Thursday, August 1, 2024

Game Camera image purported Dogman, could it be Bigfoot, Skunkape or something entirely different?

(200% Enlarged - Original Below Next Video)

North Carolina Bigfoot Like Cryptid Captured
on Gamecam Purported to Be Dogman

Game Camera image purported Dogman, could it be Bigfoot, 
Skunkape or something entirely different?

 Found this incredible recent image and tracked down what looks to be the oldest post by joeyy on reddit. There is a caption stating "Dogman caught on trail cam in NC last night".
The subject appears to be a real animal or creature with muscle definition.

More East Coast Bigfoot Around North Carolina

Virginia Lick Fork Bigfoot Encounter Captured on Camera

Strange Creature Captured on Gamecam in Flatwoods of Kentucky

Georgia Sasquatch on Game Camera

Woman Captures Bigfoot on Camera Following Her

Blue Ridge Bigfoot Screaming
Outside Virginia Home by Woman Alone at Night

Bartlett Bigfoot Captured on Video in New Hampshire

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