Showing posts with label Idaho Bigfoot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Idaho Bigfoot. Show all posts

Monday, November 12, 2018

Three Bloody Bucket Bigfoot

Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Bow Hunters Encounter Three Sasquatch in The Bloody Bucket

Three Bloody Bucket Bigfoot

More Idaho Bigfoot

Giant Midnight Mountain Bigfoot Confronts Hunters

Bigfoot Tracks Found at Bloody Bucket Deer Kill Site

 Twelve Inches From Labarge Bigfoot

Helicopter Log Crew Harassed by Sasquatch

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Bigfoot Raids Deadwood Ghost Town Chases Off Loggers


The Creepy Ghost Town of Deadwood Raided by Bigfoot.
Five witnesses have terrifying encounters with a
monstrous creature in 24 hours during three separate sightings.

Two of the witnesses quit the logging crew
 & leave the ghost town after their Bigfoot encounter.

Truly one of the spookiest Bigfoot sighting reports because of the 
Ghost Town location & intimidating encounters.

RMSO takes you on a tour of the Bigfoot sighting locations
in the Famous Ghost Town of Deadwood.

Bigfoot Raids Ghost Town of Deadwood Chases Off Loggers

Drone View Bigfoot Investigation Deadwood

Some believe the Bigfoot was dwelling in the basement of the abandoned Ghost House once used by the Mining Boss below
Night Investigation Deadwood Mining Boss Structure

RMSO 1st Bigfoot Expedition to Deadwood
Deadwood Bigfoot Expedition Ghost Town Bigfoot Sightings

RMSO Returns to Famous Bigfoot Sighting Hotspot Deadwood

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Snake Sasquatch Devil Corral Monster

Email your Bigfoot sighting to

Devil Corral is perched 1000 feet above the
Snake River of Idaho. This brings up the question,
 is the Bigfoot harassing people in Devil Corral Canyon 
the same creature known as the 
Solitary Savage of the Snake River?

Solitary Savage of the Snake River

Girl Followed By Bigfoot Devils Corral Canyon
Original written Bigfoot sighting report of
Girl Followed by Bigfoot Devil Corral Canyon

Most Recent Devils Corral Canyon Bigfoot Sighting

Girl Scopes Bigfoot Devils Corral Canyon


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Bear Lake Sasquatch

Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Investigation video at bottom of the page

"She was so shook-up because of the sighting 
and the overwhelming feeling of being watched"

Bear Lake Sasquatch

Doug writes RMSO
Remember when I told you about me North Bear Lake experience? My wife just had a sighting on the highway about a half mile from XXXX on the XXXXXXXXX side. She saw a big black mass, tall not wide, as she passed she knew it was to tall and narrow to be an animal like cow elk or moose, then she herd a loud whistle and smelled a horrible smell that she thought may have been the water that has been sitting since the snow melted, but that water does not smell. We just went over there.

 She was so shook-up because of the sighting and the overwhelming feeling of being watched that she was in tears. I think she saw something out of the ordinary for sure

Thanks for letting me know
Did she get a height estimate or have any details. Color or see face profile etc..

Not a lot in detail, but if she had to put a height to it she would guess 7-71/2 feet.
Its the whistle that gets me. To hear it while going 65, what ever it was it was loud

Did you make it back to where she saw it and look around for a track way of foot prints?

She couldn't remember the exact spot and haven't had a lot of time to walk the road yet.

RMSO follow-up
This was a day time Bigfoot sighting. We received this message May 27th 2017 at 7:28 PM

The area this woman spotted Bigfoot has a history of several dozen Bigfoot sightings.
We travel to the location in Idaho, North of Bear Lake May 31st 2017.

We camp 5 days six miles from this sighting report location & spend most of the time checking out the sighting report area & the mountains near the sighting.

 We found a few bigfoot shaped tracks over 10 miles from the sighting location. They were almost 14 inches long & 7 inches at the widest part at the toes.
In camp we heard a few vocalizations the last night along with stomping on the ground on the hill over looking our camp. Was not able to identify the creature or animal that was making the vocalizations and loudly stomping on the ground.

More Bigfoot Near Bear Lake
Rider Spots Bigfoot While Horse Acts Up near Beaver Mountain

Four Bigfoot Encounters St Charles

Giant Midnight Mountain Bigfoot
Glares with Irritation Confronting Hunters

Bigfoot Investigation
of Bear Lake Sasquatch Sighting

Base Camp Preparations Near Bigfoot Sighting

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Bigfoot Observed Walking Across Southbound Lane Chester Idaho

Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
St Anthony Sasquatch Walking in Median

Bigfoot Observed Walking 
Across Southbound Lane Chester Idaho

Tiff A writes RMSO
  I lived in Chester, Idaho and my boyfriend was driving me home from St. Anthony. 
It was spring of 2003. It was before Midnight (as that was my curfew.) 

 There was fog and as we took one of the natural curves of the highway, our headlights hit it. It is a divided highway and he was in the median. An oncoming car headlights hit it as well from the other side and we watched it walk from the median and across the southbound lanes in about 5 seconds.

 It was tall, with long legs and long arms. I couldn't see any close details. It took us about 20 seconds for our minds to register what it was. My boyfriend then made me swear to never discuss what just happened. I've told everyone I know I've seen Bigfoot :) 
Tiff A.

 Been through Chester Idaho several times investigating Bigfoot sightings.  From Victor Idaho, Southwest boarder near Yellowstone to Island Park.
 Thank you for telling us about your Bigfoot sighting Tiff

 Following video is about Bigfoot sightings less than 50 miles South of your sighting Tiff.
50 miles is not far for a wild animal.
 Maybe the same Bigfoot these people saw on Bone Road as the one you saw.

Five People Chased by Bigfoot
Rancher Spots It Again 3 Days Later

Bigfoot Walking In Median West of Tetons

More Idaho Bigfoot

Four Bigfoot Encounters Near St Charles

Helicopter Log Crew Harassed by Sasquatch

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Bigfoot Family Dworshak Reservoir

Email your Bigfoot sighting to
Family of Sasquatch at Dworshak
(Written report below video)
Bigfoot Family Dworshak Reservoir

Family of Sasquatch at Dworshak

Jessica C writes RMSO
Hello, Nice to meet you. I'm Jessica. I'm a mother of 6 and the wife of my highschool sweetheart for 15 years. 

 When I was 12, just before my 13th birthday, my family moved to North Idaho (from near Boise). I have seen and heard various possible and probable bigfoot related things once in a while since then. Many of them I had mentally filed away in the "pretend it didn't happen" drawer as too weird to actually deal with at the time, but I've been able to think about them more rationally now as an adult in my mid-thirties and I realize that many of these memories fit together if I leave my mind open to the possibility that there is some sort of large undocumented ape species out there. I still feel very uncomfortable with sharing my stories but I *want* to be able to share them, if that makes sense. Anyway, nice to meet you. Thanks for letting me join.

My family moved to a mountain overlooking the Dworshak Reservoir on the Orofino side. In retrospect, I think, odd as it sounds, a family group lived on the mountain peak across the dirt road from us. I saw them once, meandering up their mountain like they were out for a Sunday walk. Almost every experience I had connects to that mountain top and to the two main draws coming down from that mountain top. My experiences there happened between 1996 and 2003 and range from simply feeling watched/uneasy to the aforementioned sighting. I'm not a Bigfoot expert in the least so I'd rather just tell my experiences exactly as they happened and leave it up to the reader to decide if they think it was really Bigfoot related or not, rather than act like I know for sure. Should I tell my experiences here in this post or is there a better way?

Okay first strange incident was in Spring of 2006. I was 13, my sister was 9 or 10 and my brother was 7. We hadn't really explored much yet because we moved in the week before Thanksgiving and those who were in the Orofino area that winter knew it snowed 3 feet Thanksgiving week and then there were bad mud slides and flooding- rough winter. So coming from Boise area and not being used to so much snow yet, us kids pretty much kept to the yard and driveway until spring. When things were pretty much thawed out and it was just rainy, that's when we finally got to explore a bit. We weren't afraid of the woods because we'd had several acres at our previous house with trees and water and had spent our days watching foxes and beavers and herons and digging caves and fishing... we were wild at heart so we looked forward to exploring the woods.

Imagine for simplicity's sake, the road is curved like an s with an extra bump, so maybe like a very rounded M. Imagine my family's 5 acres was in the right bump of the M and across the road uphill from us (from the center of the M upward) was the top of the mountain we were on. We called that mountain top something like "Mr. N's Knob/hill" because it was owned by our next door neighbor to the right who owned several hundred acres around us. That hill was strange, like an optical illusion, because it was so much bigger and more rounded than it appeared, so no matter how far up it you climbed, you always felt like you still had the same amount of hill left to climb before you would reach the top. It looked so small and easy to climb from our house but it was just that it was so nicely rounded that you couldn't actually see all the way up it, making it look smaller. The hill itself was mostly bald on the side that faced us, and we would come to find out eventually that the treeline on the far side was, by contrast, almost all the way at the top. There were 2 main draws that drained off that mountain, and you could imagine the draws crossing the road approximately at the peaks of the bumps of the M. At the bottom of the draw on the right of our imaginary M, (which went along the East edge of our property,) it flattened out where it ran into an old logging road that connected our back pasture to the pasture behind Mr. N's house. My parents used that short cut to visit him, and he us, several times. 

Halfway between the logging road and the main road, my siblings and I were playing. The first day we were playing there it was raining but the tree canopy overhead was thick enough to keep us mostly dry. I don't remember noticing much for sounds, aside from the rain. We were noticing trilium coming up all around there and admiring them. After the first day, we noticed something was making a sound just out of sight like tapping rocks together 5 or 6 times in a row. It would come from one way, then a little farther off and in a different direction, always from heavy timber with lots of underbrush. I don't know how many days we played there, but each day we would get a little further up the draw toward where it crossed the road. I remember going out one day that week and feeling uneasy because we kept hearing loud stick breaking sounds from the heavy brush near the fence. As we meandered up the draw toward the last place we'd played, there was a tree that had been as big around as a human arm that was freshly broken and bent into an arch or doorway shape. Next to it was a trilium we'd admired the day before stomped flat into the pine needles. Just past the "doorway" was a fallen rotten long we'd sat on, and that morning it had rocks sitting on it. My memory is rather fuzzy so I don't recall for sure how many rocks but I believe there were 3, and I also don't recall whether the tree was twisted or just snapped, only that it was broken somehow in 2 places but the bark still held it together enough that it was shaped like a doorway. I remember accusing my siblings of coming up here without me and putting rocks on the log and stomping the flower, but they denied it. I had a distinct feeling that the "doorway" and rocks were some sort of message. In the back of my mind I imagined I was a explorer and saw this, and that it was a symbol that this area was a "door" to another tribe's territory. Then I couldn't get that feeling out of my head that we weren't supposed to go past this "door" and the rock markers, so I made us play below that from then on, for at least a year, and don't remember hearing the stick cracking sounds when we played there anymore, just the occasional rock taps

So that was the first thing that happened, about 5 +/- months after moving there, which was unexplained by known causes. I did ask my dad about the rock taps and he said maybe a woodpecker or squirrel, but I never felt quite satisfied with that explanation because the rock taps were always so uniform and sounded like rocks being banged together, not like a woodpecker or squirrel cracking a nut. I asked him about the rocks on the log and the broken tree too, and he said he hadn't been up there recently but it was probably just wind damage and sibling pranks. I felt like that wasn't quite plausible since the broken tree was right next to a big tree in the well sheltered understory and it was the only visible damage. It has nagged at me as strange ever since. I have lots more similarly odd stories, but this is the only one with rocks on top of things and trees broken into doorway shapes.

My mom, who passed away in 2011, actually SAW them with me, and she was with me when I saw what I think was their house too, but she was really strange about it. It was like she couldn't actually look at them for some reason. Like her mind wouldn't accept it, so she looked away as soon as she laid eyes on them and made up an excuse to explain it away and refused to look again or allow me to talk about it.

My dad is still living there, and he's always been pretty open minded about cryptids. He met a fellow whom he said sounded quite intelligent and sound minded who had run into one face to face once and had no doubt what he'd seen was a Bigfoot, so my dad always felt like, while he wouldn't say that they exist, he wouldn't say they didn't either. Unfortunately I think the Bigfoots were drawn to my siblings and I as children playing, and didn't care much about Dad out mending fences and whatnot. It seemed to me that they weren't interested in bothering Dad, and he didn't pay much attention to rock and wood sounds so unless they threw something right at him or chased him, I doubt he'd have ever realized they were there. I was one of those head in the clouds romantic fool teen girls always dreaming up some epic adventure in my head, but I was also a severe introvert and empath so I could sense moods and presences that nobody else I knew could, when I wasn't distracted by my own daydreaming. Nobody could sneak up on me ever as a kid because I could just sense them coming. Nobody could lie to me about their emotions either because I could always tell. It's possible that these traits that were so annoying to my family were part of why I noticed and remembered weird things that others didn't. Even my sister has basically the same stories as mine but she doesn't remember most of the weird things as being weird. She didn't think it was weird that the tree was broken or the log had rocks on it. Same with my dad. He still lives there but it would take a lot for him to say something was "weird." He could think he saw a Bigfoot walking through the trees but unless he had a picture to prove it to himself he'd likely chalk it up to tired eyes or hunger and head in for a snack and a nap and never think of it again.

Also unfortunate is that there have been at least half a dozen new homes built right around that area since my last encounter, so I'd be surprised if the Bigfoots (if that's really what they were) are still living there. I suppose it's possible, but if I were a Bigfoot I'd have vacated long ago and went somewhere a little less people-y. 

HOWEVER, my dad, when I pressed him about it, did remember one time either shortly before my mom died or shortly after, when he went out to do farm chores after dark. The black lab went with him as usual, but instead of her usual random barking and sniffing, she stopped stock still with her hackles up, staring into the night-black woods. She stayed frozen like that for a bit and then suddenly bolted for the house like Satan was after her. My dad said he looked and looked but all he could see was darkness. He said the way the dog behaved made him wish he'd brought a gun out with him. That was the only time he can recall anything strange or creepy happening that stuck with him. The animals pens he was out feeding are at the base of the hill that about 30 feet up that hill was that broken tree and log with rocks on it from my first story. The trees are thick enough behind the animal shelters that you can't see a thing through them when it's dark out. 

I'm surprised that my father in law, who worked as a logger most of his life until the mill shut down, then worked for the county road department, and has been an avid hunter and camper all his life, claims to have never seen anything. I would think if anyone would have seen something strange, even if it wasn't a Bigfoot-sort-of-strange, in all his years in the woods and on dark mountain roads, it would be him. But he claims to have never had any odd experiences at all.

More Idaho Bigfoot

Five People Chased by Idaho Bigfoot

Helicopter Log Crew Harassed by Sasquatch

9 Feet Tall Bigfoot Observed by MD Idaho-Nevada Border

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Bigfoot Found Moving in Deadwood Video

Cover from next video below
Email your Bigfoot sighting to

Sasquatch Captured on Video through 
Window of Mining Boss Home

Bigfoot Found Moving in Deadwood Video

 Diane's Zoomed Screen Shot of Bigfoot

Bigfoot found in next video below
 Time Stamp 30:49
RMSO Returns to Famous 
Bigfoot Sighting Hotspot Deadwood
Bigfoot Found Moving in Deadwood Video

Diane Fountain messaged us with screen shot below.
Diane writes 
"When you watch it on a big screen TV frame by frame, it changes."
Original Screen Shot Circled
Video Screen Shot From Time Stamp 30:49

RMSO Statement
Watched the section of video Diane screen shot several times.
The Bigfoot shaped subject appears to move 
& hide as we walk in its direction.
Very interesting find.
Thank you for messaging us the screen shot Diane.
 Diane Found Video From The Blog Post Link Below

More Deadwood Bigfoot

Helicopter Log Crew Harassed by Sasquatch


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Georgetown Bigfoot

Matt K. writes RMSO
 I just found your organization on watching videos on YouTube about bigfoot. I went to your facebook page and saw where I can email you about sightings so I figures what the heck I might as well share mine.
  I live in southeastern idaho in a town called Georgetown its about 20 miles north from Bear Lake.

 So my experience was in fall of 2010 with my best friend. We had decided to go on a four wheeler ride late at night. We left from my house on our wheelers because I live in the mouth of a canyon. My friend had never been to the place I had in mind and it was only about 10 miles from my house.

 So we headed out. It was a clear but dark night you could see the starts but no moon. ( ill attach a map of the canyon and location where we had this experience). So we get to this place I wanted to go we always called it the trappers cabin. Once we arrived we shut our wheelers off and took our helmets off. We had been sitting and talking their for no more than 5 minuets when we heard this loud, very close growl.

 So me and him at the time were 18 and had been hunting since we were just little kids. We both knew what bears sounded like and every other animal known to our region. This growl was nothing like anything we have heard before.

 So after the growl we heard what sounded like a huge tree get snapped like a tooth pick and then something running towards us with more trees snapping as its getting closer towards us. At this point we had both thrown our helmets back and were headed out of their because we had no intetions of finding out was was charging at us.

 I've hunted in that same area for years after that experience and every time I feel like I'm being watched along the ridge above the cabin I was talking about is an old mine that has been closed since the 60's. Water is very abundant in the area as well. I figured it would be worth a shot to let you guys know. If you have any questions about my experience please let me know.

Thanks for your time,
Matt K.   

Been to the Canyons behind Georgetown to search for Bigfoot because of the sightings at Montpelier Reservoir & the Bloody Bucket sightings.
Thanks for sending your report

Matt K.

Sounds good if you need more info ill be willing to help. I know of a few more areas of sightings or weird things that have happened in this area as well. Im a firm believer that he is out there.

Your experience appears to be pretty close to where a mountain lion crossed the road in front of us in April of last year. Very wild place loaded with deer. If bigfoot is interested in deer and or what deer eat this is a great area for them to flourish with minimal human interference.

Matt K.
Up above that cabin is a few wallows with a lot of water and the deer
and elk come into those wallows. That old mine that I mentioned also
has a few caves that I've seen. This year is the first year that I've
heard about structures and the tree breaks. So im going to start
paying closer attention to whats going on around me. Have you heard
any experiences come out of Bennington Canyon or Joes Gap? I know
several people that have had some weird stuff happen to them in that
area. Also out in the Tin Cup area a guy I know had something crawl in
under him when he was in a tree stand. He said all he could see was a
huge head and really big shoulders. He said it basically army crawled
into the wallow he was hunting and watched him for a while. Then he
decided to leave and it followed him for about a half mile until he
got to his truck.

Keep us posted we have done several Bigfoot expeditions to this general area over the last 10 years & are interested in your findings. You growing up there & knowing your way around is recognized as a great asset to have in a well known Bigfoot sighting hot spot
Thank you for the update.

More Bigfoot Near Georgetown

Man Abandons Camp After Bigfoot Intimidation

Bigfoot Approaches Cop & 
Terrorizes Two Men With Hunting Dogs

Three Bigfoot Bloody Bucket

Labarge Bigfoot In Face Of Rancher

Four Bigfoot Encounters St Charles

Bigfoot Territorial Grove Strawberry Spring

Tracks Found Bloody Bucket Kill Site

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Sasquatch Circles Bear Hunter Sitting in Tree Stand

Email your Bigfoot sighting to
PTSD Continues Many Years
after Alarming Encounter with Bigfoot

Sasquatch Circles Bear Hunter Sitting in Tree Stand

Follow-up Bigfoot expeditions researching the 
Bear Hunters experience along with other 
Bigfoot reports in the same area below

Bigfoot Location 
Investigation Report

Scouting Expedition to 
Bigfoot Encounter Location

Deer Hunters Spot 
Bigfoot Twice Challis & Salmon

Bigfoot Sighting Tour Edge of 
The River of No Return

Rattle Snake Fight on Bigfoot Expedition
The River of No Return


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Kingston Sasquatch at Bumblebee Meadows

Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to
"I saw in the flashlight beam a 
large dark colored upright standing creature"

Kingston Sasquatch at Bumblebee Meadows
Joe Vogal
 I would once again like to thank the admin for adding me to the group. If you all wouldn't mind I would like to share an encounter that took place some time ago. I haven't made a formal report of this incident but after discussing it with several friends and family members the general opinion is that I should get advice about the reporting process.

 I am a retired Nursing supervisor having spent 30 years as a professional nurse and manager. I was an US Army MP attached to the 28th Infantry Division and prior to that I was a Civil Air Patrol cadet member for six years. I have spent a large amount of time in the woods and am an experienced outdoorsman/hunter/fisherman. I am comfortable in the outdoors and enjoy hiking, camping and outdoor photography as my hobbies of choice.

 This event occurred in the summer of 2011 at an area in North Idaho known as Bumblebee Meadows in the Kingston Idaho vicinity. My girlfriend and I had planned a three day camping trip and as we were already on vacation we volunteered to go to the campground area a day in advance to set up and prepare for the arrival of two more couples that were to come the following day. This was August 10th 2011 the remainder of our party was to arrive sometime on the 11th and we had plenty of time to set up 4 tents and all the tables, chairs and canopies that we would need to ensure everyone had a great time.

 This area is popular for river recreation and a river float trip was planned for the 12th. We were accompanied by our two dogs a 12 year old border collie and a 5 year old pug. Both well behaved obedient animals who were very happy in the outdoors.

 Upon arrival we selected a prime campsite with plenty of space and shade along a tributary of the Coeur d'Alene river known as Canyon Creek. I should add that a close friend and co-worker of mine was the campground host for this particular area. She and her husband were in a fifth wheel camper about a half mile upstream from our spot. As evening approached we unloaded the firewood and got our fire going.

 We made our dinner and after cleaning up we settled into our chairs by the fire. About this time we were suddenly startled by our dogs who suddenly without warning both darted into the woods between us and the creek. This was atypical behavior for them both as they usually stayed close and were not prone to such behavior. We were somewhat upset by this and got up from our chairs to go after them calling out for them repeatedly. 

 I grabbed my Maglite and as we were entering the woods the dogs came running back as if they were on fire. The border collie ran directly for the truck and jumped into the canopied bed. The pug tried to but failed. My girlfriend lifted the pug into the bed and both dogs cowered in the far corner of the truck bed and we noticed that they were both acting extremely frightened and the collie was staring into the woods behind us.

 This whole event was almost comical and we were laughing trying to calm the dogs.
We had figured they had encountered a bear or cougar and reacted initially with curiosity then discovering their mistake returned post haste after being startled by what they found. I retrieved my pistol from the truck cab and began sweeping the perimeter with the mag trying to see what had caused this ruckus.

 She banked the fire and we yelled out in order to hopefully scare off the critter. This was when I saw in the flashlight beam a large dark colored upright standing creature. It moved off as soon as I saw it and I was unable to catch sight of it again.

 I told her what I had seen and after a quick discussion we decided it must have been a black bear that was attracted to the smell of our cooked food and we decided that no real danger was imminent and that we would have quite a story to tell our friends when they came the next day. After a few minutes the dogs calmed down and left the pickup and went into our tent and lay down.

 We returned to our spot by the now overbuilt campfire. I positioned my chair facing the woods and decided to keep the gun on my lap. Shortly after we sat down we became aware of the fact that we were not alone and that whatever it was had returned. We heard a branch snap and that put us on guard once again. I had had a gut full of this whole mess and stood up and after shouting into the woods pistol and Maglite in hand that I was armed and would shoot.

 At this time a rock flew into our fire sending sparks flying and rolling against the side of our dining canopy. I fired two rounds into the woods at an upward angle and that was answered by the sound of a large branch breaking and we then heard two splashes in the creek followed by the sounds of something moving through the brush on the opposite side of the river.

 Having had enough of this we grabbed our important equipment and loaded the dogs and our belongings into the truck. We extinguished the fire and drove home to Coeur d'Alene trying to make sense of what happened.

 The following morning we returned to the campsite to retrieve our stuff and while we were there I examined the woods where I thought the critter was during the night. I found no notable footprints but the branch that was snapped was found and was about 5-6 inches in diameter and was broken about 7 feet up the tree trunk. I grabbed the rock that struck our fire and canopy and still have it. We told our friends what had occurred and they concurred that we should cancel the trip.

That is all I have. I hope someone reading this will be able to shed some light. Is this worthy of formal reporting? And if so whom do I contact to share this? Thanks for reading and I apologize for the long winded post. I have added a google maps image of the area where this occurred.
"Google at Bottom of Page"

More Idaho Bigfoot Below

9 Feet Tall Bigfoot Observed by MD
Eating Leaves Idaho/Nevada Boarder

Five People Chased by Idaho Sasquatch

Google map of Bigfoot location