Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Giant Jardine Juniper Sasquatch Run In With Mountain Trail Runners


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(Written Report Below Video)

Hikers Scary Run In With Giant Bigfoot
 on Jardine Juniper Mountain Trail

Giant Jardine Juniper Sasquatch
 Run In With Mountain Trail Runners

Jeffrey writes RMSO
 My wife and I currently live in Logan. We are in our late 20's early 30's.
A little background on us, we are both extremely outdoorsy people. I am from a remote area on the North Slope of the Uintas and basically live on the mountain, hunting, fishing, logging, hiking, and ranching.  

 I spent 5 years as a wildland firefighter at a high level with the Forest Service and BLM (Dept of the Interior), I absolutely love Wildland Fire (the community, the science, and the history) and have the fondest memories, it took me to some amazing remote areas and tested my mental/ physical phitness to the extreme; I am still involved to a lesser degree. We hike and trail run a ton on the Cache and back home in the Unitas.

I have never had anything weird happen that I can recall, except a few tree knocks and rocks thrown in high elevation lakes. I didn't know what those were at the time and basically just ignored those things.

We are big fans of your channel and Sasquatch Chronicles and Steve with Howtohunt. As we are very outdoorsy the subject of Sasquatch has always been interesting to us. We have pretty open minds and accept that the universe is massive and to think that man or science has all the answers is preposterous.

Now to the incident.
We had been hiking the Jardine Juniper trail a lot this year as well as other trails to get ready for hunting season. The Jardine trail is one of our favorites and we spent a lot of time there this year as it is a good long trail that has little traffic. I had logged about 23 hikes/ runs there this year, sometimes alone, sometimes with my wife and others.

In August of this year, 2021, we started hiking in the evenings because it was so hot in the daytime. We had done a couple evening hikes the first part of Aug with no problems whatsoever. Usually we would make it back to the truck by dark.

On the night that it happened, which I believe was Aug 10, I lost track of time and we got a little bit of a late start. We were above the main switchbacks which is about 3 miles in when it started getting dark on us so we decided to turn around. We were both working fulltime and were hiking this area about 3 times a week at this point, so we didn't always do the full route each time. Usually just a 5-7 mile power hike round trip.

We were pretty sure we were the last ones up there, we had been passed by a couple bikers on the way up. We were moving pretty fast and quiet as we were making our way down the switchbacks, just enjoying the late summer stillness in the large timber. The slope is steep, but the trail winds through the large trees nicely and gives you glimpses of the basin below and high peaks above.

It was twilight, so maybe 15 minutes or so until we needed headlamps to see. We came around this slight turn in the trail right before the large hairpin turn at the bottom of the slope and almost as if caught by surprise, I saw this massive jet black figure go from standing to crouching through a small gap in the timber about 50 yards ahead and just downslope of the trail. Looking back I am surprised that I didn't freeze or turn back to my wife to confirm what we saw, but all that crossed my mind was "that's weird".

Without pause, we kept moving briskly. It was too dark to see detail, but light enough to see our surroundings quite well. Sometimes you think your mind plays tricks on you in the twilight hours, especially in timber with so many shadows.

It seemed like just seconds after seeing the creature, I heard a loud crack against a prominent large tree directly upslope from us on our left. There may have been two cracks, I really can't remember. I turned around thinking that maybe my wife was messing with me and throwing rocks. As I turned and my eyes caught hers, I could tell she wasn't throwing anything as we were both tired and dazed from our hike.

My mind started racing a million miles an hour trying to figure out what animal could do that. The answer is obvious, none. Both of us were frozen there trying to figure out what was going on. Another rock flew directly over us and this time I saw it smack the same tree with unbelievable force. You could feel the air from it as it zipped by. It reminded me of my baseball days, hearing the sound of the seams of a fast pitch whizzing through the air.

I think I quietly mumbled "someone is messing with us". The mind does funny things when full of adrenaline. I could tell that we both came to the same realization at the same time without saying a word, just by looking at her facial expression. That realization was that "Oh we are not alone and it isn't human.

I didn't feel in danger, but needless to say, the feeling was "GET GOING" Which we obliged. I ripped my handgun out of my pack as we moved, but it was almost as if my arm was paralyzed at my side with the gun pointing down at the ground. I felt helpless even with a 10mm in my hand.

 The thought in my mind was, "what good is that going to do" ? Whether it was annoyed or amused I really can't say. I just wanted to put as much space between us and it as quickly as possible. The only way I can describe it is like when someone sees a ghost. The interaction is real, but it isn't normal. You struggle to grasp what happened. It's hard to comprehend things everytime your universe expands.

We moved almost to the point of running until we popped out of the timber and it opened up a bit. Still feeling uneasy as we had a long way to go in the dark, we briefly had to stop to put our headlamps on, not saying a word other than, "that's weird". The whole way out my mind kept trying to reason with what had happened, but I couldn't, it was so deliberate.

We made it back in record time. I didn't put two and two together until we were back at the trailhead. What I saw seconds before it happened was the being that threw the rocks. My wife said she also saw it. "It stood out like a sore thumb". Even though it was getting dark when I saw it, it's blackness was almost radiating against the dark shadows of the forest.

So many emotions were going through me, confusion, anger, intrigue, curiosity. I kept thinking why us and why now ? After all this time in the outdoors ? I wanted to try to write it off as me going crazy, my mind was playing tricks on me. Maybe, if that had happened to me while I was alone, I might have written it off. But I wasn't alone, and what we both experienced was very real !
I was so disturbed by that incident at first. But, I couldn't let this thing control me. I had a couple guys I worked with go back up there with me two nights later. We stopped at the same gap in the timber so I could better gauge its size seeing the pocket it was in in better lighting. It had to have been massive ! The interesting thing is, when we were right next to this thing during its baseball practice, the foliage was too thick to see anything. It had to have been less than 10 yards away. It was also in between two trails as it was a large switchback. One moment we were directly above it, the next we were directly below it. Eerie doesn't begin to describe how we felt. To be so close and not see a thing is unreal.

I also had the guys throw fist sized rocks hard as they could point blank at a large tree in the same area to compare sounds. My blood ran cold as I heard their rocks make little ping sounds compared to loud CRACKS from two nights previous. The realization was creeping in that these things are real and what we had encountered was in fact, a sasquatch.

In the following weeks, I intentionally went back with others in the evening to prove to myself and this creature that I wasn't going to let it control me. I went down so many rabbit holes trying to understand what these things are. I have read and listened to so many other people's accounts, which has helped me a lot. My wife and I love the outdoors too much to let this dictate how we live. For all I know, they have always been all around me, it's just that now I am hyper aware.

Anyways, I know that this incident is pretty tame compared to others, and I'm ok with that ha. I would take rock throwing to screaming or growling any day. I hope that this information is helpful and I would be happy to answer any questions. Feel free to use my first name.

Thanks for all that you do !

RMSO responds
Hi Jeff,
Appreciate hearing from you.
When you saw its black shape, could you estimate the height, width or weight?  Could you see its face or eyes?

Jeff responds
The night it happened, Its sheer size and dark color caught my eye first.  When it rapidly went from standing to crouching as if we caught it by surprise, it made it hard to see the details of its face, but I could tell it was looking right at us. 

Even though it was getting dark, you could still see pretty good. It's dark color was almost radiating against the other shadows of the forest. 

When I went back up there another day, I wanted to get a better idea of the size of this thing in better lighting by peering through the same gap in the timber and seeing the pocket where it stood. 

It had to have been massive. I would put it at 9 feet tall easily, maybe more. It was very broad as well. I've been right next to moose hundreds of times back home in the Uintas, we have also worked many draft horses. This thing made them seem small.   

It still amazes me how when it was throwing rocks a few moments after we saw it, we would have been directly next to it, literally right above it. Closer than 10 yards. The foliage was too thick to see it at that point. Also, because it was in a switchback, we were within 10 yards of it from below. It blended in perfectly.

More Bigfoot Near Same Area

Man Abandons Camp After
 Sasquatch Intimidation Approach

Logan Canyon Bigfoot Video

Elk Hunters Encounter
 Sasquatch at Tony Grove

Beaver Mountain 
Bigfoot Vocalization Investigation

Video of Myakka Skunk Ape Photos Florida's Sasquatch


Cover from next video below
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Swamp Sasquatch of Skunkape Captured on Camera

From Bob Gymlan YouTube
Myakka Skunk Ape Photos
Video of Myakka Skunk Ape Photos
 Florida's Sasquatch

More Bigfoot Below

Skunkape Like Creature 
Captured on Gamecam in Florida

Giant Georgia Skunkape or 
Bigfoot Captured on Game Camera

Skunk Ape Video Florida Bigfoot

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Oregon Sasquatch 8 Feet Tall Human-Like Face | Blood Curdling Hair Raising Scream-Growl


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"15 yards away was an incredibly large animal
 at least 8 feet tall with a human-like face"

Oregon Sasquatch 8 Feet Tall Human-Like Face 
Blood Curdling Hair Raising Scream-Growl

Daniel Gonzalez writes RMSO

It was the summer of 1989, my name is Daniel Gonzalez and you are welcome to use my name, I am now disabled and live in the state of Georgia!

This occurred right on the Pacific Crest Trail in Oregon in the Three Sisters Wilderness Area at the foot of these 3 Volcanoes!

I am a retired Mechanical Engineer, at the time I lived in Hood River, OR. (the Northwest is the Mother load of these creatures) I have never had a psychological issue nor have I ever needed any related help.

I was an avid hunter and had hunted this area numerous times in the previous 10 years, my camp was approx. 6 hours on horseback (after a vehicle could no longer drive) this is an awe inspiring mountain area with very large timber yet open meadows, on this trip my son along with 2 teenage friends of his and I, decided to backpack in, we started at the crack of dawn and arrived at the camp around noon, this trip was just to explore for the upcoming hunting season so my only firearm was a 44 Mag revolver I would always carry into the woods.

When we finally arrived, we cooked, ate lunch and proceeded to scout the area, the day went without any unusual event and we were exited to see abundant game. After it got dark and we went to sleep (around 10PM) all 4 of us in a light nylon tent with semi transparent material, I am a very light sleeper (perhaps as a result of my Vietnam History) at about 2-3 AM I was woken up by very very heavy bi-pedal steps approaching the tent, there was a full moon, the “person” stopped and I could see a very large shadow and I assumed it was just his proximity to the tent  blocking the Moonlight but along with that, there was a very loud breathing which I could only associate with a large animal, by that time I began to become alarmed, I was sure that it was not a bear because I heard the steps from quite a ways, perhaps 30 yards and they were definitely bi-pedal and bears do not walk like that for extended distance. At this moment I believed there were humans trying to scare us or rob us so I grabbed my revolver and out loud said “do not come any closer, I have a gun and will shoot”, the breathing continued for perhaps 30 more seconds, he could not have been further than 3 feet from our tent, by this time all four of us were very awake but then, all of a sudden, we could hear the steps again, this time walking away.

I immediately unzipped the tent door and looked in the direction of the steps and with the full moon and no more than 15 yards we saw this incredibly large hairy animal, at least 8 feet tall, probably more and using my hunting experience I judge his weight at no less that 800lbs, he heard our noise, turned around, we could see his human-like face, the moonlight illuminated him clearly, he led out a blood curling hair raising scream/growl combination that echoed throughout the mountains, we were all terrified, I knew that my revolver could not stop a beast that size before it reached us if he chose to charge but he turned away walking very fast and occasionally looking back and we never heard from it again.

I know there's a lot of skepticism but I have no doubt such species exist, there were 4 of us, we all saw it clearly, we talk about that experience to this day (30 years later) and when I ask the then teenagers if they remember, they all say “as though it happened yesterday”

these boys, are now grown men which pursue the hunting sport including my son and they all have had additional, less dramatic, signs, noises, small rock throwing at the tent at night etc.

For many years we did not talk with anyone other than amongst ourselves, but nowadays there are many sightings.

Please remember we lived for more than a century with Mountain Gorillas and it was only relatively recent that we discovered them.

True Story!

More Bigfoot Below

Rogue Bigfoot Enters Home Terrifies Woman

Sasquatch Attack on Miners in Ape Canyon

The Largest of the Three Bigfoot 
Leaned Into My Face & Gritted His Teeth

Three Bigfoot Suttle Lake

Monday, January 3, 2022

Klamath Tribal Elder Sasquatch Sighting | Encounters | Interview


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Rare interview with Tribal Elder about his Bigfoot encounter

From Mac Savage YouTube
Klamath Indian Bigfoot Sighting [2021]
Klamath Tribal Elder Sasquatch Sighting | Encounters | Interview

Two Days of Bigfoot | Pacific Northwest

Appears to be Bigfoot watching Les Stroud
 as he nearly slides off cliff ledge

Angry Reaction from Pine Creek Bigfoot 
during Surprise Encounter with a Night Skier