Thursday, November 7, 2019

Black Mountain Sasquatch

Email your Bigfoot sighting to

Desmond Writes RMSO
Hey I just saw your black mtn Video

 I live in Brigham and I got some pictures of a track that I found up there and I think I still have a tree break pic and some weird scat that I've never seen up there before. But mostly every time I hike that trail I get a feeling that something is watching me and by that time there is no birds or anything around.

RMSO Responds
Right on. Had a hunch some of the sightings in and around Sardine Canyon me be from a Bigfoot that comes through for resources on and around Black Mountain. 

Desmond writes
Yeah! I've been up there my whole life I've been all over those mtns. And I've looked on BFRO and there was a sighting there by some grouse hunters.
Me and my dad thought it was weird. Here are some of my pictures.

Desmond continues
We were grouse hunting and we came to this clearing its on the north side of the mtn. At the end of it there were a bunch of aspens. To the left of the aspens there's a trail that goes up further. On our way up it looked like a lean-too was built in a weird spot right off the trail. We looked around for anything out of the ordinary because my dads on sherrifs SAR. We didn't find anything. We continued up the trail and found a spring with a pond. And it looked like on a pine tree there used to be a tree stand. And to the right of it there was a aspen with the top half snapped in half.

We went back down a little and to our right was another trail we took it and found the run off from the pond. And there were a bunch of animal tracks there and looked like a foot print of a heel but mostly looked like a boot with no tread. And to the right of that was a very small clearing and with it looked like a apple tree, And that is where I found the print with the toes and I don't know I didn't believe it so I took a picture.

And to my Right was some white scat. I got a closer look and it was pretty big comparted to the coyote scat that I've found in the past. And it was white color..(my dogs would make scat like this after we would let them have bones.) as of right now I'm looking north and the mtn is on my back side. And we got the weirdest feeling and it only starts when we are near that mtn.

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