Monday, March 7, 2016

Tahkanitch Sasquatch Reported by Camper

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Six Campers Face to Face with Bigfoot near Float House Dock

Tahkanitch Sasquatch Reported by Camper

  Brandon D. writes RMSO
 Hey guys my name is Brandon D I'm 28 years old  in may of 2012 my family and I were at my grandparents floathouse with them on Tahkanitch lake on the Oregon coast. Its between Florence and Redsport. 

 On the first night we seen a black bear at around 9 pm kinda strange time for a bear but the 2nd night I was sitting around the fire pit cat fishing and I hear what I thought was my grandpa hammering something. It was loud I could hear it over the generator, so I went around the dock inside and everyone looked at me and asked me what I was fixing. I said umm that wasn't me, so me and my wife step out to smoke a cigarette and I hear a branch snap.

 So I turned on my head lamp and pointed it across the cove about 60 yards and we can see 2 huge blueish green eyes staring at us and I know what cougar eyes look like and bear eyes. They were spaced apart a good distance more than a bear or cougar and about 2 mins later it stood up grabbed a tree branch and walked off. From what I could see it was about 7.5 to 8 ft tall. 

 Now I was out their in the beginning or april 2014 with 4 of my friends and we where playing music and laughing and having a good time. Then something threw a rock on the roof of the house I don't know what, I didn't see anything. But last I checked bears don't throw rocks and neither do any other kind of animals. And we are 2 miles out on the lake and the only way there is by boat or hike over the mountain. And it was midnight so I don't think it was a person . Then june 15 2014 I had my wife my son and daughter and 3 of her friends out their all teenagers 13 years old except sydney she was 12. I was cat fishing and I heard my wife and daughter and her friends scream, so I ran around the dock and 40 feet away is an 7 or 8 foot tall hairy creature standing there staring at us. 6 people seen this, if it was a murder case and 6 people said they seen it case closed right. So why not with sasquatch? If you need any more info please call me at XXX-XXX-XXXX ask for brandon thank you.

More Oregon Bigfoot Below

Tracking Sasquatch at Famous 
Paul Freeman Bigfoot Video Location

Clackamas River Bigfoot

Three Bigfoot at Suttle Lake

Rogue Bigfoot Enters Home Terrifies Woman
Bigfoot sighting report Mt St Helens late 60's

Hi, I do enjoy watching your bigfoot stories! I would like to tell you of my brothers experience as he too was a logger, or lumberjack. This took place back in the late 60's. He and his buddies had finished up thier jobs and were loading up all the equipment for the day of cutting trees. It was in the Mt St Helens area in Wash state. They all jumped into the truck started making their way down the mountain when a big black thing jumped out unto the dirt road. It stood there with amberish red eyes looking at them for some odd seconds then took one step out of the road in to the tundra. Now my brother told me they had to slouch down in their seats and bend their necks to look "UP" at the creature! I to this day will never forget that story. I am 63 and my brother is 69, and from time to time he and i discuss that night he saw sasquach he believes it was he also shakes when telling that story.

Jimmy O's Bigfoot Sighting Report near Grants Pass

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Man-Like Wild Hominid-Offshoot of Sorts Dashes Across Road

Jimmy O's Bigfoot Sighting Report near Grants Pass

Jimmy O writes RMSO 
 Greetings,  how you doing?  Hey, just to let you know, i actually saw a tall scrawny juvenile Bigfoot, I think.  It definitely wasn't human btw, but they DO seem like an "offshoot" man like wild hominid of sorts. That said, I think the reason I saw it was that I wasn't looking for it - it happened by chance.

 Anyway,  if you are interested in hearing my story - get a hold of me. Ps: I remember the EXACT location where I saw the creature dashing across the hwy. What an experience! Jim

 Okay,  here goes. I was driving south on I-5 freeway at approximately 7 pm, I had to get gas and I got off an exit for gas something like a hr from grants pass Oregon.  Anyway,  I was driving my mom home from WA heading south bound we we're arguing about why i got lost and headed north around a mile. Then I found the right on ramp and I was driving again so bound on I-5. 

 Anyway,  I said why don't we have a cigarette as we calmed down. Then mom was looking for a misplaced lighter and there I saw a large dark colored creature dashing across the freeway northeast as if in hunting mode. Atleast that's what I thought.  But I think it was investigating me! It was looking, or dashing towards my van diagonally across the freeway!  I was really trying to see it but all I noticed was it had a short 'no neck' feature, also,  it was scrawny and I guess a bit over 7'+ TALL , but it was extremely coordinated.  Or in had a total graceful run... 

 I was yelling, " mom, mom, look Bigfoot is running across the hwy!" Sadly she did not see it. Oh, and I damn near hit it! I swear to God I saw it's thigh and torso,  but it's head must have been taller than my gmc safari van as I braced for impact - it barely cleared my bumper! 

 And get this, Bigfoot actually must have strided right over a concrete median! I swear to God strike me dead I tell you the truth - Bigfoot is for real -period.  

 I could take you to location if interested,  
I think I got lucky seeing it! I also believe - reason I got lucky was because I wasn't looking for it. It was a chance exp / encounter.  But it definitely cleared any doubts I ever had of Bigfoot being a hoax.  Honestly,  it was sort of frightening!  Jim

 I think I might go back to location to see if there's any tracks, hairs or any evidence I could find. It was near a creek I do know that for sure. Well, I had jotted down land marks, sign posts etc...Anyway,  I told my story to a gal smokin a cig- just to clear my head. 

 Anyway, she believed me and also told me her son claims he saw one pick up road kill (deer) throw it over it's shoulder and go back into the woods at or near Oregon caves. Wow! If ever I'd go there I'd bring my 30/30 as backup as I definitely would feel safer. 

 But i definitely would not want to harm bf at all. But i might if it attacked. I'd do a warning shot first to scare it away. If this doesn't work i would have to shoot it dead. That being said,  I don't want to kill Bigfoot so I haven't gone out yet. I'm sorta busy right now with my own life -otherwise I'd possibly be checking out that creek I saw Bigfoot dash across hwy.

 Anyway,  I was amazed at Bigfoot's graceful dash, I was amazed at it's scrawny but coordinated fitness, and - the hair! It was sorta shaggy,  dark,  but had either lighter brown,  or reddish hairs as my vans lights made it look so.

More Oregon Bigfoot Sightings Below

Rogue River Sasquatch Takes Fisherman's Salmon

Three Bigfoot Suttle Lake

Oregon Sasquatch 8 Feet Tall Human Like Face
Blood Curdling Hair Raising Scream Growl

Rogue Bigfoot Enters Home Terrifies Woman

Diamond Lake Bigfoot

Scare Canyon Bigfoot

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Dog Alerts Owners to Sasquatch Sneaking Up to Camp
Scare Canyon Bigfoot
Jenna writes RMSO
 Hi there. I just commented on your monte Cristo youtube video and you commented back saying you\'d like to hear my story. Well, I\'m emailing it to you because it\'s a bit long for youtube comments. Lol.

   My name is Jenna and back is 2006 my husband and I were taking a weekend and scouting for deer in the mountains. We drove up Monte Cristo to ant flat road and after a few hours in the mountains, we stopped in a place that I\'ve only ever heard called \"scare canyon\". It was a neat little area with a grove of quakies  and a stock pond about 100 yards away. We had about an hour of daylight left so We set up camp for the night in the grove of trees. We slept in the back of our pickup so setup was pretty easy. We built a small fire to cook dinner and sat around until it got pretty dark. (It was a full moon, so it wasn\'t super dark). We had our heeler dog with us and she was sort of exploring and roaming around just outside of the fire light.

 Well, I started to get an uneasy feeling sitting around the fire so I climbed into the bed of the truck and continued talking with my husband. About 10 minutes later our dog starts running around the fire (still just outside of the light) like crazy. She was wimpering and crying,running and jumping. It was weird because she has been around big game before and it never bothered her. Anyway, she comes running out of the darkness and jumps into the bed of the truck, she curls up behind my back and she is shaking like a leaf. I hurry my husband into the truck and he reluctantly gets in.

 He falls asleep pretty quickly. The dog always sleeps on my feet, so she was curled up near the tailgate. I was just dozing off when I felt her shift and sit up. She started to growl very low. I told her to lay down but she continued to sit there and growl at something. About 5 minutes goes by of her growling and I sit up to see what it is.

 I look towards the dirt road (about 75 feet from us) and there in the moonlight stands this HUGE animal. At first I thought it was a moose, but he would have had to be standing facing me. As I watched this thing (for what seemed like and hour, but was only 2 or 3 minutes) it starts to walk downhill towards the stock pond. I panicked because it was huge! !

  I laid back down hoping it wouldn\'t come hear the truck, when I sat back up a few minutes was gone. I estimated it to be between 8 and 9 feet tall. Extremely wide shoulders and thick. I could see Some muscle definition in the bright moonlight. I tried waking my husband but he wouldn\'t. If my dog could talk, I swear she could tell you more details! Haha.

Dog Alerts Owners to Sasquatch Sneaking Up to Camp

More Bigfoot Same Mountain Range

Pissed Off Sasquatch Monte Bigfoot Sighting Hot Spot

Bigfoot Approaches Cop & 
Terrorizes Two Men With Hunting Dogs

Giant Midnight Mountain Bigfoot Glares with 
Irritation Confronting Hunters

Jet Black Flagstaff Bigfoot

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Driver Spots Sasquatch Preparing to Cross Road
Jet Black Flagstaff Bigfoot

Phillip M Reports Seeing Bigfoot near Flagstaff
 Seen one preparing to cross the route 89 north from Flagstaff to the reservation one summer evening, right after sundown. The "creature," was standing very still near a tree trunk trying not to be noticed. Jet black, 8 to 10 feet tall, and at first I thought it was a horses tail blowing in the light mountain breeze so I slowed down, and turned on my halogen full beam lights. 

 Then, thought is this a bear, but realized it was standing to up and was too tall to be a bear! When I scanned down again, I noticed huge dark skinned colored fingers under the jet black 5 to 10 inch strands of of matted shiny hair! I could not see the feet, since the grass was knee high, but the upper body was clearly displayed. I even was able to see the huge fit body and enormous upper body muscles on the arms, like it could scale a 45 degree wooded mountain or kill a deer by running it down and breaking its neck for food. 

 As I got closer, I realized the enormous size and strength this creature had, and its intelligence to using the dark to hide in plain view! I freaked out and took off on 89 North near the Volcano national park turn off near by. 

 This happened before the two road 89 was made, when it was a single two-way single road going North from Flagstaff, during a drought season in the summer. This creature was more thinking being and less ape animal to me, that was more reason to take off down the road. 

 This area is known for deer crossing, so that is why I think it frequents this area waiting for prey. It could not have grew this large, and maintained the strength it had eating nuts or plant life alone, it needed a high protein source, like deer or other large mammal! 

 The creature I saw was not like the famous California film reel creature, but very fit, tall, and looked more like a male, with its face covered in long hair. I guess it pushed its hair over it face to hide its eyes and to better hide in plain view. 

 I was lucky to see this creature, since it blended in so well in the dark, and near the tree trunks while it stood still. The only reason I seen it was the slight curve in the road and the headlights of the car hitting directly on the creature and the trees. 

 When the wind or breeze blew, it moved the tall grass and hair, but not the fingers and then I thought it was a horse's tail or a large mammal of some type. Then I just blasted the road with my high beam lights, and there it was in plain view. A vehicle was behind me and coming both 100 yards or more. I am usually cautious in this area since I don't want to hit a crossing deer.

More Arizona Sasquatch

Troll Like Sasquatch

Search For Mogollon Monster

Campers Harassed by Monster Knoll Lake

Frightened Girl Says Bigfoot Stepped Toward Her

Bigfoot Activity North Bear Lake

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Ovid Worker Harassed on Night Shift by What He Thinks is Sasquatch

Bigfoot Activity North Bear Lake

Douglas writes RMSO 
Reports what may be Bigfoot activity in Bear Lake County Idaho

Ok so I've got a few stories of weirdness that has happened sense I move to the super rural area of Bear Lake county Idaho. And I hope its okay for me to post here, just interested in what others think of these two stories.

I'll start with then more recent event, or series of events. I moved here sept 4th 2015. I got a job at the lumber mill in Ovid to help me get set while I wait to get a job at one of the many mines. I work the night shift. During my shift I am the ONLY person at the mill. Its 4 miles to the nearest town in either direction. ( Ovid is not a registered town, no one lives here)

It started my first night alone after my training. At first it was just an overwhelming feeling of "fight or flight" any time I was outside from an hour after dark til I was in my truck heading home. That was the whole first week.

Week two things escalated. The building I work in is broken in to two sections. My section is where I run a big drying machine, the other half is a pellet mill. I was watching my control board and at around ten at night a loud, and I mean loud crash came from the pellet mill. So loud my first thought was hand gun was just fired. I was so on edge I called my wife and had her bring my side arm to me. While I was on the phone with her I went and investigated. A stack of 2x4s we use to make pallets was knocked over and spread cross the floor. The pellet mill is very dusty. There were no shoe prints. So no one was inside. The 2x4s were stacked against the wall.
After that i just brought my side arm everyday.

The second night of the week is when the whistling started. At this point I was convinced someone was messing with me. So I made a plan to confront the butt heads if it happened again. The third night had no whistles but a metel pipe was knocked off the wall and made a racket. Scared the crap out of me to be honest. Then night four. I went out to check the machine and herd three whistles from three different directions. I thought great I can catch these trespassing a holes. I started my persuit. Issuing commands to show them selves and letting them know they were trespassing.

Our building has numerous bins around it, and the last whistle I herd came from the dry bin on the side of the pellet mill. As I started in that direction flashlight and gun in hand I saw someone (or something) crouched looking around the bin at me. When I was close enough to the bin to focus my light I could see legs and feet walking along the front of the bin toward the side of the pellet mill. (There is a two or three foot gap from the bottom of the bin to the ground.) I again started with commands and threats. Made it around the corner and nothing. No boot prints to people nothing. Just the same intense "fight or flight" feeling.

After engaging what ever it was I havnt had another issue since. No whistles, no bangs, no fight or flight feeling.
Looking back at the 2x4 and pipe incidents the only way that they could have fallen was from the thin metal wall being hit forcably from out side... Now it could have been kids driving 4miles every night for almost two weeks just to mess with me, or it was something else.

The other strange occurrence that happened was shortly after we moved here. And its a much shorter story. I took my wife and youngest son (one and a half) on a little hike up a canyon just west of Montpelier reservoir. About a mile up the canyon we got into the timber. We found a really cool rock formation and decided to hangout there and let the boy explore and play. Make note that on the way up our son had fallin a few times and cried for a bit each time. It was after the second fall that I noticed the smell. Almost like what elk smell like, but different in a musky way. Well while at the rock formation the boy wanted to go down hill and we were holding him there so we could check out the rocks a bit more. This made him wine and act out. He was being very loud. We got him to quit down and almost as soon as he quit making noise we herd the yell. It sounded like 300 or so yards up the canyon. It started in a deep bellowing to a very intense man like yell and ended into a high pitched squill. Never in my life have I herd any noise like that. I havnt found a sound that is even close since. As soon as the yell stopped (lasted 10seconds or close to) we both looked at each other and decided to get the hell out of there. We both had that being watched feeling until we were out of the timber and around a bend where we could no longer see into the canyon.
I can't explain these things and thought this would be the page to share them on. Thanks for reading!

Bigfoot Encounters Near Bear Lake Below

Giant Midnight Mountain Bigfoot Glares with 
Irritation Confronting Hunters

Camper Abandons Camp After Bigfoot Intimidation

Four Bigfoot Encounters Ovid to St Charles

Obnoxious Sasquatch Throws Rocks at Us After Dark

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 Oregon Coastal Bigfoot Locals Nicknamed Sam Dark

Obnoxious Sasquatch Throws Rocks at Us After Dark
 Ed writes RMSO 
 When I was about 13, I remember going camping in the early 60s with a friend over night in the woods over looking our town on the Oregon coast and we both heard something walking around in the brush around our camp.

 A couple days later we went back to the spot to play around, and on the way home something began throwing rocks at us, as we neared the edge of the forest. We believed it was this obnoxious neighborhood kid, and as I saw a partial glimpse of something with black hair, I thought it was his dog, but when we confronted him about it, he swore he was at his grandmother's house, out of state, all that summer, and didn't have a dog.

  A little over a mile from there a few years later, one guy claimed a bigfoot stepped in front of his car then it ran away down some railroad tracks. A couple days after that a farmer told the local paper he saw one on the edge of his field.

 In 1971, I had just turned 21 and was drinking beer at night at a friends house . I stepped into the backyard to relieve myself and there was something with glowing red eyes looking at me maybe 30 ft. away. I figured it must be a deer. I came back the next day and walked over to check out the deer tracks and there was a big drop off there, with a 2x12 retaining walk. So, whatever was looking at me had to be at least 8 ft. tall. This was maybe a mile from the rock throwing 8 years earlier.

 Incidentally, something used to bang on the side of my friend's house there. He began to call it Sam Dark, because it would only come around after dark.

More Oregon Bigfoot Below

Oregon Sasquatch 8 Feet Tall Human Like Face
 Blood Curdling Hair Raising Scream Growl

Three Bigfoot Suttle Lake

Rogue Bigfoot Enters Home Terrifies Woman

Bigfoot Takes Fisherman's Salmon Rogue River Oregon

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Mike Hansen Podcast

Podcast with RMSO team member Mike Hansen
We discuss Mike's experiences searching for Bigfoot with Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization.

Highlights Mike Hanson Bigfoot Expeditions