Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Agitated Bigfoot Creature with Long Arms Displayed Claw Like Fingernails


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Several Hiking Encounters with Sasquatch

From Animal Planet YouTube
These 3 Bigfoot Sightings Aren't Uncommon on This Family's Property

Agitated Bigfoot Creature with Long Arms
Displayed Claw Like Fingernails

More Sasquatch Encounters

Bigfoot Out Paces 25mph Truck
on Rock Creek Dirt Road in Wasatch Mountains

Bigfoot on camera watching survivalist in Romania Mountains

Bigfoot Turns & Looks at Couple from 20 Yards at Red Rocks Park

Bigfoot Captured on Camera in Colorado &
Cascade Hiker Ran Off Mountain by Two Sasquatch

Virginia Lick Fork Bigfoot Encounter Captured on Camera

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