Friday, March 1, 2024

Omak Sasquatch Surprises Two Swimmers near Tye River


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(Written Report Below Next Video)
Two Swimmers confronted by Bigfoot
as they climb out of a swimming hole

Omak Sasquatch Surprises
Two Swimmers near Tye River

James K writes RMSO
I had an encounter,  never told anyone for fear of judgement and ridicule. I know what I saw, I was there. Cascade mountains 2015

 I was on highway 2 heading east on my way to Omak Washington, it was a super hot sunny day later in the evening, my car had no air conditioning so me and my buddy  decided to pull off the road and jump in the river to cool off a little bit.

 We were just outside of sultan not quite to Stevens pass found a little spot and went for a swim. It was a secluded little spot just off the road where you couldn't see it from the road but I remembered it from when I was a kid, anyway we were on the other side of the river climbing out of the water getting ready to swim back to the other side and move on.

 I got out of the water heard something in the bushes in there he or she was. Staring right at us. I think he was as surprised to see us as we were surprised to see him. He was probably 25 ft away right there playing today partially behind some brush just behind the tree line that bordered the riverbank. I froze as did Travis my buddy.

 The creature simply turned and bound off into the forest effortlessly. He didn't do anything threatening, he actually looked surprised. And as soon as he was there he was gone with a few strides and disappeared into the forest. It happened so fast it's hard to say how big the creature was I would say between 7 and 10 ft tall and easily 500 lb or better.

 I came away from this experience shocked and full of disbelief, as did Travis but we never felt threatened at any point he was just like a chance encounter it's really hard to explain kind of like you had to be there to understand I was there and I still don't fully understand but I know what I saw and Travis knows what he saw. So that's my story of my encounter if I hadn't had a friend with me who saw exactly what I saw I might think I was going crazy but it is what it is and looking back I'm really kind of grateful it was scary and exhilarating at the same time....

RMSO responds
What color was the creature? It looked surprised. Can you explain the face features or eyes?

James continues
It was kind of a reddish brown I guess. The face just looked like an unkept beard kind of super long hair matted up, his eyes were wide like we surprised him he turned and started off into the brush, he ran on two legs so it wasn't a bear. It's really hard to describe features my heart was pounding. We got on the river maybe 40 yards upstream from where we got out and saw him we floated down so I guess we sort of snuck up on him in a sense. He went his way we went ours swam back across the river and hightail it to the car.

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