

 I  went to  this area with a good friend of mine who was older than me and was very familiar with this area and had been riding this area for many years. This was my 1st trip on the  RAINBOW Trail.. We were going to ride from our camp spot that was off Hermit road to the RAINBOW Trail  and ride this trail to  RAINBOW Lake.. there are several Lakes that branch off this Main RAINBOW trail.. my friend and I had the same Dirt bikes  except his had a larger gas tank for Long trail rides were as mine did not have a  large gas tank so we were limited to so many miles we could travel...I had a enough gas to  get to RAINBOW Lake and  fish for awhile and then drive back to our camper... 

 So we started out early that morning  to  RAINBOW Lake.. My friend who knew this trail was much faster on his bike than me and would  get out ahead of me then stop wait for me to catch up and  we'd continue etc.etc.etc. I  was also crashing alot and getting back on my bike and continuing down the trail alot to. We were not into the trail bit maybe  5 or 6 Miles  when I noticed that it was early morning and the sun was fully out but there were areas that were dark!! I mean like it looked almost nite time in certain areas.. 

 So trying to make this long story short or shorter anyway, I came around a corner and slid in a big mud bog .I didn't see it in time and I went down.I was trying to follow my friends tracks to make up time and I saw he clearly went around this mud section and went past it like nothing.  So I was stopped in this turn section of the trail in mud. It wasn't deep or nothing serious but I had laid my bike down already 10 -12 times already by this point and was winded a little bit and kinda tired so I picked my bike up and was just leaning on the seat catching my breath and I was looking around just like I had done every other time before when I had crashed..

 There was scrub oak on this mountain side and wasn't very tall but extremely thick and then up higher the pine trees were super thick all the way to top of the mountain There half way up the mountain  were the scrub oak was I saw the  scrub oak move like shake as if something was on the ground  going up through the scrub oak heading up towards the pine trees?? 

 It appeared that something was was small moving fast under the tops of the scrub oak or as I later thought? It was like something invisible was going through the scrub oak? I  know that sounds weird? I  thought it was a bobcat?? Small animal of some sort? And was then thinking maybe a baby bear? I  always think of mama bear when I have seen a baby bear in the woods in the past.. whatever it was  it was getting away from me?? So I was watching to see what it was gonna be? But I  didn't see any small Animal at all ?? 

 Then I  was looking up past the scrub oak and up in the pine trees I saw something  moving the branches behind a huge pine tree..I thought it was a bear or a large porcupine siting on a branch cause the branch of this pine tree moved and that's what drew my attention to that tree.. and then it happened again it seemed like something invisible was moving thru the pine trees going up the mountain side?? And it was fast !! 

 I  was waiting to see what kind of animal it was that was moving through the trees? I swear it was like something  invisible was just moving fast through the the scrub oak 1st then the pine treesI kept watching to see what was moving through pine trees?.coulda been something Paranormal? I  thought my eye's weren't working  right?? Cause I  could see the branches and brush moving? It was krazzzy! And That was the end of that... There is some other interesting things about this area to .. As I said before I didn't want to write a huge Long email..if anyone is interested about this area and the other part of this story feel free to email me and we can set up a call or something 

Thanks.....Ray... C

RMSO responds

Invisible creature. You could tell where it was going though.

Any Idea how high it was making the brush & vegetation move?

 We captured something similar on camera except it was out in the light enough to see its shape.

Sasquatch Spotted on Video Master of Camo

Ray continues
 I am 5 ft 7 inches  and the scrub oak was just a little bit taller then me, maybe 6 ft plus or minus a few inches. The weird thing is, whatever it was when it was closest to me in the scrub oak. It  was down below the tops of the scrub and I figured it was a small 4 legged Animal of some sort? But from the time it was in the scrub oak and made it to were the pine trees started, it was incredibly fast! I can't stress that point enough...like to fast?

 Then when the pine tree branches which were from the ground level all the way up to the top of this 50-60 ft pine tree. When the pine tree branches moved it was as if something was running through the trees going up the mountain side? I was telling myself what's moving the branches? Ok I'm gonna see what it is any second now? And nothing? I know it sounds krazzzy ! Something invisible that moved 100-150 ft through the scrub oak up to the pine trees in like 10 seconds?  And no loud or noticeable sound or weird noise? 

 When the pine tree branches moved and I couldn't see what was moving them, that's what made me freak out? I kept waiting to see what it was that moved that fast? That was that is all I can say? Paranormal? Invisible? In my mind that's what I could only figure?? It's just krazzzy!

 If you want to go to a place where there's area that man hasn't  walked over and  is a  deep dark and scarey  as hell in the daylight in the daytime  I recommend you start off at the entrance of the RAINBOW Trail and go northwest.To me its NO MAN'S LAND IN THE FORSET.

 It was about a year or so later I was telling one of friends who has a atv motorcycle repair shop in my home town of Pueblo Colorado this story. And he says. Ohh I believe you Ray. He says back in the early 80s, him and 2 friends went on the same rainbow trail and  they were riding there Trials motorcycles in this same area. 
 I mentioned in the 1st email this rainbow Trail branch off to other trails that take you to natural springs, lakes, overlooks etc... Back in the 80s most of these trails were open to motorcycle, horse,& foot access. You can't get a atv back there, its to narrow. 

 My friend Kenny said they were riding up to Comanche and Blue to fish and camp. When they set up camp at Comanche lake they were all around the fire sharing a little drink and smoke. And they heard something in the trees and all around them all nite long.

  Kenny said whatever it was didn't grunt? Didn't bark or howl, Nothing? Just movement though the trees all around them all nite? He said they never heard it more then once at a time? It would be behind them and would hear the grass being walked on and branch move and then it would stop and then nothing? Then same thing would happen again but completely in front of them? Then stop and it would be behind them again?

  Kenny said something was watching them all nite long and was letting them know it was all around them? He said they were lucky they collected enough fire wood for all nite because not one of them wanted to leave the group, not even to go to the bathroom off behind a tree somewhere.

 Kenny said whatever it was didn't stop till 5 am. The sun came out  at 6 a.m. and they were outta there at 7 a.m. Just when there was enough  light to see the trail they got out of there. Was it Bigfoot? Paranormal? Something was there and was letting Kenny and his 2 friends know that they were being watched! Let me know if you ever go explore the rainbow trail and tell me what you think about this spooky forest.... Take care and thanks for that video you sent attached to this email. That was interesting!!!

More Bigfoot Below

Bigfoot Turns & Looks at Couple
from 20 Yards at Red Rocks Park

Helicopter Log Crew Harassed by Sasquatch

Master of Camo High Resolution 
Yeti Footage Captured on Camera

Multiple Mogollon Monster Encounters &
Giant Sasquatch near Flagstaff

Giant Sagamook Sasquatch Confronts &
Terrifies Family in New Brunswick Mountains

Pikes Peak Paranormal Conference 19-21-May-2023 | Details & Links Included


Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com

Pikes Peak Paranormal Conference

An exciting line up of nationally renowned experts in 
Bigfoot research, UFO investigations and Paranormal activity.

Friday - 19-May-2023
Registration from 10:00am to 4:00pm
FrightDay Film Fest - 12:00pm – 4:00pm
Vendor Set up and Shopping – 10:00am – 4:00pm
Meet and Greet with the Speakers – 6:00pm to 9:00pm at the Aspen Mine Center

Saturday - 20-May-2023
Conference Speakers 9:00am - 4:00pm 
Vendor Shopping 9:00am - 4:00pm

Workshops (limited seating)

Ghost Hunting 101
 Ghost hunting and how to use ghost hunting equipment by Cheyenne            Mountain Paranormal Investigators

Bigfoot Hunt 101: Hunting America's Most Elusive Species
A detailed presentation on certain aspects of Bigfoot hunting techniques used by David Eller

Advanced Bigfoot Investigation Techniques
How to prepare for a Bigfoot experience, what to expect and how put yourself in the best possible position for contact based upon research and personal experiences presented by Trails to the Unknown and Alan Megargle

Saturday Night Excursions (Ages 18 & over)

 Outlaws and & LawMen Jail Museum Ghost Hunt conducted by Cheyenne Mountain Paranormal Investigators
                        Three tours of 12 attendees each




Join David Eller on a Bigfoot Hunt and learn bigfoot hunting techniques, tracking and signs

UFO SkyWatch
Join MUFON Investigators on a UFO SkyWatch and learn about IFO and Unknowns

Saturday Movies  - Double Feature!
 The Town that Loved Bigfoot
This down-home documentary chronicles the struggles of a sleepy town in Alabama as it's sparked back to life by embracing local lore and learning to love Bigfoot

Director, Brandon Maughon will have a Questions and Answers with attendees after the movie

World Premiere of a movie by Alan Megargle!
This will be the first showing of a new movie by Alan Megargle. The title of of this movie is pending.  Director, Alan Megargle will have a Questions and Answers with attendees after the movie.

Sunday - 21-May-2023

Conference Speakers - 9:00am to 3:00pm
Vendor S.opping 9:00am - 3:00pm
Tell Your Experience Townhall 11:00am

Workshops (limited seating)

Bigfoot Casting - How to Cast Footprints
 Jason Frank demonstrates how to cast a print, each class member will have hands on experience casting a print

Cost includes casting supplies for each attendee

Paranormal Dowsing
How to use dowsing in paranormal investigations from ghost hunting, UFO investigations & bigfoot investigations by Tamara Lynn

For more information visit their website

Colorado Bigfoot Activity Below

Ward Lake Sasquatch & Kannah Creek Bigfoot

Two Bigfoot Yell at Cascade Hiker & 
Colorado Man Captures Sasquatch on Camera

Sasquatch Captured on Camera
during Georgetown Loop Railroad Ride

Bigfoot Captured on Google Earth
Uncompahgre & Saguache Sasquatch

Family Harassed by Bigfoot near Jersey Jim Lookout

Friday, April 28, 2023

Grays Flat Sasquatch on Cliffs near Trinity River


Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com

Bigfoot Takes Large Fish Up a Steep Cliff

Grays Flat Sasquatch on Cliffs near Trinity River

James writes RMSO

Three men in a cabin from a small neighborhood of Gray's flat were in between burnt ranch and Hawkins bar, Trinity County on the Trinity River along highway 299 saw.

 A Bigfoot with long reddish hair hanging off the back of its arms and climbing up the side of the Trinity River. It was holding a huge salmon in a fist with it slumped over his back and climbing up the side of the cliff.  

  I lived in Newport Beach California and heard the story of my friend's elderly father and his two fishing buddies watching it during the daytime, less than a few hundred feet away. 

 The Bigfoot heard the men Hoot and holler in admiration for the Bigfoot to have carried a slippery salmon so easily on his back while climbing up a cliff. The Bigfoot dropped the salmon and made it upset grunting noise and scurried up the cliff.. 

 Needless to say it made me move up to the same neighborhood and I live in Willow Creek now. I had a lot of Bigfoot activity happen in the 8 years that I lived there. Being from Newport Beach in a big city I got to tell you I believe now. 

 I can't help but think that some of the bigfoots around here remember and know me or at least my gold F-150 from the farm. I've been told the range of these people is quite large so 15 miles away from here is my old house, I am in Willow Creek now, I had worked at the local market for a year at Ray's and learned a lot of stories. 

 There are different colored bigfoots around here. A lot of different sized ones as well. The local Indians do not like to talk about it at the market. In fact I got in trouble and almost fired for talking about Bigfoots with a local in public but he started the conversation and he was talking about a very taboo subject along the lines of kidnapping of people and breeding.

More Bigfoot & Fishermen Encounters

Fisherman has Close Encounter with Sasquatch near

Pink Mountain British Columbia

Three Bigfoot Walk Upon a Fisherman & Take His Catch

9 Feet Tall Orangutan Face Bigfoot 
Takes Fisherman's Salmon Perhaps A Modern Gigantopithecus

Fisherman Tracks Bigfoot Near Washington Canada Border

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Nuk Luk or Man of the Bush is a Bigfoot Like Hominid Living in Canada


Cover from next video below
Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com
Nahanni Forest Sasquatch Known as Nuk Luk

Nuk Luk or Man of the Bush is a 
Bigfoot Like Hominid Living in Canada

More Canada Bigfoot

Bigfoot Captured on Video near Lake in Ontario

Remote Fly In Community Keep Spotting 
Two Bigfoot Individuals

9 Feet Tall North Bay Bigfoot Faces Off with 6'7 Man

Fisherman Tracks Bigfoot Near Washington Canada Border