Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Colorado Bigfoot Lost Creek Wilderness

Email your Bigfoot sighting to RMSObigfoot@gmail.com

Jaylene Radestock comments in 
Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Sightings

My second experience with Sasquatch
Segment 4, Colorado trail.
June 2019

 My son and I decided to go do an overnight hiking trip. I was training to hike the CT as a through hike in the next few months. I had checked out the segment 3 a couple of times, so I wanted to check out 4. Seemed great according to the book.

 My son and I started in on a nice trail, which soon turned into a old jeep trail that lead to lost creek wilderness area, you have to sign in at a check box. After my son and I continued to hike in, I started to get very unsettling feeling. I didn't say anything to my son as I didn't want to freak him out (11 at the time) He was a little behind me at times, which made me a little frustrated cause I knew he could keep up and I'd turn around and he'd be forever down the trail. I was like you have to keep up, Mtn. Lions like kids, easier to catch.

 He got the hint soon after I said that. Anyways, as we're walking, we start to see huge trees laying over the trail, first I was like okay that's gotta be from the snow fall we just had. Then I'd see that the base of the tree had roots, however the hole to the tree was no where around., these were huge trees. No way human could carry these nor why would they do this? Then another few feet up we start to see many X trees, I knew then we were in Sasquatch territory. The next huge tree had been cut down at some point, however the stump again no where in sight. My son started to say at this point, can we turn around? I feel funny. I said no were fine. Your just paranoid.

We see trees shoved in other trees that went over the top of the trail that we had to walk under, the forest go really thick with trees at many points and very eery like, I wanted to turn back, however didn't  cause it was getting late and I knew there wasn't anyone nearby as we hadn't passed anyone in a while, I didn't feel comfortable to go back. There was a couple in front of us a few feet with a dog, I kept seeing them every so often. 

 We got to camp, things seemed not as intense there, still got a creeped out feeling though. The people with dog, camped near us, then we got some more neighbors about 3 hours after settled in, came in from the same way we did. They camped by us, I think they felt the same creepiness I did, I could see it in their faces.

 That night, was spooky. There was a haze in the distance, tree knocking all over the place and close by, howls, and something came into the camp area, you could hear it walking around. I had to pee so bad and was like nope, I'm not getting out! The dog was going crazy barking at that point and didn't stop for a few hours. I just laid there wishing I didn't come out here.

 The next day, it was cold from rain, we packed up and hiked out. The neighbors left before we did and in the other direction. We headed out about 8 am, I didn't want to leave earlier, just cause animals tend to still be out! Lol I was absolutely scared out of my mind.. I didn't like the feeling I had at all.

 On our way back, we saw a few other campers along the route, which was kinda nice.. However I started to feel like, something was watching us walk, I kept scanning the area, stopped and listening, I'd hear knocks, told myself they were woodpeckers..lol I saw a few times black shadows in the near distant trees and would just look, my son was really scared at this point, He asked if sasquatch was in the area.. I said most likely and we just need to talk and keep moving.

We had a bear bell in case there was a bear in the area. We tapped out trekking poles very so often. He got so scared he started to cry. I said, if its sasquatch, they're not going to hurt us,  they're just as interested in us as we are in them. If it's a bear or lion, they most of the time want nothing to do with you. However we need to stay alert and keep moving. I also got a feeling that there maybe spirits in there, possibly a burial ground near by?

 The vibe in that area is just creepy. Once your out of the wilderness area, the feeling goes away. I took photos and I got tall dark images in them, yet weren't there when I took the picture. I heard them, I felt there presence, not entirely sure if I saw them or not. Definitely heavy with markings. 

 Out of all places I've hiked, this is the only place I have ever felt so uncomfortable. I recently posted on the CT Facebook page. I have gotten about 40 people that say they felt the same vibe and some have heard the same sounds I did.

 If you go to this area to look for them, take some buddies, don't go solo.. 

RMSO Response
Colorado boasts the most reported Bigfoot sightings in all of the Rocky Mountains.
These sighting reports motivates our team to search for this elusive giant in these bigfoot sighting hot spots.

 Our team did a bigfoot expedition roughly 7 miles Northwest of where you had your experience.

RMSO Colorado Bigfoot Expedition

More Colorado Bigfoot Below

Miner Spots Bigfoot near Silverton

Women Terrified by Bigfoot Animas Forks

Lime Creek Colorado Bigfoot


  1. I find it gratifying that it's becoming common knowledge that they do exist. I've had many encounters myself that have been difficult to share. I have great respect for them and their well being.

    1. I know it changed you life forever and boy am I envious you go to actually see one. Would you mind sharing your story with me where you work etc. how old the whole 9 yards.

      I spent my life in the woods growing up literally every single day of my life... Never even considered Bedford thought of it I was one with the woods-though I do remember a walk I took a couple years ago and my old stomping grounds and I had the creepiest feeling that I was being watched.

      And then another time and I cannot remember where it was-And I remember it was sunny out in the middle of the woods somewhere and I was talking to somebody maybe where is my husband I just can’t picture where it was but I remember looking down and seeing a human footprint that was of normal size and thinking what the hell is somebody doing out in the middle of the snow without and I remember it was sunny out in the middle of the woods somewhere and I was talking to somebody maybe was my husband I just can’t picture where it was but I remember looking down and seeing the human footprint that was of normal size and thinking what the hell is somebody doing out in the middle of the snow without his shoes on. Again this is before I clicked into big for two years.

      anyway if you feel like sharing it be very cold here. 😉🙏🏻

  2. I've been a hiker since I was a kid in the Boy Scouts and yes, I've seen plenty of what we now know are tree structures and other things. Thanks for assembling such a comprehensive website on the subject and kudos for your circumspect examination of the subject.
