Monday, July 29, 2024

Wildman Captured on Video after Episode of Mouth Popping at Bigfoot Investigation Location


Cover from next three videos below
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Appears like this creature is using hide or buckskin
as a head cover in Bowles Creek, Montana

Montana Wildman Captured on Video after Episode of Mouth Popping.

 During a Bigfoot sighting investigation at Bowles Creek, Montana.  Jenny & Kelly hear a mouth pop below a ridge while doing a sighting report video. They direct the camera in the direction of the mouth popping noise heard twice. After posting the Bigfoot sighting report video. Viewers point out a face hidden in the trees during the search for the source of the mouth pops.
Was a person or creature hiding under the tree while investigators searched of the Bigfoot reported at this location?

Horseman Surprise Sasquatch in Bowles Creek

Is this the face of Bigfoot or Wildman in Bowles Creek Montana?

Bowls Creek Wildman/Bigfoot Slowed 125% & Stabilized

More Montana Bigfoot

Montana Sasquatch Filmed While Wood Knocking

Yreka Bigfoot Leaning Out from Behind a Tree after Vocalizing

Bauman's Deadly Bigfoot Encounter in the Bitterroots

Bigfoot Takes Food from Montana Cabin

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