Friday, August 16, 2024

Giant Garland Sasquatch, Uinta Evidence & Dog Alerts Fishermen to Maple Canyon Bigfoot


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Maple Canyon Sasquatch kicked-up by German Shepherd,
Uinta Bigfoot Evidence & Giant Garland Sasquatch

Giant Garland Sasquatch &
Dog Alerts Fishermen to Maple Creek Bigfoot

More Bigfoot Below

Bigfoot Out Paces 25mph Truck on
Rock Creek Dirt Road in Wasatch Mountains

Homestead Harassed by Bigfoot on Outskirts of Coalville

Logan Canyon Sasquatch Filmed from Swan Flat

Recent Bigfoot Encounter at Tony Grove &
Motorists Nearly Hit Giant Road Crossing Sasquatch

Giant Midnight Mountain Bigfoot
Glares with Irritation Confronting Hunters

Bigfoot Approaches Cop & Terrorizes Two Men With Hunting Dogs

Hardware Ranch Sasquatch Monte Cristo Bigfoot

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