Thursday, March 29, 2018

Triple Bigfoot Sighting Encounters at Ghost Town of Deadwood


Bigfoot Investigation at Night in Deadwood

Locations of the Bigfoot sightings around the Ghost Town
Bigfoot Raids Logging Camp at Ghost Town of Deadwood

Day expedition looking for Bigfoot
RMSO Returns to
Famous Bigfoot Sighting Ghost Town of Deadwood

Flight over Deadwood Looking for Bigfoot

One of the logging crew contacted 
RMSO with additional details
Helicopter Log Crew Harassed by Sasquatch

Original sighting report posted by BFRO

Monday, March 26, 2018

Scare Canyon Bigfoot

Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Video Below Written Report
"8 to 9 feet tall. Extremely wide shoulders and thick"

Scare Canyon Bigfoot

Jenna writes RMSO
Hi there. I just commented on your Monte Cristo YouTube video and you commented back saying you\'d like to hear my story. Well, I'm emailing it to you because it's a bit long for YouTube comments. Lol.

 My name is Jenna and back is 2006 my husband and I were taking a weekend and scouting for deer in the mountains. We drove up Monte Cristo to ant flat road and after a few hours in the mountains, we stopped in a place that I've only ever heard called \"scare canyon\". 

 It was a neat little area with a grove of quakies  and a stock pond about 100 yards away. We had about an hour of daylight left so We set up camp for the night in the grove of trees. We slept in the back of our pickup so setup was pretty easy. We built a small fire to cook dinner and sat around until it got pretty dark. (It was a full moon, so it wasn't super dark). 

 We had our heeler dog with us and she was sort of exploring and roaming around just outside of the fire light. Well, I started to get an uneasy feeling sitting around the fire so I climbed into the bed of the truck and continued talking with my husband. About 10 minutes later our dog starts running around the fire (still just outside of the light) like crazy. She was whimpering and crying, running and jumping. It was weird because she has been around big game before and it never bothered her. Anyway, she comes running out of the darkness and jumps into the bed of the truck, she curls up behind my back and she is shaking like a leaf. I hurry my husband into the truck and he reluctantly gets in. He falls asleep pretty quickly. The dog always sleeps on my feet, so she was curled up near the tailgate. I was just dozing off when I felt her shift and sit up. She started to growl very low. I told her to lay down but she continued to sit there and growl at something. 

 About 5 minutes goes by of her growling and I sit up to see what it is. I look towards the dirt road (about 75 feet from us) and there in the moonlight stands this HUGE animal. At first I thought it was a moose, but he would have had to be standing facing me. As I watched this thing (for what seemed like and hour, but was only 2 or 3 minutes) it starts to walk downhill towards the stock pond. I panicked because it was huge! !
 I laid back down hoping it wouldn't come hear the truck, when I sat back up a few minutes was gone. I estimated it to be between 8 and 9 feet tall. Extremely wide shoulders and thick. I could see Some muscle definition in the bright moonlight. I tried waking my husband but he wouldn't. If my dog could talk, I swear she could tell you more details! Haha.

RMSO Reports Jenna's Bigfoot sighting near the location

Related Bigfoot sighting near Scare Canyon below

Bigfoot Paces Four Wheeler on Ant Flat Road

Friday, March 23, 2018

Cannibal Giant & Solitary Savage Maybe Same Creature

The largest concentration of Bigfoot sighting reports
come from the Pacific Northwest.
The Snake River is a gateway
into the Rocky Mountains from the Pacific Northwest.

This elusive creature could easily follow the Columbia River
to the Snake River & Bigfoot would soon be dwelling in the 
Great Rocky Mountains of North America

Reports of a creature early settlers called the
Solitary Savage of The Snake River.

Bigfoot The Solitary Savage of The Snake River

Another modern day Bigfoot sighting along the Snake River
Girl Followed by Bigfoot in Devil Corral Canyon

Girl Scopes Bigfoot Hunting Coyote
Devil Corral Canyon

Jarbidge River drains into the mighty Snake River
providing an animal highway for Bigfoot

Some of the earliest reports of what many would consider Bigfoot today
were observed by Native American Indians.
The Shoshone called this creature dwelling in the Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho &
the Jarbidge Mountains of Nevada Tsawhabitts  translated to english "Cannibal Giant".

The following is a history of the Shoshone Cannibal Giant.
Shoshone Legend of Cannibal Giants in 
Tsawhawbitts Jarbidge Wilderness

Recent Sighting of this elusive giant.
Hunters Encounter Aggressive Group of 
Sasquatch Tsawhawbitts Mountains

Dr Leslie Observes 9 Foot Tall Bigfoot Jarbidge

Three Possible Trackways of 
Bigfoot Tsawhawbitts Expedition
#SnakeRiverBigfoot #DevilCorralCanyonSasquatch

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Hiker Faints as Bigfoot Reached Towards Him

Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Literally scared the pee out of the Hiker
  Written Report Below Video

Hiker Faints as Bigfoot Reached Towards Him

James T.C. II writes RMSO
 Hello and thank you for allowing me to join this group! I've never told a soul about this but I'm going to now.

 1986 Grand Jean, Idaho. We were camping on memorial weekend. I was taking a short walk at dusk. I smelled what I thought was a male goat. I saw a tree that I thought had moss on it. It wasn't moss, it was hair, hair on the very long arm of a very tall being standing behind the tree with its arm unshielded by the tree. Right as I got about six feet from the tree he stepped out from behind the tree and looked at me.

  I froze. I looked up at his face and into his eyes. I saw curiosity in his dark eyes. He took a step towards me, reached out slowly towards me, I stood in terror and pissed my pants. I think he sensed my fear because his reach stopped midair and he was sniffing. I could tell he smelled my pee or my sweat or both. I felt light headed as fear engulfed me completely.......I passed out. When I came to I was still over whelmed with fear and I was shaking. He was gone from what I could see as it was almost dark. It took me a few minutes to get my bearings to get up and stand on my feet.

 When I got back to the camp site everyone there was around the camp fire. One of them saw that my pants were wet and asked me if I fell in the creek. I couldn't answer him, I tried but only mumble came out. They all knew I was very upset. I remember one of the gals helped me into the camper and into my sleeping bag. I could not bring myself to tell any of them what happened, one of them even jokingly said I must've seen a Bigfoot. When he said that it actually dawned on me that that's exactly what I'd seen, Bigfoot!

It certainly was the last thing on my mind that day. I'd heard stories about bigfoot but never dreamed I would encounter one. I hope you do man

RMSO responds
Have you been back to that camp site?

James T.C. II
Yes, in 1998 I went back with friends, they didn't know about my encounter though. But I made sure I was never alone. I've often wondered if there have been other sightings at Grand Jean

Great share of your experience. Did you have "sweat sleep" for any period afterwards? What about the feeling of being watched or a lurking presence for some period of time after the encounter (particularly at night)?

James T.C. II
Yes I did! Especially at the family cabin in Cascade Idaho
I always thought BF would show up at the cabin

More Idaho Bigfoot

Helicopter Logging Crew Harassed by Bigfoot

Five People Chased by Sasquatch

Girl Followed by Sasquatch in Devils Corral Canyon