Email your Bigfoot sighting to rmsobigfoot@gmail.com
"it was at least twice the size of my foot print,
it had stepped on one of my footprints"
Cascade Sasquatch at Hayrick Butte
Shelly writes RMSO
Was watching a recent video of yours where you were going to retrieve some trailcams in the Jarbridge area.
And you asked about sightings anyone may have had. Here is mine.
It was during the 1967 October rifle hunting season, Dad and I always went to two special areas to hunt, one was Hayrick Butte and the other was Quaking Aspen Swamp and Olallie Meadows in the Three Sisters Wilderness, both locate in or near the Cascades of Central Oregon. This was my birthday hunt, I had just turned 16y/o, in a couple years I would be going active duty in the Navy.
On this particular hunt, we were doing the hiking into Quaking Aspen Swamp, Olallie Meadows and towards the Pacific Crest Trail. After about 7-8 miles in, I spotted a large fairly fresh large bare human like footprint in the middle of the trail. It was almost 3x the size of my foot and I have big feet. This print was crossing the trail and heading deeper into the wilderness, usually there are not many hunters in this wilderness area and the only other human we met was the forest ranger coming out on horseback with his pack animals in tow.
I pointed the track out to dad and he did not seem to be to surprised by it, since I did not know anything about Sasquatch or Bigfoot or the Hairy Man of the Mountain, until many years later, I did not think much more about either. We stopped and looked around for a bit, I saw movement in amongst the Ponderosa Pines that, at the time, looked to me like a very large bear standing up against a tree watching us. It was an easy shot away, about 75yds but neither dad nor I had a bear tag, and I did not yet have my cameras like I did after 1971. We just watched it for a few minutes, then went on our way, we made no aggressive movements towards it, i.e. aiming our rifles at it, and it did not act threatening towards us. We just parted ways and that was the end of the sighting.
That was not the only time I saw the large barefoot tracks in the dust in the Central Oregon Cascades, Saw them up on Hayrick Butte near Hoodoo Butte, off the Santiam Highway (US-20) just east of the junction with SR-22, that same year. I will include a photo of Hayrick Butte so you can see what type of terrain it is. This was another of our annual hunts, we always climbed it, in the photo our climb would be from the opposite side. Once on top we would roll the big boulders down off the edge and watch them crash through the lodge pole pine that grew there, that was before all the new roads were put in. After this break we would hike around the edge of the butte top then we would start to hike around the interior. We never expected to shoot a deer but it was just for fun, because it was there and it became an annual tradition.
On one of the hikes around the top, I got this weird feeling that we were being watch, so I told dad, he said it was probably just one of the ghost that dwelled in the area. It was when we got back to our starting point, that I found the first foot print, it was at least twice the size of my foot print, it had stepped on one of my footprints. It was not until we started into the interior of the top, that we heard the first of the grunts and other noises. We also found a few more prints in the dirt, this was the first time that I saw my father worried about something in the woods. Remember, we were both armed with rifles and pistols, dad was an excellent shot, as was myself. All we wanted to do was get down to our rig and leave the butte behind. I would make 2 more climbs to the top with dad before I left for the Navy, I would come home every October for hunting season and my birthday. We continued to climb the butte or hunt in the wilderness, until they changed the hunting rules and those areas were no long in the part of the state where we lived. I have not had an encounter since these two, even on my solo trips into the back country to enjoy my hobby of photography.
The Geology of the butte is; it formed when the area was covered by an ice sheet or glacier. It is known as a tuya volcano, which accounts for its nearly vertical sides. The Photo was shot during the winter ski season from the top of Hoodoo Butte, a cinder cone right next to Hayrick Butte. The butte stands about 563 ft above the surrounding forestlands, the top is essentially flat. There is one easy route to the top and that is a forested spine that ascends from the Hoodoo side of the butte. That forested spine was our descent route after spending most of the day on the top.
Hope this info helps, I have never talked about it or told anyone about this until today, nearly 51+ years after it happened, hope that the info helps.
Shelly A, LPN (ret) (Desert Fox)
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