Thursday, September 28, 2023

Hells Gate Bigfoot Watching Traffic from Cliff Ledge

Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to

"Both Bigfoot were big enough to carry my horse"

Hells Gate Bigfoot Watching Traffic from Cliff Ledge

Brian H writes RMSO
Hi and Thank you for the invite here. I live in BC Canada and have had some sightings here in BC on the mainland & the island by many with many stories from Native people here.

 I have only seen two in my life time about ten years apart. One up in Yale BC the other around Hells Gate also in BC.

 The first was in the 80s going through the Hells Gate area, it was a little high up the mountain but was very visible by my wife at the time and myself. She asked what's that up there do you see it? I was driving looking at the road but glanced up and there it was. Orangey/Brown and it stood on a cliffside staring down at the HWY.

 It was hard to not look at it as we got closer and past the beast. We had fear, it was up high enough but did not appear to be shy watching the traffic flying by. We said OK that was so F-ing weird,, Never tell anyone they will think we are nuts or full of it. But WOW! I never forgot it.

 The other was in Yale BC a few years ago. It was also up a mountain and gone within maybe 50 seconds or so. Was stunned seeing it. It was standing close to a water runoff that had been whacked apart wide in some spots from snow. It stood looking at the falls spilling over like it was figuring a way to cross it and it did just that. It seemed to go into the falls somehow without being washed out and it appeared on the other side in seconds and then continued on into the brush and was gone.

RMSO responds
We received a sighting report from near Hells Gate last year.
Were you able to estimate the creatures height or width on either sighting?

Brian Continues
 They were both large but the Orange/Brown one was bigger. I have a horse and he is fair in size, they were both big enough to carry him I think, but it was hard to tell. They are thick in body though, Ten feet maybe 11 or 12 for the Orange/Brown one. Their arms were so thick. 

 Being high enough up it was very hard to estimate that but Wow when one thinks about it!  Hells gate area & Yale can be busy with them we hear from Native people in Yale, All through the mountains they say if fish are near by they will be too! Kinda scary in a way, we had some stories told to my wife and I in Yale when we had a gold claim there. I have since sold that claim lol

More Canada Bigfoot

Aggressive Sasquatch Throws 
Fisherman Into Lake then Takes His Catch

Bigfoot Like Screams 
Recorded by Hunter in BC

North Ontario Sasquatch Captured on Video

Giant Aggressive Bigfoot 
Charges Family in Nova Scotia

Sasquatch, Strange Creature & 
Lake Monster Captured on Camera in Canada

Colorado Sasquatch Captured on Video near Rocky Mountain NP


Cover from next video below
Email your Bigfoot sighting to

Rocky Mountain Bigfoot Footage

Colorado Sasquatch Captured on Video 
near Rocky Mountain NP

More Colorado Bigfoot

Bigfoot Captured on Camera 
near Georgetown Railroad Tracks

Two Tabequache Sasquatch Come Into Camp & 
One Slaps Mans Foot near Spruce Mountain

Two Bigfoot Yell at Cascade Hiker & 
Colorado Man Captures Sasquatch on Camera

Uncompahgre Bigfoot & 
Saguache Sasquatch in Colorado Forest

Bolam Sasquatch Investigation 
near Anchor Mountain

Monday, September 25, 2023

Arapaho Tribe Discovers Bigfoot Photos Feared to be Lost


Cover from next video below
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Video with Oklahoma Bigfoot Photos

Arapaho Tribe Discovers Bigfoot Photos
 Feared to be Lost

More Oklahoma Bigfoot

Fort Sill Sasquatch Confronts Soldier

Giant Bigfoot Destroys Fishing Gear & Takes Fish
after Fisherman Snags Him With Lure

Bigfoot Eating Hogs in Oklahoma

Sasquatch Running on Oklahoma Gamecam

Oklahoma Couple Believe They Recorded
a Sallisaw Sasquatch Hollering

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Biker Shocked when He Surprises a Sasquatch near Spuzzum Mountain


Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
"when the dog got to where I had seen it, 
it whimpered and ran back"

Biker Shocked when He Surprises a 
Sasquatch near Spuzzum Mountain

Rick M. writes RMSO
In 1976 I saw a sasquatch when I worked in Spuzzum B.C. Canada.. I met John Green a famous sasquatch hunter at the time.. was on  tv in a documentary.  I have never forgotten that experience

 I was 16 .. I worked in a town called Spuzzum. It was April and I was out riding a motor bike  along an old highway .  I went under a bridge where there was an "s" curve.. when I came out of the curve on the road in front of me was a sasquatch.. It was less than 50 yards in front of me.. That's where the road ended .. 

 There was a huge pile of rocks there about 7 feet high and it was taller than the rocks .. It turned and went up a hill to the railroad tracks. I turned the bike around and took off. I went and told my boss and he and a big guy named Bear. They went back back to where I saw it with their German Sheppard. We got out of the car and the dog got out, when the dog got to where I had seen it, it whimpered and ran back to the car. On the right is a huge drop to the river and we could see where it had walked. We all got back in the car and left. 

 I called the Yale newspaper and its how I got in contact with John Green. He owned the paper. He came out and I drew a picture of what I had seen. He and I went back and the impressions in the gravel were still there.

 He told me he believed me and gave me some books he had written. I was in the news paper and then I was contacted by the CBC to be in a documentary about it... So I did.

 I could never camp out there to this day I'm still scared when I go there .. I'm 63 now  .. I just recently went there with my brother and I was still scared to be there.

RMSO responds
Hi Rick, thank you for writing your report. What color was the bigfoot? Were you able to see its face or eyes?

Rick continues
 It was black and I saw its profile . Black face and hands.. I never saw it look at me .. I was busy getting out of there ..
Thank you for listening.. most people think your crazy and I don't talk alot about it.. but I know what I saw .. I still have nightmares about it .. it scares me that bad.

RMSO responds
How close to the creature were you?

Less than 100 feet when I got my motorcycle turned around and got out of there.  I took it by surprise and it took me by surprise.. like i say I'm still afraid to go back there .  I've been there a couple of times since but not for long.

More Canada Bigfoot

The Huge Creature Crouched Down 
Next to Me & Patted My Arm

Chabra Sasquatch on Tracks 
near Salmo, British Columbia

Couple Spot Two Tonsina Sasquatch 
Cross Road near Tiekel River

Castlegar Sasquatch Communicating 
with Another Bigfoot Captured on Video

Fisherman has Close Encounter with Sasquatch 
near Pink Mountain British Columbia

Fisherman Tracks Bigfoot 
near British Columbia Border

Bigfoot Like Screams 
Recorded by Hunter in BC

Sasquatch Exhibits Four Bigfoot Moves at Once 
Including Midtarsal Flex