Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Large Bigfoot-like Creature Spotted Crossing Highway West of Sierraville


Artist Rendition
Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com
Over 8 foot tall bipedal Sasquatch type
creature observed in North California

Over 8 foot tall bipedal Sasquatch type
 creature observed in North California

Jane writes RMSO
Hello, I enjoy your YouTube channel very much. I saw a BigFoot creature as my husband and I were driving west from Sierraville, CA about 15 years ago. We were driving down a huge hill and off in the distance I saw a LARGE creature walking on 2 legs crossing the highway. It was a solitary figure.  

 My husband did not seen it. It had to have been several hundred yards in the distance but still appeared huge, when we arrived at that location we saw nothing.
That is all I can report. 
Thanks, Jane S

RMSO asks
Were you able to estimate the height, width or weight of the creature?
Could you determine the large creature's color?
What time of day and what time of year did this happen.

Jane continues
My sighting happened in the fall.. late Sept or early Oct.  The creature was reddish brown like a grizzly bear.  It was very tall but we were quite a distance away… 8-10 ft tall.  It was bipedal which clued me in.  It was in the later afternoon 4-5 pm.  We were camping in the area and went to the Sierraville Hot Springs resort for a soak and were on our way back to the campground.  

I’ve never told anyone about my sighting because, I don’t know… people aren’t believers.  I have believed in Yeti since I was a kid.  I’ve always wanted to go to the Himalaya to seek out a Yeti but now I know I saw his first cousin.

I understand you are based in UT.  I lived in UT for 38 years and never heard anyone speak about BigFoot.  The first person I ever heard speak about him was the realtor from SLC who was on Naked and Afraid.  I can’t remember his name. 

I live in WI now… where I was born.  I love UT, wish I could come back but real estate is very expensive.  Take care and I will continue to watch your channel.

More Bigfoot Below

Umatilla Sasquatch Captured 
on Video in Blue Mountains

Bigfoot Captured on Camera & 
Sasquatch Activity Documented in Washington

Fisherman Tracks Bigfoot
near Washington Canada Border

Adygea Bigfoot Captured on Video

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