Friday, November 1, 2019

Timpanogas Sasquatch Utah Bigfoot

Cover is an example for Bigfoot reported below
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Thomas M writes RMSO after watching the video clip from below report.

 I had one walk within 50 feet of me September 27, 2000 on the front side of Timpanogas while I was muzzle loader hunting. I was sitting on a shale patch just above a group of short scrubby aspens.

 I had just come though this patch of aspens and I had made a lot of noise. This stand of aspens growing at that altitude and area do not grow over about 15 feet high and are very close together, so much it is very hard to move through them.

 I had come out of the trees and sat down on the shale about 15 feet higher than the trees and maybe 20 feet up the hill from them.

 As I sat there I heard something coming from the South to North through the trees, it was making a lot of noise and I could tell it was big. I thought it was a moose.

Once it got closer I could tell it was on two legs, then thought it was a person. When it got about 50 feet in front of me I couldn't see it because of the leaf canopy but I called out, "hey are you another hunter?" It froze and didn't move, I called out again and it didn't respond or move.

 I glassed  and glassed the spot where I knew it was but couldn't see anything. I called out many times over 10 or so minutes and it didn't move or respond. 

I couldn't figure why if it was a hunter he wouldn't respond, I know if someone called out to me I would have yelled back not to shoot.

I continued up the face of Timp and didn't think anything else about it. Years later I got thinking about it and realized what it probably was.

I also had rocks thrown at me up rock canyon back in 91-92 and I've heard wood knocks in that canyon.

Most recently my mother in-law told us she was woken up by wood knocking at her cabin at 2-3 AM one summer morning. Her cabin is up by Smith and More House.

Video Below is near Thomas's Bigfoot experience. He messaged us after watching it.

Lone Peak Bigfoot Video

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