Thursday, November 2, 2017

Project Go Ask Reo To Post Unedited Monument Wallow YouTube to Clear Up Bigfoot Audio Hoax

Audio expert report after analysis
"At one point you can clearly hear both a human word and a howl playing concurrently. If you solo the side, you can hear the howl, but not the human word. Although spectral audio editing has come a long way, It is still NIGH IMPOSSIBLE to cleanly separate two sounds that originate from the same "piece" of audio. "

Full Report Link Below

Nathan uploaded to his YouTube channel what seemed like the most amazing clip of bigfoot vocalizations, groans & wood knocks. He Named it Monument Wallow. All of the vocalizations sounded human in my opinion.

Soon after the release of this unbelievable video filled with dozens of what Nathan Reo claimed were "bigfoot interactions & vocalizations". Reddit proved that Nathan Reo was adding these amazing audios in post production.

Nathan was using a camera that recorded in mono however whenever a vocalization or wood knock took place in the video it switched to stereo.
Obviously Reo was adding an additional sound track in post production.

Nathan made the claim he was only "enhancing" these sounds already in the video.

Being the nice guy that I am. I recommended to Nathan to post the raw footage to prove the audibles  were really in the video before editing. Seems fair,
an easy way to lay to rest Nathan had not committed the most amazing hoax of audios in bigfoot history.

To this day Nathan has not put out the raw footage? 

Why? Is it because the raw footage is the smoking gun of a complete fabricated fictional video of bigfoot vocalizations?

Not only has Nathan not produced the raw footage to prove it was there before adding a 2nd sound track. He removed it from YouTube. 

He now charges people on Patron 2 bucks to view this video full of hoaxed audibles he claims is bigfoot.

Here is a walk through tutorial of Reditts instructions on how he identified Reo was planting a 2nd sound track in post production.

If Reo was telling the truth he would readily vindicate himself  by showing raw footage.
Where is the unedited video Nathan Reo of Utah Sasquatch? 

You wont produce it because you know there isn't anything in the raw footage. You added the faked audio in post production, a simple hoax &  you have been busted. Apologize. We are not going to let these types of claims be swept under the rug.

Below is the media site that Reo charges 2 dollars a view to watch his video hoax of fake vocalizations and wood knocks.

Put out the Raw Footage Nathan Reo. Prove to us that you did not do what we already know.
Simple way to get past this. Post the raw footage.
 #UtahSasquatchHoax #NathanReoHoax

Here is just one example of Reo not always being forthright. When the audio on his "Monument Wallow" video was questioned, he said that he wouldn't even know how to dub or edit audio. Here is from his "LinkedIn" account from back then:


  1. Right on, keep holding his feet to the fire....

  2. It's not really right to charge someone to have the priviledge of hearing what's been considered fake audio/footage.... I wouldn't pay for any of it when I have my very own encounters on my not have to prove anything to me ..I KNOW
