Friday, August 23, 2024

Terrifying Bigfoot Encounter Above Brigham Bench


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Two Grouse Hunters Confronted by Mitton Sasquatch

 When he reached me he was out of breath and bleeding all over from those thorns. Kenny was shaking and crying. I had to keep telling him that I saw it run away when he fired the shotgun.
I would say it was 8 feet tall, dark reddish-brown hair with a white cap. It kept coming closer to Kenny.

Terrifying Bigfoot Encounter Above Brigham Bench

More Utah Bigfoot Below

Devils Hole Sasquatch Growls At Hunter Near Pete's Cabin

Bigfoot Staring Match Wasatch Mountains

Wasatch Sasquatch Raids Trout Farm

Mica Hulk Bigfoot Like Creature Captured on Game Camera 

Bigfoot Encounter at Tony Grove & Motorists Nearly Hit Sasquatch

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